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Everything posted by spaced_monkey

  1. they rarely are nice, comes with hiding in dirty holes all day. coincidentally my sisters boy friends have same problem
  2. i made some home brewed chlorine gas by mixing house hold cleaning supplies in the toilet lol, the fire department was not amused. apparently posting a sign on the door that loosely read science mistake please don't enter doesn't make it all better
  3. Hey we didn't buy the sub the french tried to sell us its only flaw was one of the pre made sections was installed upside down. the real problem with the Canadian navy is the Canadian government. they want a navy, they just want one for free
  4. no but if you keep killing him we all start calling you a bastard
  5. ok fair enough but you got to let us call max, kenny
  6. short on fresh water what is the lotus ww2 vintage? all sub can make fresh water with ceramic filters think Culligan: Home & Business Water Treatment Systems
  7. the lotus is a hydrogen powered sub, dose it have facilities for electrolysis?
  8. i wish it was more real sub, less fake ship
  9. wow i finally caught up on the story magusfang i had to read several chapters to do it lol, just have some questions. 1. WHATS WITH THE CHICKS WITH EXTRA APENDAGES 2. i thought that emma said in bitg that she was going to do one enis but max's ( if you could even call it a dick 2-3 inch tops almost like large clitoris then penis) 3. why doesn't max use small hand grenade sized spiders in his defense plans,sort of like suicide bomber (minus the dead guy) 4. Um what kind of sub dose max have is it comparable to modern attack subs or is it more of a boomer.
  10. http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1040410 http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1333809 http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1415717&page=bio
  11. its on Literotica.com
  12. yup and it was not as good, and only took 11 months to write. after 11 months of writing it should have been better wrote then it was. If you would like to read a story similar to gtg (not the same but similar) read ShadwNinjaX story blazing glory, its 13 chapters long and the writer is as last i read still plugging away at it, or there is Lien_Geller he writes some good stories. sadly Path of the Necromancer is awesome but dead story. don't really go for stories with main character is a necromancer but this one is good.
  13. i read that months ago he has not done any writing in a wile, and what he did do was not as good as what he started out with, i think he was board with it ans killed it. I gave him a pm and got not response to it. would it be so hard for writers whom are done with a story to put up a last chapter just stating that they have no time or just can't care to finish the story so there fan don't wait and wait for nothing.
  14. You could take up knitting lol, i here it helps with the need to blow things up ;p
  15. but with wrong pills Alice or May and Max will give birth to the Borg and assimilate all our biological and technological and add our distinctiveness to there own!
  16. i live in Ontario Canada, what made it a 4 pole 1 transformer (hydro not Cybertronian lol ;p) mess was the idot who delivered gas to the gas station at the comer of my block.
  17. i watched an old pole by my house fall over on its own and take out 3 other not so good poles, my only thought i had as i was closing the door "thank god i had already made coffee"
  18. hey magusfang when you doing tech research for your stories you should look up what there doing in Stanford University its mind blowing
  19. i agree with you on your thoughts futalov. i just don't see max needed a father figure in his life, he already a better father then most and hes only what 15 in the story. it would be a way to add conflict into the story without bloodshed (at least no death) would be to have rick go on power trip and try and take over the house because he is the adult.
  20. just like Adolf Hitler was a flawed humanitarian why do all of the characters in max harem all have primary relationships. If i saw the same situation in real life i be telling the guy there only there for your money and what you do for them, my advice is to run fast and far.
  21. what dose the other male characters do in the story. I'm trying to see there usefulness in the story but really can't see what they do. rick in particular, max can't trust him to not blab any thing he says in private. Rick also seem to like to play the adult card over max too much for my taste as well. almost acting like he better at doing stuff then max is. magusfang almost need to take him down a rung or two
  22. i think he meant business day
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