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Posts posted by PookatheCat

  1. So for a while I haven’t been able to log into my account anymore. I deleted the cookies, got several password resets, used a computer I usually never use to visit AFF… it never worked. The site doesn’t even show a failed login. Just nothing. It doesn’t even load and I have no idea why. Did I do something wrong so that the account got blocked? Is it a technical thing? Is it a ‘too-stupid-to-use-a-computer thing? I do not know… Hlep? Please?

  2. Okay, so this is the discussion and review reply thread for part 2 of the Roristair series Hoping One Day'll We'll Make A Dream Last.

    Starting right away with the first review:

    brad wrote:

    "Always wanted more story from dragon age origins this is awesome heart wrenching goodness"

    Thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter. It's far more headcanon than the first part and thus harder to write. I hope you'll enjoy even more of Dragon Age Origins and the following parts as I am long not done. ;)

  3. Rhino wrote:

    "Well... that was a trip. To me though, it doesn't feel near completed. I need to know more of what happens after and what happened during. I mean, I'm fairly certain Rori lost the baby considering the bleeding and the stomach injury, which depresses me, but without a sort of epilogue... guess I'm waiting chomping at the bit for the sequel, right?"

    You are absolutely right - it is not yet completed. That's what the sequel is for. I was debating on writing an epilogue - but I would have had to put so many things in that do not get mentioned in the game. There's the baby problem of course, Fergus' reappearance, all the things that happen right after the battle. Who survived, who didn't? So I figured it would be better to start the sequel here and actually tell what happens in between slaying the archdemon and the start of Dragon Age Awakenings.

    So actually not feeling completed is a good thing, right? Because it keeps you reading. ;) It's a bit like Star Wars ending with Han Solo deep frozen. You just have to know what happens next. Hopefully.

  4. isisriku90 wrote:

    "Ooh, the final battle begins!! I'm not sure, but I still think you have something up your sleeve with the whole Archdemon-pregnancy thing. Guess we will find out soon! Poor Alistair and his worst days list. That would be a hard list to swallow. I'm glad Rori showed up with exactly what he needed. Knife, blanket, cheese, drink, and Rori. Oh, and his mother's amulet. The scene with his Grey Warden necklace on the boat and Morrigan was actually kind of sweet. And no, just because of what happened with Morrigan doesn't mean he can't continue his other plans.
    The scene in the tent was too damn funny, but I think the mushrooms beat it. That was the perfect comedic relief for the whole "we may be doomed, but fight anyway!" thing. Alistair really makes a great king, as long as Rori isn't stoned out of her head and ruining his epic speeches!
    Great job! I'm so looking forward to next chapter and the final battle. Best wishes!"

    Thank you! I am glad you liked the necklace part. I actually think it's sweet, too - okay, that's why I wrote it. As for the pregnancy... yes, you will see. All I am saying: What happens will happen for a reason. There's going to be a sequel and I have a plot and a plan and what happens is part of it.

    Thanks once more for your support.

  5. discord_the_lunatic wrote:

    "I see the finish line! And what a ride its been, very very very well done.^_^"

    Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. I could still fuck it up completely. There's still something going to happen, something that might be rather unpopular...

    But thank you for your praise! I am glad and somewhat proud you liked it! :D

  6. isisriku90 wrote:

    "Wow. And here my game only showed Morrigan crawling up Alistair on the bed in a room in Red cliffie in their small clothes. How do I get this version now?
    Poor Alistair and Rori. I think mostly Alistair. I believe he would have rather slept with Wynne, maybe even Zevran, before having anything to do with Morrigan. Technically, they lied a little. Rori said he would only get laid. I guess she thought blood ritual and cutting might have freaked him out. Again, wow! You went all out with that scene! You easily could have led Alistair to Morrigan and then jumped to afterward back in his tent. Was any of that in the books, or was that all from your wicked imagination? I'm guessing number two; you are brilliant. I don't know if it made it harder on Rori, but at least she was involved, sort of. Oh, I just accidentally made a pun! Lol. Made it harder, I guess that was the point.

    I understand Rori not telling Alistair, or anyone really, about the baby. As much as they all care about Rori, no one would let her fight. Morrigan would probably rather she was not having Alistair's baby, but I don't think she wants anything bad to happen to Rori. I like Morrigan. But I like Alistair more. I guess it's time for final battle next. Then, she can let the cat out of the bag.
    Great chapter! I'm looking forward to the next one! Hope everything is going good for you! Best wishes!"

    No books about this. I really am actually brilliant. ;) I never liked the in game ritual. Of course they wouldn't show more than they do in the game, especially since many gamers regard the ritual as rape - Morrigan raping Alistair. I never saw it like that, at least not when the Warden and Morrigan are friends and she offers it as a life saving. I mean, poor Morrigan was sent away by her mother to get impregnated. And nobody ever gives a damn about how she might feel about all that. When you are in a romance with Morrigan and accept sleeping with Isabela, Morrigan is the only romanceable character to not join you for a threesome. And she's pretty pissed off if you go with Isabela despite her disapproval. She is not half as cold and tough as she wants us to believe. Plus there is this comic http://momochanners.tumblr.com/post/58212944765/moarrigan-for-you-parries-every-single-brickthat tells a cutscene Bioware dismissed. They shouldn't have. It is great.

    Morrigan only told Rori what she tells her in the game so she didn't know the details about Alistair getting cut. But, yeah, the information he got wasn't all correct. Anyway, it sucked for all of them. Mostly for Alistair and Morrigan. I mean, Alistair at least has Rori to comfort him and she understands how he feels. Morrigan has to cope with this all alone.

    As actually the game doesn't show us anything about the ritual I thought it would be a good idea to flesh it out. There is so much emotion in there, so much Alistair-Morrigan interaction apart from the sex, so much happening that will forever connect Alistair, Rori and Morrigan as a triangle.

    As the timeline of the game makes it impossible for the ritual to take place in Rdecliffe, somehow the stone circle came into my mind and Mythal just fitted in by coincidence. When I had Rori tie Alistair to the post I wondered if it could be a statue of a god or goddess and started looking up elven gods. And there she was and she was perfect. Especially since Flemeth is actually Mythal.

    You are the first one to see why Rori wouldn't tell Alistair or anybody else about the baby. I thought it to be pretty obvious but I have so many people going: OMG! Why? Why doesn't she tell him!? It's only part of her reason but certainly the main part.

    Harder, huh? LOL

    Everything fine here, hope it's the same for you. Thank you for your loyal readership. ;)

  7. isisriku90 wrote:

    "Cat's out of bag! Well sorta. It is for Rori and Morrigan. Morrigan trying to kill the baby is a bit disappointing, but I could see her doing that if she believes it justifiable. I'm glad Rori didn't drink it. I would have cried.
    Isn't that usually how things work? You leave to go where you need to, just to find out you have to go back where you just came from with not enough time. Apparently, the Archdemon missed his invitation and is having his own party at the same time.
    Wow, Alistair and Rori have the WORST luck when it comes to their intimate moments lol. Caught with the hand in the cookie jar. Cookie jar being each other's nudey bits that is lol. I think I would crawl into a hole and die. Especially after realizing said hand was stuck in the naughty place. Yikes. At least Alistair got a new decoration out of it. I'm sure that bracelet really brightens up the place!
    And now, after marching an entire army as fast as possible on a normally 4 day trip, they find out that someone is going to die to finish this. Yeah, that was kinda crappy news. And if you don't complete the dark ritual with the scary lady, Alistair will not let you sacrifice yourself! Have to leave him at the gate to get that ending. Hopefully, Morrigan let's Rori know that her baby will take the soul instead.
    Hopefully, that was the last evil cliffie until the Archdemon dies. Torture! But I'm excited for the battle. Mostly to see where you take us this time. Keep up the amazing work! Best wishes!"

    Ah, now this is the problem with first person pov. We do not know - well, I do, the readers don't - what Morrigan really told Rori, what reason she gave her, how she explained her actions. We only will find out in case Rori or Morrigan decide to tell.

    As for the ritual... that will be in the next chapter, so you won't have to wait for too long. I have part of it done already, so I do hope it will be done by the end of this week. I of course can't say anything about your assumptions. Taht would be quite a spoiler, right?

    Glad you enjoy reading and thank you very much for your reviews.

  8. Heya Johnny! Actually I do plan to tell Roristair's story through Awakenings, Witch Hunt, the comic series because Bioware does hardly tell us anything about them. Won't be all first person present tense Alistair but probably third person Rori and Alistair pov or first person Rori and Alistair pov since they aren't together all the time. I will invent a whole lot more things and Alistair's presence during Awakenings will be more prominent. I intend to tell the story of Alistair as a king, them trying to find a cure for the Calling, solve the baby problem and so on.

  9. sisriku90 wrote:

    "And there it is!! King Alistair and Queen Rori! Wonder how everyone will react when they find out about Rori's "condition". And I wonder just how much trouble Alistair is in. Maybe he will be tied up and spanked lol. I never liked Loghain or Anora. I very much liked your landsmeet. Especially the kilts lol. That was pretty awesome. Ooh, and the beheading. Can't have a landsmeet without a good old fashioned beheading. I'm looking forward to what you have coming next. :)"

    Everybody wonders about the baby part. Well, you will all have to wait and see. Not Myron, though, he got a spoiler and is well prepared for the evilness to unfold. ;) Thank you very much for another lovely comment. Glad you like the Landsmeet with all the kilts and beheading and such. It was pretty well.mannered in the game and I somehow never imagined it like that. More like they would have brawls during such meetings, insult each other and such - like in Disney's Brave when the clans arrive and present the possible grooms. Ferelden is not Orlais so Landsmeets are allowed to be a bit more interesting, right?

    As for the trouble Alistair's in. I found it pretty hard to figure out how he feels about the engagement. Which I tried to show in the following chapter... sorry for not replying to your comment for so long.... Which means I got two comments to reply to now. ;)

    sisriku90 wrote:

    "Yay!! I have been checking every day for a new chapter! Very cute! I'm glad they finally got past that horribleness. Is it evil of me to wish that Anora goes through the same thing Rori did? I don't want it to happen, but I want her to be slightly traumatized as well. It would serve her right. I am glad that Alistair locked her up. He us definitely not the type to just execute someone without a real reason. Though Anora dieing doesn't really bother me at all. Lol.
    Alistair is a great king, even if he is just now realizing it. Rori made the best decision without just being able to be grey wardens only again.
    Hopefully, they find out she is pregnant soon. I could see it causing a problem with the final battle though. The knowledge of it I mean. I don't see Rori wanting to risk their baby, and I know Alistair would not want her even anywhere remotely close by. But everyone would work to protect her even more. I don't know! I will just have to see what you have cooking in your wicked mind when the ttime comes! ;)
    Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one. Yes, I will be checking everyday just like I have since I started reading this story, but I'm patient I promise. Hope everything is well for you! Until next time."

    Well, Anora is locked up in Fort Drakon and we all know what happens to Fort Drakon during the final battle so I doubt she'll have a good time there even without molesting guards. Those who attempted to rape Rori should have received a visit from good old Zevran by now anyway. So there's no chance for Anora meeting them. Alistair's decision when hardened is really wise - and what a difference compared to the not hardened Alistair. Really, if you make that boy king, hardening him is doing him a favour.

    You are really excited about the baby, right? LOL Well, it's only a few chapters left so you won't have to wait for long. And I assure you I have taken all your thoughts into consideration already and it is all planned out. Won't promise that you like it, though ;)

    It's so sweet you check every day. Too bad AFF doesn't offer the option to subscribe and receive an email whenever your fav fanfictions are updated. That would save the readers a whole lot of effort returning every day just to be disappointed.

  10. Well, you're not the only one groaning about the cliffhanger. The reactions I got were all like: POOOOOOKA! How dare you!?

    I even debated on shortening it but actually I thought the discussion to be important.

    Also means everybody will have to wait for finding out what really happened at the Gnawed Noble.

    Good for me since none of my characters yet cared to enlighten me how they got their tattoos.

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