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  1. *bump*
  2. So, ever since I saw the LOTR films as a teenager, I kind of became obsessed with Wormtongue. Unfortunately, there isn't really any fanfiction featuring him as a main character. Here is my idea: After Wormtongue is banished from Rohan, he scampers back to Saruman. Obviously he has absolutely no chance with Eowyn and it is unlikely that his bargain will be honored if the ring is recovered. This could go one of two ways - Saruman finds a woman to sate Wormtongue's desires or a woman takes pity on Wormtongue only to become the object of his frustrations. In either case, it would have to start out as noncon/forced. It could evolve into a consentual relationship, but the growth has to be realistic. I'm tired of seeing fics were women are falling head over heels in love with their captor before or during rape or shortly thereafter, with no realistic lead up. Let me know if you're interested and we can talk specifics. Thanks for reading.
  3. Okay, so I've had an idea for an X-Men story for a few years and I finally sat down to write it...but I have no idea how to get it down. Here is the plot: A small group of mutants (10-12 in their late teens, early twenties) overtakes the institute while the X-Men are on a mission. Not sure why the compound is empty (summer vacation?), but it is. After returning from their mission, the telepaths know of the intruders. The X-Men try to attack the group in self-defense (their home was invaded, after all). There are some injuries on both sides, but nothing fatal. The X-Men are mentally assaulted by a loud, commanding male voice as a hulk emerges from a cloud of darkness. After convincing the X-Men that their group is young and a little misguided and fast to jump the gun, but ultimately meant no harm, the X-Men begrudgingly let the group stay after hearing of their predicament. The hulking figure disappears and later reveals itself to Logan as the leader of the group and a "young" woman. The main pairing of this story will be Logan/OFC, but members of the OC group will be available for pairing and you can also delve into the original canon pairings of the Marvelverse. Marvel characters outside of the X-Men are also welcome. If you're interested and would like to know more, please message me. Thanks!
  4. *bump* I'm still looking for someone to write or collaborate with me on these (or similar) stories. Leave reply or contact me for further details or to go over your ideas. Thanks.
  5. *bump* I'm also willing to do co-writing on some of these. If you have an idea for something you'd like to see or incorporate (into these stories or something new) please feel free to contact me. I am currently writing about four new stories and I'm editing and re-uploading several older stories, so I just don't have time to do these specific stories on my own. If you have ideas for CreepyPasta or Merry Gentry, run them by me and we'll see if we can work something out. Thanks for taking a look at this post!
  6. *bump* Registered for an account. Bumping my thread. PM or e-mail if interested in pursuing these requests. Please also check out my Currently Reading tab on the archive; the Creepypasta requests were inspired by RoverRose's amazing work.
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