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jc1138 last won the day on February 5 2015

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  1. jc1138

    She is the One

    Think it was mentioned before their first time, and I seem to half remember a short chat about it between Jack and Kayla's mom.
  2. jc1138

    She is the One

    Happy Birthday, Joe! Hope it's a good one!
  3. jc1138

    She is the One

    A whole year already? Good lord. Happy Anniversary, Joe!
  4. jc1138

    She is the One

    That was damn epic, Thismy
  5. jc1138

    She is the One

    Wow.. that was wrenching to read, but you did a damn good job, and was more than worth the wait. Happy 100th, Joe!
  6. jc1138

    She is the One

    Wow.. that was fast! (in before "That's what she said")
  7. jc1138

    She is the One

    Excellent news! Also.. here's hoping for a speedy recovery, Chester57!
  8. jc1138

    She is the One

    Midwest, USA here Also, Joe... I noticed several typos in 27.. not huge ones, but more like the kind that spell check misses cuz they're words, but not the right one. Just a heads-up
  9. jc1138

    She is the One

    Good thoughts and prayers heading your way man.
  10. jc1138

    She is the One

    Pfft.. not everyone cheats. I've had a few close calls, but never took the final step towards anything that could be considered cheating... and of course, there's the thoughts of "Damn... the things I'd do to that girl" that I'm sure most of us guys have had over the years. Never acted on them though. Keep on doing what you're doing, Joe.. it's pretty obvious that there's enough of us here that enjoy your writing style. F the haters
  11. jc1138

    She is the One

    Thanks guys
  12. jc1138

    She is the One

    Damn.. had it been today, it woulda been a Birthday present More than good with a late present, though. Can't wait to read it, Joe!
  13. jc1138

    She is the One

    Didn't formulate far enough.. and that's my fault. Perhaps something bad happened during it, and that's why he's so against it- to save them the heartache that his sister went through. Just tossing out theories, really.. at least it doesn't have to do with asian countries and aquatic mammals
  14. jc1138

    She is the One

    So.. any guesses on why Dad's so against it? I know we'll find out when the new Chapter's released... but let's toss out some ideas. I'm thinking maybe his dad had something going on with his sister or the like..... Might be why we really haven't heard much about grandparents.. especially around Christmas.
  15. jc1138

    She is the One

    YNP_Refugee... do we have the same sister? LOL Mine was a real bitch until she hit around 30.. thank god she's mellowed out over the years. My favorite parts of the series so far... and I'm probably missing a few through forgetfullnes, etc... Not listing sex scenes.. those are too easy to list as being favorite parts of the chapters... though this story would stand on its own really damn well without them. Jack and Kayla's not-so-dry hump when she modelled her bikini for him The ice skating scene from the latest chapter Jessica's Halloween party Springing the trap on Brad The Craig/Jack fight The end of Chpt. 11 when the twins get busted.... BEST... CLIFFHANGER.... EVAR!!! The Brad/Jack/Joe/Craig/Alan (even though he didn't last long...) fight DODGEBALL! Don't ask why.. I've always liked that scene The chats with Ms. Cartwright.... as odd as those tend to be, they always stick out for whatever reason Like I said, I'm sure I'm missing a few here and there, but those are what's popped into my head.
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