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  1. Email: laurie.wooster.girl@gmail.com Would you like me as a long term or short term beta: whichever you would prefer after reading the first chapter! What will I be betaing: semi-Jim Gordon/Harvey Bullock Gotham (tv series currently on Fox in the US) R/NC-17 the first chapter has a date-rape. Your writing schedule: don't have a fixed schedule What you expect from me: mostly would like tips/advice on the date-rapey scene. Anything else you want to do.
  2. I'm not overly satisfied with the sex scene I have at the start of my story and I would like another opinion/tips on improvement if need be. Gotham tv series airing on FOX in the US. It's a dub-con, maybe a bit more on the non-con side. One character unknowingly drinks a glass of wine containing ecstasy and roofies and a more sober character decides to take advantage of the fact that the first character is all over them and drugged out of his mind. Example of prospective beta is encouraged, but not strictly required.
  3. Okay, thanks again!
  4. Sorry...I can't seem to find it...where is it?
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