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Posts posted by WorkingHands

  1. @YNP_Refugee - Oh, fuck you. While I'm at it, fuck the following as well:

    * The Bible and those who think it's more than bad fairy tales.
    * Anyone unable or unwilling to comprehend polysyllabic words ('sup, JohnnyBanana?).
    * Whomever led you to believe that the walls of textual diarrhea you post so often are even remotely valuable additions any conversation.
    * Everything you think you know about the human condition.
    * Your past and your supposed vast wealth of life experience (because you're not important enough for anyone with a double digit IQ to give a shit about).
    * Your embarrassing displays of hubris, all of which are cocooned by ample evidence of your ignorance.
    * This story (which has really gone downhill in my estimation).

    I'm not medicated enough to deal with this shit. If there's a moderator reading this, please, for the love of whatever sky fairy you may or may not worship, please ban me. If you don't, I'll have a motherfucking stroke. Reading stupid shit causes my blood pressure to spike, and there's enough in this thread alone to kill me 100 times over.

  2. I guaran-goddamn-tee you know less than you think. I was 7 or 8 when I had incests with someone 2 months younger than I was, an aunt. No the fall out when it was found out by the family was not pretty. We both learned a lot of new words incest being very high in that list. As an adult I have followed the conditioning that was placed by those that would use shame and verbal degredation as tools. As a result however I KNOW more and think more for myself then most people. Another of my aunts who was quite a bit older than I am has been a librarian most of my life. Her interest center a lot around criminology, abnormal psychology, etc. she brings home every discard from the library on those subjects. I have been reading this material since I was about 15. I can tell you most people do not know half what they think they know about our society and how it works below the surface.

    As for the bible and why I use it as an example, it is not just as the religious document it is, but as the basis that it is for all modern European law. The second roman invasion was the invasion of the roman catholic church and most European monarchies wrote their laws under the influence of the church.

    I have tried so damned hard to formulate a response to this that isn't replete with sarcasm and profanity. Tried. Past tense. Can't do it, man. The self-righteousness. The inexplicable bragging. Acting as if you're a veritable font of knowledge atop your high horse, looking down upon ignorant plebeians like me. I'm not as learned as you, obviously, and I could never possess the requisite brain function to think analytically. Hell, to even think!

    So I shall genuflect at your feet, begging for mercy. My post was an egregious affront to your staggering intellect and life experiences, and I should have gotten your permission before replying to another person's post. You're in charge here, evidently, and my actions were out of line. All I ask is that you not flagellate me publicly. This is my first offense, and I don't believe that adding humiliation to the whipping is necessitated in this instance.

  3. this is modern day incest

    Precisely. Current societal views and social mores apply here, not those from the Bible nor any other work of fiction. (See what I did there?) Going down that rabbit hole, Adam and Eve obviously had kids, right? In order for there to be more children, eventually there had to be some dad/daughter, mother/son, and/or brother/sister copulatin' going on, else the entirety of the human race would have stopped in its second generation. If that's our example to follow, we basically have carte blanche to fuck whomever we'd like without fear of reprisal since we're all inbred anyway. I guaran-goddamn-tee that modern society doesn't function that way, so why bother referencing it, y'know?

    Now, if you'll all excuse me, I'm gonna go be thankful for evolution. Because thanks to it, I've never inadvertently fucked a member of my family. Which is pretty important.

  4. I'm probably the only one who dislikes Kayla for being a hypocritical bitch

    You're not alone. Double standards and other such hypocrisy, even in fiction, causes me to become irrationally angry. They're also among the top three reasons I'll cut someone out of my personal life completely. That said, if I were Jack, things with Kayla would have gone from "I love you" to "suck a fuckin' tailpipe" in half a heartbeat.

  5. i m not offending anyone

    I find your inability to process humor as well as your lack of any command of the English language highly offensive, sir. So offensive, in fact, that you should issue a formal apology to anyone unfortunate enough to have attempted to read your insipid drivel.

  6. Just read everyones theories, yall motha fuckas need jesus. Im sure Joe will write it to be a perfectly normal story line and wont add any crazy shit. This is close to real for fuck sake. I dont think hes gonna add kim jong un is gonna make a cameo

    We don't need Jesus nearly as much as you need the common sense necessary to differentiate between actual speculation and people fucking around out of boredom. I don't think they sell that kind of thing at Target, but you might check Skymall.

  7. It'd make more sense if Kayla's dealer was North Korean.

    The pot dealing is a diversionary tactic to keep eyes off of the goings-on in Pyongyang. Kim Jong-Un nukes Brow Ridge High School because no one would expect a fuckin' high school as a first-strike target.

  8. I realize that I'm a little late to the "Fuck Tara: Yes / No" debate, but I may as well toss in my two cents.

    Women, from personal experience as well as debacles I've seen others suffer through, have a tendency to set guys up. They may not even realize that they're doing it. A situation like Jack's, where Kayla has given him the green light to plow Tara, is, subconsciously, a test of his fidelity. Even if Kayla's intentions are good (debatable), she may experience serious buyer's remorse after the fact. That's one thing women can do that men can't - retroactively change their mind and feel justified in their rising anger. Dudes can't do this. It's not in our DNA.

    That said, if you do decide to have Jack and Tara get it on, in order to be realistic, you'll have practically zero but to have Kayla use it against him. That's how this shit works.

  9. or the wait the fans of The Walking Dead had to endure this past hiatus.

    Oh, dude. I don't even wanna talk about it. November 30th is the final episode before their winter break, so we're staring down the barrel of another ~3 month hiatus. I want zombies on Christmas, damn it.

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