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Posts posted by jviper

  1. Really liked the new chapter[9]. I still don’t have any sympathy for the guys and now I even have a little less for Lara, but hey, that’s just me. 2 wrongs don’t make a right. With that said I really enjoy the tease scenes you write and it’s a little bit disappointing that instead of Zip and Allister slowly turning on the tease game on Lara until she begs them to fuck her, they jumped the gun and went the nerd revenge route. It’s still a great read and proof of your ability as a writer that even when I find the plot weak and the characters unsympathetic, the tease and sex scenes are of an amazing quality that frankly doesn’t exist anywhere else. Except for the double Identity conspiracy thing, which doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not.


    Please don’t take this as a negative review, quite the contrary. Your writing is good enough that even with my distaste for the plot and characters, I concede that it’s one of the best erotica I’ve read in a long time. Keep up the good work and hopefully we get to see the next chapter soon.

  2. Hey MF,

    Long time no see, though that is my fault =D

    I’ve been away for a while and decided to check AFF on a whim. Saw new stories from you and just had to say hi. Keep up the good work, I’m not a great fan of the Valkyrie mythos on Marvel but it’s always good to see your writing.


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