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Posts posted by knowpein

  1. 4 hours ago, C_Wade said:

    I think I might skip the Tenten chapter and just write the tsunade one… however i’m really busy with work atm and the new semester just started as well, so I really have no time to write right now

    Hmm can't say much about TenTen chapter.. even I can't think where to continue where it was left (she was humiliated too quickly in my opinion...)..


    though personally cant wait for Kushina & Tsunade chapters...
    For accumulating previous ideas there can also be scenario Tsunade  hears about elemental nation's largest gambling festival with gambling tournament in Capital city of fire country… Tsunade can't resist and participates there...then you can follow up plans for Tsunade ….

    hope you update soon

  2. Nice Chapter….

    Though Seemed a bit disjointed at start and somewhat rushed at start (while undressing and dressing scene of TenTen)….

    Like cruel character of princess….

    though I wonder if you could find Kunoichi like that… who takes pleasure in others pain subjugated to same thing….
    can’t seem to find any….

    The whole bit with guards was interesting…

    looking forward for next

  3. 20 hours ago, C_Wade said:

    What exactly did you update? just grammar and stuff? or actual content? I just read over it and I can’t tell if there is anyting different content wise

    I had added few ideas and quite expanded it….also corrected spellings wheresoever possible….So scenes were bit expanded…..

    Anyways waiting for your update….


  4. 5 hours ago, C_Wade said:

    Well, I guess then there will be 4 scenes most likely, didn’t know whether you only counted things as smut that featured actual intercourse. There will be several scenes with larger timeskips between them, but most of the ‘action’ will always be written out (even if there are some fade-outs here and there)

    can’t wait for actions on TenTen…I Definitely find non intercourse scenes much better...as part of preparing thats has to come...

    meanwhile I Have update Kushina Fight post….


  5. On 27/01/2017 at 3:00 AM, Guest guy said:

    The author is kushilove, maybe he’s here?

    I’m more concerned about this one; http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105937

    I think author wanted community to contribute to this one as you can see add chapter at start….


    On 26/01/2017 at 8:13 PM, JordoZ said:

    In general, this thread I created here was just to ask if anybody knows if Red Hot Misadventures is still being worked on or if the writer gave up.

    Well would love if author continued that one…
    author uploaded 2 chapters within 3 days and then disappeared…
    Hope he continues

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