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Lady's Daughter

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Lady's Daughter last won the day on May 16 2020

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  1. Thank you for being understanding. I’m sorry this answer is coming 2 years late but I’m getting back in the swing of things and I’ll keep updating the story on Ao3. For some reason I can’t access my aff account. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14911751
  2. Thank you for speaking up for the story while I was taking a break. It’s weird to think I started this fic in 2016 and it’s been 8 years. I must admit it fell off the back burner sometime in late 2021 yet here we are, three years later, and I’m fighting with the 19th chapter while the 20th is already planned. Speaking as a reader, writers returning to their fics after years of hiatus makes my day, and there are several fics last updated before 2018 that I still hope will have a new chapter someday. Life happens.
  3. Happy to know you like my writing. The story was on hiatus but it’s not abandoned.
  4. Hi! Sorry for answering after 2 years, I lost track of things, but thanks for the well wishes ❤️ I’m continuing the story but I can’t get on my aff account for some reason, so if you want to read the newest chapters here’s the Ao3 link https://archiveofourown.org/works/14911751
  5. Yeah, I know I take forever. It’s a pity I can’t spend hours of every day just writing fanfiction, I’d enjoy that. As it is, the next chapter will probably be out in January
  6. That’s what I assumed as well, but I thought that writing down a few examples of gentler prompts could be useful anyway. Thank you so much <3
  7. Correct, I updated the 17th chapter on Ao3 and the 16th on Aff Enjoy (PS: I know I’ve got readers with English as a 2nd or 3rd language, so I’m gonna say it here for future reference. The wording “Am I to assume...” can sound a little passive-aggressive. If that’s not your intent you may want to try “When’s the next chapter/the update?”, “Can I hope for a July update?”, “Will there be an update today?” or a variation. If you want to be extra-nice to the person who wrote 37k of porn you may also try “Hey, Lady, how’s it going? Have you been able to write the chapter? Thanks!” ^^)
  8. If all goes well, 12 July. If something happens, August
  9. Ch. 14 Review Jeda26 – Thank you so much! I loved the enthusiasm xD Harry will, indeed, have all sorts of sexual experiences, I hope you’ll enjoy future chapters
  10. I’m finishing it right now, but I’ll probably post after I’ve had the time to reread it all. (Still a few hours to go) Edit: ch 16 posted on Ao3!
  11. It’s up on Ao3 but not on AFF. For AFF I’m thinking of posting a few chapters at once around June (I’m doing really good on chapters 15 and 16, so I have high hopes). On Ao3 the story is under the same title and not restricted to users-only, so I hope you can find it alright.
  12. It should be up in the next 48h!
  13. Thank you! I want the dirty-wrong feelings but none of the angst – that’s why Mr Holmes is “nice” lol. You’re very welcome ^^
  14. It should be posted at any time between October and February. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
  15. Thanks for the patience ^^ I’m posting the chapter right now!
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