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Everything posted by TheGreatWhat

  1. You fucking cunt?! Why the fuck are you taking all of this out on the woman you love, you ass-end of a faggoty cock-pump?! You motherfucking pile of ass-raping, cock-sucking, limp-whore-muff cunting lucknutuckingassfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Brilliant, just brilliant! And jeff and waltara and YES
  2. It 16:30 and still no sign of the fabled story, but we shall continue to wait, as the mighty joe has spoken!!
  3. no no no... its already today... duh
  4. .... please tell us what that means... im really bad with secret codes or whatever that is? Nm got it! Also YEAHHHHHH
  5. NO TARA, YOU ARE THE WALRUS! also made an account to save all the form filling!
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