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Everything posted by Misscupcake

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  2. http://archiveofourown.org/works/727144/chapters/1349621 I just read this fic lost and found and I loved it!!! I was wondering if there is any more like it? Where Harry discovers he's gay, gets a make over, finds some experience,(top or bottom) with quiet few different boys/ men, then finds love (not nessacerily snape) anyone. Thanks
  3. I just read A Different Life by Tiro and loved it is there any other fics where Voldemort is Harry's father can be any mother. Prefer a slash pairing but not nessisary and has to be complete! Hate reading an amazing story and it never gets completed Thanks
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  7. What site ? I can't find it relly want to read this
  8. Any complete fic where harry is really smart thinks for him self. Long story if possible
  9. Fics where harry basically sleeps with everyone and he is dam good at i.t not slutty just likes sex Slash preferred thanks
  10. Hey any stories that have a detailed pregnancy and birth I hate it when it breezed over thanks I prefer harry and an older guy like sev or sirius any older guy is good though thanks heaps
  11. Doesn't have to be a full disability just some thing he has to struggle through thanks Slash included is sood to but not needed
  12. Any cross dressing harry fics prefer long stories but one shots are ok Male/male slash Any pairing Least fave pairing is drarry
  13. Hey I just got this image in my head of a of a really gay harry like fairy gay like girly but not a girl ( not being mean just can't think of how to put it ) does anyone no of a story with a harry like that? Has to be complete hate reading stories that aren't finished Any pairing is good Thanks
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