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  1. Hey ppl … I know I have been a bit of a D. to be gone for 2 years without a word. Anyway – if anyone is intrested I updated my story a bit. I compleated the Chapter 1 (its some 40% more than it was) and added in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is near ready too but it will take a while to polish it for release. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108190&chapter=1 It can take a week or 5 years ;] But generaly I am commited to writing this story – even if it is only thing I will write in my life ;p Thx ppl.
  2. Heh I know ppl here could be angry. But after 2 years I returned here and can finaly update this story a little bit. I posted the expanded and compleated Chapter 1 again, and also added in whole Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is basicly ready too but it will still take a bit of time to polish it for release. Can’t promise anything for the future, but I am generaly comitted to keep working on the story, and maybe eventualy it will get compleated. Sorry everyone for beeing Dead. Hope you enjoy it.
  3. Hello everyone. Disapointed by the lack of good quality straight shotacon stories out there, I finaly decided to write my own story. Or at least try to write one. I have a bold plan for a massive story spanning many chapters, but as I am fairly unexperienced in writing long stories, and certainly not in english, I can only hope what I will write will be entertaining and understandable for general english language public. Here is the link to my first WIP Chapter I decided to release, becouse I am unsure if my writing style will be acceptable for audience. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108190 Please dont hasitate to give me any featback. I apologise for abudance of mistakes and typos in my works. It so happens I am writing it on my 2nd PC without Word on it, and I generaly make a mess of mistakes like that. I will re-read through them later on when the 1st bigger chunk of the stroy is ready to try to cull down numbers of mistakes a bit. Here is a link to disscussion about perfect Straight Shotacon story I aspire to when writing this one. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/62487-straight-shota-stories-like-this/ Please let me know if you see potencial in this story. Thanks a lot for reading this.
  4. Sure - thanks for a heads up. I originaly intended to post this scenopis in a post on the forum under "spoiler" expandable window, but I am not sure it is possible on this forum. Its not that important, and maybe it shouldnt be revealed at all. I wont be crying if it gets deleated. And to be honest the 1st Chapter I posted is not exacly a preview - It is a chapter all right just WIP, and it may or may not get changed later on. Sorry if I caused any problems.
  5. Ok I uploaded a preview of my own story. It is quite long allready, but ofc still VERY WIP. It is not even whole chapter 1 as I intended it. And it has crapload of typos and mistakes. Link http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108190 Please let me know in this thread if my writing style is acceptable, and understandable. Here is a featback thread to anyone willing to coment on my story. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/62845-shota-trip-angmir-featback-thread/#entry392560
  6. Unfortuanly no - I have found nothing on the level of "Luke keeps touching me" Thats why I started writing my own story ... or rather novel as it has like 20 pages allready and it is just the begining acording to my planned scenopis. I cant promise anything though, as it is first time I am writing anything so long in english. I also make computer generated 3d images for the scenes. It is possible I will make it into a Visual Novel. But this is all VERY distant future. Story is about family camping trip - shota, incest, cheating. ntr, reluctant, stealth sex, public - this sort of stuff. I never published anything before. If anyone could point out where / how can I host a files with questionable content in them safely I would be gratefull.
  7. Thx for answering - your stories are good too ! Try writing longer stories with long buildup and kinky situations. Keep writing !
  8. And ofc I am still open for more sugestions ! Some focused on Shota x Older Woman if possible !
  9. Thank you for sugestions. I allready checking them, and I see it is a lot reading. 1st one seems like omnibus thou - a bit of everything there - so I put it for when i have more time ;] 2nd one is more promissing - it isnt exacly what I wonted but it is intresting read ! Even in the non-erotic sense.
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