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Everything posted by jajablinks

  1. Man just saying but you are EASILY the best author i'm following that updates his followers/readers. Seriously, I feel like you are spoiling me just by updating weekly, I've had year long hiatus' from authors who don't tell their readers one thing. So thank you, like really, THANK YOU for just updating us on what's going on. One, it builds up the anticipation for the next chapter, and it keeps me checking this site daily, sometimes multiple times a day just to check up if you said anything. So ya, Thank you. As for Refugee, seriously guys, he isn't just babbling off random stuff, he is just speaking his opinion and giving information to back said opinion he has conceived. If you guys can't deal with a guy giving his opinion, even when directed at others thoughts, why attack him? He hasn't explicitly attacked anyone in his previous posts, he has simply said he disagrees with them and tries to back it up. If you don't agree with him after the fact, say it and move on holy shit. This is literally the easiest place to back away from a confrontation and just ignore someone if it bothers you that much.
  2. Well that escalated quickly... Anyway...does anyone know the word count for She Is the One, as it sits right now? Don't know why but iv'e been wondering what it was...and i'd prefer not to copy and past(a) the story unless JAshley gives me permission to do so onto my computer. So yaaaaaaaaaaaa, did I mention that this shit also escalated quickly?
  3. Can't agree with this enough. This is a luxury for those of us reading, and hopefully a hobby that you thoroughly enjoy and will continue to enjoy. No pressure to write anything fast, we will await patiently. Although some may go crazy with North Korean Flashbacks and walrus's running around...a pity but some will have to suffer lol. Just have fun man!
  4. Probably just a "teenage-crisis", much like a midlife-crisis. Dude thought people can't actually be nice/genuine and are in essence just "fake" as a friend of mine once said. Parents weren't doing well financially, he had to "share" Jack with another person in Kayla, he wanted to date Jack's sister, probably had a reason to believe Joe was a bit too friendly with him, and found out his "girlfriend" in Jessica was having an incest party with her brother...Kinda a lot to deal with in a few weeks time and he just broke down, went into a hole and came out da new Craig, but even worse. Shit can happen when you repress your feelings, didn't seem like he had a parent child relationship in which he could talk to them about his issues, nor could he, at least in his mind, talk to Jack. As to what my favorite part of the story has been as of yet...no clue . Each Chapter is quite a bit different, I feel like the Tara Saga dove into a very dark place and came out for all the better, and your writing during that saga was exceptional. The First few chapters were amazing in building the characters while maintaining a fairly fast paced story-line that kept the reader glued to the...screen? However, I feel like YOUR best work in this story has to be the Tara Saga, your writing was exceptional. That doesn't necessarily mean it is my favorite part of the story, that I may have to think on for awhile longer. As always, keep up the Great work man! Hope you find a good place with the fam. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296952247&view=story&zone=inu I personally like this writers Inuyasha story...I generally don't read "anime" storys but the author has written it exceptionally well. Might not be in the same taste as a lot of other readers, but I like it. Good plot, not even close to being done, has 80 chapters, great character development etc. Oh and the author updates regularly, generally every other day or so.
  5. Holy crap this one went fast. Remember the first two weeks you were writing this fast and spoiled us...don't you go around doing that again and then have month long breaks in between chapters again . You can't feed the addicted then take away their stash that just ain't right.
  6. Jack has legitimately been through hell and back. I think it's been 4 (maybe 5???) months so far...add on his girlfriend is a mink that started it off with another when she told him she was his first and everything that would make me, at least personally question about her. Who really cares if you weren't a virgin, but to say you were and learn that you weren't later on just makes you question it and think about it more then you would otherwise. At this point anyone would be mentally f'd up by all of this. It would be like dumping gas on the Californian fires rather then water just for the hell of it, oh you like the whole entire forest being on fire??? lets take it up a notch. Also as for Tara, how do we know the guy she was dating was the "douche" or the problem and not Tara? She seems to go crazy over people she doesn't even know and is blindsided by it...a.k.a Carlson. Personally i'd be afraid to be in a relationship with Tara, she seems like someone who would just make their entire life revolve around you, which is nice and all but it isn't a way to live, let alone when your potentially just 14.
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