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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    which ever one you happen to be reading at 3:30 am when you need to be up and on the road at 6:00 am.
    Sorry, I like the others do not track J.Ashely's word count. I just hope not to find myself in the above situation again.
  2. Like
    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    Personally I thank JL for his pics of his cousin/nieces. They are very attractive young ladies. That said I have to admit I may have given too much personal info on this forum. I hope I was always using it to support a point. Now one last thing to say. We on this forum show we care about one another. I have seen few other communities reach out with well wishes and offer moral support as they do here. With that naturally comes a feeling of comfort and the feeling that you can talk to the others involved. I would like to see that continue here.
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from DarkRomantics in She is the One   
    WB Dark, it's been a while sense we have seen you post.
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    I am from California, have a similar genetic back ground to COJimmyV and am on my mothers side the first generation born out of the Ozark mountains, at least for the last 5 or so that I can trace. So in all likelihood can say "Hey, cuz." to Dark
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from Rescue25 in She is the One   
    My thoughts while reading the dinner scene.
    What will wake them up.. like I said he is gay. In most adult minds Gay means probably has AIDS, "Now he is screwing my little girl?" Most parents would change their mind when what they are telling her to risk is proved to be probably true on the first time out the gate, at least in their own minds. They have a good idea their son is clean but no matter how good Tom H. Dick from the street looks a girl is ALWAYS running the risk of her life. This would even be true of their own son if as others have suggested he hooked up with Jessica then went back to Amanda..
    Maybe Joe will consider dragging this out through a couple relationships each and have them at some point tell their parents to "go to hell. The only time we have been really happy was with each other. Did it your way have had the clap twice and I have lost count of the yeast infections. Not to mention the time the doc caught my Chlamydia only because of the clap symptoms and told me I am lucky to still be able to bear children."
    Sorry for the in quote rant but I have lived in a place where a significant portion of the population had STDs and a few of my female friends at that time did loose their chance at children because in women the symptoms for Chlamydia do not show up till well after the woman's reproductive system is compromised to the point the doctors tell her it will never happen. Her chances for a family of her own are gone. She can not bear a baby. I have sat with them as they cried and it is heart breaking even if all she was is your friend.
    I saw a few who were good girls but let one slick guy talk them into bed with in a year climb in the bottle and become camp sluts over the loss of a chance at a family of their own.
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    YNP_Refugee reacted to DemonGoddess in She is the One   
    My apologies for not catching on to the troll sooner. It's been taken care of.
    Best of luck with your dad's health and treatment. I know how tough this is. Lost my MIL last year to an aggressive form of leukemia.
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from Rescue25 in She is the One   
    sorry to hear that. may it go in to remission soon.
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    I really have no vested interest in the twins... But they do have their own relationship as it is. It is just that it is with each other. I find it funny that relationships that got you beat almost and sometimes all the way to death in the 1980s are now more or less accepted in society. Yet people used to said the same things about them, that being gay was immoral, against god, against nature, just wrong, etc. Now I see people saying the same things on this forum about yet another kind of relationship and swearing society will never change or it will never be accepted. I honestly hope I live to see my 100th birthday just to see how long the changes I have seen in my life time last and how many more are to come.
    As for the argument that they look to much alike. lol that does make me laugh. I have a fountain of old folk sayings left by my grandmother who was born in the Ozarks. Before anyone says anything she was till the day she died, one of the most dead set against incest, people you could meet. One of the sayings I can not quite call to mind at the moment is about husbands and wives beginning to look like one another. Another was that men seek a woman just like dear old mom. That is most people look for mates that look like they themselves do. It is one reason a lot of people when you say German almost automatically think of blond hair braided in a bun around a woman's head or a short haired blond man.
    I helped raise my nieces and nephew. When I took my sister shopping a lot of people mistook us for a married couple. And before anyone gets the wrong idea I never considered my sister as anything other than someone I wanted to avoid. I have said on this forum she is a tea total bitch. I have standards. I tend to choose who I want to be with by whether or not I like them as people. The reason I said anything here is my sister and I did look a lot alike at that time but seeing my interaction with the kids people assumed I was their father rather than their uncle, leading them to believe she and I were married. This led to a lot of funny looks when I asked other women out or just for their phone numbers in front of my sister.
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    YNP_Refugee reacted to jc1138 in She is the One   
    Pfft.. not everyone cheats. I've had a few close calls, but never took the final step towards anything that could be considered cheating... and of course, there's the thoughts of "Damn... the things I'd do to that girl" that I'm sure most of us guys have had over the years. Never acted on them though. Keep on doing what you're doing, Joe.. it's pretty obvious that there's enough of us here that enjoy your writing style. F the haters
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    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    Well, I am just enjoying a story that does admit "Life Happens" I have no vested intrest in the twins. I do like how Jashely treats his characters with respect and that he admits life happens.
    I think who ever is trying to force him to go another way (other than the one he chooses) needs to learn that. I keep wandering how many people really read chapters 1 to 5.
  11. Like
    YNP_Refugee got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    It often pays to read previous posts Magusfang is a good place to start,
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