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Posts posted by KragonTsal

  1. Legion had many references thoughout history. One being the biblical reference to a demon that was made of many spirits. The other is the Roman legion. Both reference one of many or one unit that is many individuals.

  2. First off let mw say I relate to Jack in so many ways. I have a major savior complex, I have been in a similar situation where my really close friend who I saw as a sister wanted to be with me and I had my girlfriend at the time who I wad whole heatedly in love with. They both had become really good friends after her(gf) and I got together. The thing is that she (sister friend) had been with many douche bags and never had a boyfriend that cared about her. I sat both of them down and talked it out. Based on their responses(verbal and non-verbal) I made a decision. The decison was not based on sex but more on the fact that I have seen how women/girls have changed after being in a relationship with me. I am like Jack in relevance to relationships I go hole heartedly into them and I do what ever I can my my significant other.

    I disagree with why some people say no, because it would be out of character for Jack. Depending on the thought process Jack goes through to make a decision it can be yes it is out of character and it can also be a no it is not out of character. And if they so go ahead and go for it then yes their can be issues later but that would depend on their relationship how close and tight that relationship is. The relationship I had with my friend and the relationship I jad with my gf did not change after all that happened. And if you argue the fact that Kayla and Jack have only been together for four or five months, I can say that with in that time frame you can know if you want to spend the rest of your life with a person. I proposed to my wife after us being together for 3 months. It all depends on how close their relationship is. I would say that their relationship (Kayla and Jack) is close and tight and would not suffer if they did it with them talking it out first. And yes I see how Jacks relationship with Tara could suffer if he said no but, from what I ahve read their relationship is just as close as the relationship between Jack and Kayla.

    I would say go for it with the right setup. Sitting down with both girls and talking to them both and possibly pulling Kayla of to the side and talking it over some more with her.

    This just my opinion. Joe speaking as a fellow writer I know how important a story is to the writer and I would say take it as you see best. And thank you for sharing one of the best stories I have read.

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