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Everything posted by SniperJoe

  1. Wow amazing. What a fairytale like coincidence.
  2. I think about 80/20 is where I put it. Under the definition of all action, even foreplay as sex.
  3. I write lemons, so I just read a different H-manga theme.
  4. Since it’s fanfiction, we kind of get to select our antagonists out of available characters. Even if they are not originally antagonists, we can then make them one, and that gets more into what this topic is about. But I think a big part of it is selecting the right person out of the available characters. I think you just pick someone who has a strong connection to the MC. So for instance I once wrote a Legend of Zelda non-lemon where Zelda was the antagonist and conducted herself in an overly logical way. Perhaps you can get the readers to go against anyone if you make them extreme enough. And I picked Zelda because she had a lot of meat on her as a character, and I could see how she could have differences with my MC Link. In lemons I haven’t really bothered with real antagonists. It’s more been like a condition as the antagonist. So like a Naruto who’s struggling with his own lusts. In writing, what’s this again? Man vs Man, Man vs Nature, Man vs Self. Or something.
  5. Personally I think that after looking at it, the Naruto fandom is kind of on the fall just in general here on AFF. Once upon a time you would struggle to stay on front page of the updates. Now if you scroll down you’ll see that month old updates are still on page 1. But then again I think Shippuden did a lot of damage to the shipping scene. It gave us character age-ups, but it messed up a lot of the ships we had been hopeful of. Even the stuff that ended as cannon didn’t come out that well, because as Kishimoto has said ‘it’s a fighting manga.’ And anyway we’re in the Boruto era now, and it’s just not that good. I’m told that it’s going to pick up steam as it goes along. After all, they’re just rehashing the movie right now. So it’s possible the fandom will revitilize as we go past that. But even around the late Shippuden years, there was an amazing lack of vanilla as a trend. I mean, I think that Vanilla is inherently not spicy. So as the fandom gets older, people might start moving away from vanilla, both as readers and as writers. What I’ve seen lately in Hentai and Doujins at least, is that NTR got so mainstream that Vanilla actually became kind of refreshing. Perhaps we’ll have a resurgance one day, but some dedicated writers will have to find interesting angles for it.
  6. Yes, the sakura and sarada stuff is planned. After the Onsen chapters get to a certain point. Also the Kushina stuff is more of a focus right now. But the Sarada stuff will be picked up Outside the dream, it’s planned. But I’m not sure if the story will run long enough for that to come out. I’m not big on Naruko myself. Tayuya I always thought was hot and interesting, but she’s not high on my list right now.
  7. Reviews that stand out as needing a response for chapter 17 I don’t know much about the movie girls other than Spring Country Girl I’m glad Ino is being well recieved as I really did feel I might be overdoing it. I intend another Ino chapter soon so it’s a little nuts The girl he could pass around would be, I think, Anko. But my heart is split right now on the issue for the reason you state. That’s specific. I’m not sure what the background would be but I guess the point is to take Kurenai down a peg? I’ll look into it. I’m not too hot on Temari, but enough people have pointed me that way that I’m thinking about her now and then. Tenten soon-ish I think. Temari not sure when/if. I need an angle. Every girl should have a distinct role. Deeply appreciated Thanks. I fixed what stood out to me early thanks to you. Yeah she’s become main character material. I’ll look into it.
  8. Okay so, the story may not get updated for a while. Let's see. Continuity? What about x from cannon? Basically, as long as it's hot I'll keep it. If cannon gets in the way, I discard it. The same problem came to me with Bolt. I struggled with how to reconcile Naruto's harem lifestyle with having a male child. Until I just thought 'eh, let's pretend there's no bolt.' It's a story where everything is decided based on the porn. It's also why the chapters are out of order. The timeline is back and forth but it's a natural progression in regards to the porn. When there's been so much of a scene that it might get stale, we switch scenes. New conquest chapter, old conquest chapter. There's been an overload of dom sex, we throw in the tsunade chapter as a breather. I don't know anything about Anko being fat. But it's not hot unless Naruto's knocked her up, so I'll ignore it. Karui! Other characters! Also, the movie princesses! I'm interested in Karui as well. But laying out the scene has been hard. I don't know anything compelling about the character, and I don't want it to be bland. I really want to cuckold the Raikage, since there's a lot of raikage in hentai and stories now. Tit for Tat, let's cuckold the Raikage. So I was thinking of something like between Naruto, Karui, Choji, and the Raikage. Or I would otherwise have to make up a wife for the Raikage, literally just so I could cuckold him over it. I never really nailed the idea down. As for other characters, of course there's Shizune, Kurenai, Temari, Tenten, Himawari, Ino's daughter (I know she has no daughter. But fuck that). And the mizukage. So there's a ton. One that has never, ever been called out, which I always considered a candidate for chapters, was Karin. I could also do time travel at some point, for Kushina and Sasuke's mom. Maybe the Shodaime's wife. I could also do young Naruto rewriting the anime with just getting all the girls. So the ideas are endless. That's why I say that the story can go on forever, until I run out of not reviews.
  9. I've been writing here and there for different anime and games, and I've done ok. But what's the movement of the readership these days? What's hot to write for right now? I straight up just want to go where there is much review potential. Still Naruto? Harry Potter? It'll be an odd decision if it's something I'm not familiar with. By the way, in an attempt to forestall any debates on it, my reason for wanting to write just for reviews is based on just being equally pleased to write anything. The response is the only changing factor.
  10. I assume this is where I put this. Right into it, I will adress the reviewer questions and observations in a general sense. It's nice to see a story where it's not Sasuke cuckolding Naruto A large reason behind the story was this. Sasuke and Kiba, for whatever reason, are seen as the characters to commit adultry. But I like the fetish and I prefer Naruto to be the protagonist, so putting those together I saw no reason not to write the story. It just means you need more of an excuse, but that's what writing is about. I admit I have a bit of a prejudice against Sasuke. Rather, I don't see what the appeal is. But making fun of Sasuke isn't a particular objective, even though it probably seems that way. But someone had to be cuckolded, and he really is the perfect choice. I'm eager for Temari/Tenten/ect to come in. In terms of characters to come in, the story is a catch-all for the fetishes and pairings I wanted to vent. Ino's there because the saku/ino/naru triangle just feels so perfect. Rivalry and similar positions. Perfect. Then Hina because she's hinata. Right now I don't have concrete plans for different characters. I do want to cover the Inazuka sometime, just because it's so simple and easy with this story. I have plans for Kurenai, more Anko, Temari, and I could also do Sarada. If I do sarada, i'll put a warning lable. I can also easily do OC's. I think there is untapped potential in just saying 'x inazuka' because you can modify an archetype very easily. Do I intend to follow up the Hyuuga chapters? I loosly intend to follow up with it in some way. I left it so that I could revisit the theme if the fancy struck me. So in other words, if I wanted to do something Hyuuga, I can just go back to that area.
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