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Posts posted by Krynn

  1. Wanting to let folks know that this story is not dead! I posted a new chapter today and you can expect another one within a few days. I do plan on finishing this book, even if the journey has taken much longer than I would have ever anticipated. 

  2. edit: I guess I should just come out and tell everyone that I do not know if this book will be updated. I have always wanted to finish it, however I was in a very specific mindset when I started writing it a year ago and have not been in that mindset again since. I felt like Bryson was telling his own story as the characters developed and a plot started to unfold. I have been stuck at the last chapter, unsure of which direction the story should take. I believe if I do start writing again, I will have to go back and add details and more character development to earlier chapters.


  3. I will be taking a break from writing this book. I don’t know for how long! I am predicting that I will be able to start writing again around November/December. 

    I need to be in the right mood/frame of mind to write this book. This break gives me an opportunity to mull over some possible ending scenarios however, so it will pay off! 

    I do have every intention of finishing the book. It is a huge accomplishment to have taken it this far, and I would love to see it completed as well. 

  4. I am responding right now to some of the reviews posted on the story…

    @CelticThunderFan -Thank you for your help and wonderful comments! 

    @Silver_Tsubaki -Thanks for your nice comments! They always make my day.

    @Detrix -Thanks for reading! I hope you continue to enjoy the story

    @TelanaMonteith – Thanks for reading! I am happy my story is something different from the usual abduction/torture novels you have read before. 

    @Ramblingrobin -Thanks for pointing out the use of contraptions. I have been trying to use them more often now.

    @SchattenSpringer -Your comment was so special! thanks so much. 

  5. Hello everyone! I finally registered my forum account, and here I am! I have been writing an abduction based novel called Whispers in the Dark. This is a story I am super interested in writing, and each morning I wake up with a new piece of the puzzle. I feel like Bryson is writing through me, as his story flows. I am excited to be able to share it with the AFFO community. I really love reading all comments, and they generally make my day and motivate me to write faster! 

    Author: Krynn
    Title: Whispers in the Dark
    Summary:  21 year old Bryson is in the process of moving from British Columbia to Alberta, Canada when he is abducted from a rest stop along the HWY. His captors, three older men who were just released from prison, take him to a secluded cabin in Northern Alberta where his true anguish is just about to begin...
    Feedback: I love motivating comments and comments in general. If you see something in my writing you think I would benifit from knowing about (tips) feel free to mention. I know I do not have the best grammar in the world, but I don’t let that stop me from trying to write a good story. 
    Fandom: N/a

    Pairing: M/M, Bryson/Quinten/Ethen/Devan
    Warnings: Adult +  Slash Male/Male Rape Torture Abduction Humiliation Dark Abuse Anal Oral
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chapters
    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108314

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