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Everything posted by Driftwood75

  1. I still have two stories to complete before I move onto my hillbilly story. I have a decent outline for the hillbillies story but until I have put the other two to bed it's going to have to sit on the back burner a little longer.
  2. There are some pretty good concepts mixed in there. I need to finish off a couple of peices but colour me interested in the western, pirate and hillbilly one. I think the penis size thing could lead the stories down a comical route or even hentai (hillbilly works well here, body horror too) no real issue with fantastical sizes though.
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome Bronx
  4. Hello all, I guess I am one of those lurkers who has been here for months but never really said hello. I came here with just one big story to post as it received some positive comments at the first site I posted it at, I have no idea why I never thought of posting it here in the first place but I got here in the end. I have already met a couple of great people through the story post which may have stunted my progress to chatting and posting here. I am a married forty one year old should know better geek that has matured but never really gotten out of my geek phase and so I make no apologies about it. As I have gotten older I have refined my tastes of fandom, I still enjoy manga from time to time as well as anime, though science fiction is still my drink of choice. I still Love the fine wines of Geekism Batman, Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Files, as well as the newer vintages of Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones (Books over Show for me) and many more that I could list but come on who wants to read lists!!! I never really wrote fan fiction for the masses before, I always kept it to myself so the posting of Batman:Downfall is kind of me popping my fan fiction cherry (almost but not quite a 40 year old virgin), I have written quite a bit more but it is just getting it to make sense and getting it posted with a hectic life getting in the way every now and then. Thats it for now I guess, the more I post in the forums the more we will all get to know one another.
  5. it has been awhile but Chapter eight is now up and running. thanks to all who have commented on the story and emails. Hope you continue to enjoy this story as much as I have writing it.
  6. Chapter Seven is now available
  7. Hello all, Chapter six is now finally up, hope you all enjoy it!
  8. Hi All, I posted the original story at the tail end of last year and decided to pull it for two reasons. 1. I had written myself into a corner I had not foreseen. 2. Work commitments in the real world meant I could not give the story the time it needed. But now it is back Author:Driftwood75 Title:A Gotham Tale: Harvey Bullock Summary: When an old Friend's daughter is murdered, Harvey Bullock starts an investigation that will lead him to the dark underbelly of Gotham and the Hurricane shores of Florida. Feedback:all feedback is welcome via email or as a review on the story itself. Fandom: Batman universe Warnings: As with The Batman: Downfall this story has a lot of sex and violence four chapters are posted with plenty more to follow URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061310 Well get reading and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am writing it (minus the corners) as always feel free to comment and email me.
  9. Hello all, Well I am still trying to get me head around the forum, so many rooms, so many sub categories, not enough time! But I found this one by chance after travelling here and there. First off I am clearly new to the forum and to adult fan fiction in general, hopefully I can make it another stop off point on my trip around the 'net. I am mostly harmless, mostly clean, mostly sane and happy to chat to one and all. Now below this is a link to my first published fan fiction story, I have written many before mainly back in my teen years and all for private consumption (damn A4 legal pads taste good). So this is A Batman story, it is completed but I have a germ of an idea that is growing and will lead off of this story. Reviews, ideas, comments, questions are all welcome. http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061266
  10. Author:Driftwood75 Title:Batman: Downfall Summary:Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy hatch a plan to finally bring Batman to his knees. Will batgirl be able to save the Bat from his own urges? Feedback:all feedback is welcome via email or as a review on the story itself. Fandom:Batman universe Pairing: Batgirl Warnings: a lot of sex and violence including one incident of rape so you have been warned Solo story or chaptered story: this is the completed story all ten chapters are available to read. URL:http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061266 Well get reading and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. I have posted this story elsewhere to positive responses so I am interested in how it fairs here.
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