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Posts posted by Dreamweaver

  1. While we can appreciate your difficulty, we can't take a step backward and restore that old format for tab labels without having to also go back to 23 individual scripts. When something does blow up, it takes a lot longer to fix when each subdomain operates independently for those functions. A global domain function is much more efficient and expedient.

    If you're a Windows user like me, opening stories in separate windows would allow you to peek at each window's thumbnail in the task bar. Just a thought, since that would give you a bit of privacy and the ability to check each window's content quickly. I'm not a Mac user, so I can't speak for how it works on a Mac, but I imagine it wouldn't be hugely different.

    I can understand that my web mastering skills are VERY basic right now but even with what little I know about internet programming Coding a site like this is unfathomably complex and almost impossible to manage. Thanks for the tip.

  2. just posting a little blurb on what was being discussed about the tab name labels. I have multiple stories open on my screen all the time (because lets face it there are parts of a story that are not appropriate to read at work so you switch to another one until you can be alone) so just having the archive name in on the tab makes it a little hard to find a story without accidentally opening to a steamy scene.

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