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Everything posted by Daphene

  1. I recently read "the list" by smak978 and love the slytherins in this and the fact they adopt harry. does anyone know any other fics with this in? harry doesnt have to be sick. By this I mean the slytherins.
  2. ty xxx
  3. So Im looking for a fiction where harry is in gringotts and I remember Lucious is called in to explain being a lord or heir, as harry doesnt know all this cos of dumbledore. After he is sent to live with the malfoys cos of the dursleys and dumbledore. I remember there being alot about lords and a political harry in this. there was lots of times where there were sessions in the court, and i think dumbles was using his seats, potter and black, without him knowing. there was also a section where ron questioned him being with the malfoys and harry answered that it was nice to have any family or something along those lines. Thankuou if you can help as I really would like to reread it, but cant seem to find it in my searches. Im also looking for one about lords, its a dark light one. I remember that the lords are called to a circle, i think stonehenge, and harry walks around the ring greeting the lords and ladies, however the dark is missing many as voldie marked them. The third is where the basilisk venom does something to harrys blood and it becomes an acid, and his tears heal.
  4. Hi Im looking for a story I read a few months ago, but can not remember the name. Harry goes back in time and raises or adopts snape. I remember that Harry comes across Snape in knockturn ally. Tia xxx
  5. Daphene

    Sick Harry

    i forgot to add “the list” by smak978, it isnt finished but its a good read
  6. Daphene

    Sick Harry

    the apple tree http://archiveofourown.org/works/4241040, i think its on fanfiction too. its slash with snape. harry ends up in a muggle military base, needing medical help if i remember right faith https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1318020/10/Faith too but i cant really remember that fic at all but i did tag it as sick harry https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5428900/1/Practicing-Liars is another one, there is no muggle medicine in it, The illness is due to harrys real father, snape.
  7. It all started with a visit to gringotts is a great one https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4608235/1/It-All-Started-With-A-Visit-To-Gringotts crimson moon https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3115177/1/Crimson-Moon
  8. Daphene

    Creature Fic

    im not sure but isnt this the crusades series by windseeker, loved it https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1271215/Windseeker2305
  9. the second sounds like bleeding love https://archiveofourown.org/works/485215?view_adult=true its a harry/tom/lucius, im not sure if its the one your looking for as he wasnt locked away in azkaban
  10. Daphene


    I love top harry, i agree that there are not many out there, which is annoying. I havent found any good crossovers where hes a top so it would be nice to see them named but have a few non cross overs. maybe they will tie you over til you find what your looking for it all started with a visit to gringotts https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4608235/1/It-All-Started-With-A-Visit-To-Gringotts its easily in my top 5 favs its a hp/ss its long too crimson moon https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3115177/1/Crimson-Moon another hp/ss a vampire and his veela https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5297298/1/A-Vampire-and-his-Veela hp/dm https://www.scribd.com/doc/128098077/born-to-be-a-master love this 1 its hp/ss/lm – i will say its not finished sadly https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3887050/1/Ferret-in-My-Shoe hp/dm https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10310847/1/Going-Beyond-The-Impossible hp/dm http://archiveofourown.org/works/3783559 apocalypse – im adding this as he is a top, but his mates he submits to, it sounds confusing but hes not a bottom and hes powerful in it im also adding https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4924413/1/Dark-and-Light he has a few people and when hes younger he does bottom a bit but again hes not submissive
  11. I havent read any of these, but i do remember that The black bunny had ss/lm relationship in. They are not the main couple but do feature through out the story and it is long.
  12. Apocalypse by julesmonster is an evil harry- he not really human though Rise of the dark angel by mikkila09 is a good evil harry one Dark and light by faust is dark harry The black heir by firephoenix8 is only slightly dark Those are the ones at the top of my head
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