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Everything posted by Hundybuns

  1. LHopefully legion will be able to help Max maybe regenerate his lost limbs. Well it is something to think about. I don't know about anybody else but I don't want to see Max turned into a robot like Alice and May. I figure two robotsb in one family is enough. Waiting patiently for the next chapter of either Girls or North star. As for Going Home I am waiting for more chapters before I start reading it. Great job as always Magus, keep up the good work.
  2. Maybe Max has figured out a way to finally clone bodies. Its a thought.
  3. There are some good stories on "the other site" by Khammond. None have any outright sex but it is implied. The one I really recommend is "New Beginnings" especially if you like stories about mages. Another series is by Eric Storm from Mystic Wolf Pub http://www.wolfpub.org/authors.php. It is called Dragonseekers. He also has a few more called Artifacts I The Woodward Academy, Year 1 The Woodward Academy, Year 2, The Woodward Academy, Year 3, The Woodward Academy, Year 4. The last one is still a work in progress. I really like the next 2 as well CAMP: Ron's Journey CAMP: Sibling Rivalry. You might like the Bait and Switch series on the other site by Dark Brother. It has everything aliens, mind powers and sex.
  4. Very nice. Waiting patiently for next chapter.
  5. If you look closely there are a lot of similar character names in Northstar. Just to name a few, Amy, Suzy, Marge, and Cindy. I kow I found it a bit confusing when I started reading Northstar. At first I thought it was about Max later on down the road as the little buggers in his blood will make him live a long time unless he gets himself killed. Now that I know it is an entirely different series I figured Mugus just likes those names.
  6. Why, it seems that Max doesn't attend school much anyway. He is either in the hospital, in jail, ran off because he is teed off or saving a bunch of kids. As for Mike, I don't think so, he really seems to like Leia. As for Max not knowing any straight people, remember he doesn't know that many people.
  7. Thanks for the last note. I was worried that you might be getting teed off at some of our comments. Overall I love your stories, there are just some twists that I do not like. By the way it should be very interesting to see how Marge and May react when Max and Emma announce they are expecting. Can't wait. It's not so much the sex but the heart felt love that I like. A little sex between the different partners is nice once in a while, on a side note I really like the love that seems to still be there between Max, Amy and Alice. Please keep them close to Max and Emma as they were the original group. Again thanks for the good work.
  8. Well I have to say, Just great as usual. I don't know how you do it, but keep it up.
  9. Boy quite here today. Everyone must be asleep or working.
  10. Glad to see new chapters of North star. You as usual have out did yourself. I am really beginning to love this series as much as your other two. Keep up the excellent work.
  11. Doi none you deserve a day off and enjoy yourself.
  12. Hey, this is completely off topic. I just received a new tablet for my birthday and I can't remember my password to connect here. anybody know how to recover it?
  13. You're very welcome young fellow. Wait until you reach my age.I was born 13 years minus a day before you.In other words my birthday is on Monday.
  14. Hey guys give the boss a break, Sunday is his birthday and deserves to have some Magusfang time. At least until Monday. Anyway happy birthday on Sunday boss and have fun.
  15. Well that wasn`t too bad. I guess that I can get used to May and Rick as long as you keep Marge and The girls away from Rick.
  16. I don`t know but I think by what Magusfang stated earlier the next chapter could be awful for some of us romantics. I hope he at least keeps Max and Emma together as I have liked them together from the start.
  17. That was before. Sure he would be happy with just Emma, but he has a special spot for Marge as she is the mother of his child. As well he still loves Amy amd Alice a lot. As for May he still thinks of her as his mother, though legally she is not. Marge is closer to being his mother than May is. Besides how do you think he is going to feel if he finds out what she said to Suzy about being with him whether he wants to or not.
  18. Yeah I know what you mean. I hate when women get hurt whether its physical or emotional. I started to read a series on the old site called Broken Birds. It is about women who have been abused and I must have stopped reading it 20to 25 times until I finally finished it. It turned out to be a very good series. So I guess I will try to continue reading this series doing what I do by skipping spots I really hate. To Magus please whatever you do, don`t get Marge or the girls together with Rick. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. It is bad enough that May has left.
  19. What I am saying is that May has turned into a selfish slut who seems to worry about only her own needs. After everything Max has done for her and the anguish he went through when she died she decides that she doesn`t need to worry about his feelings and his morals by saying she is going to have sex with Rick whenever she wants and that Max does not have a say in it and that Max will have sex with her when she wants. As for May being his mother, she is not. June was his mother and in my opinion the way she is acting Max if he lives should disown her and kick her backside out of the family. Except he will not do this because he would lose Marge and their daughter. If Max truely dies I hope that Emma can hold on because of her babies. As I stated earlier I have given up on this series as I don`t like the direction it has gone. I still like to read the comments all of you write here. Until Northstar starts again bye.
  20. Here is what I would like to see happen if Max lives. Max takes Marge, Emma, Amy, Alice and Cindy , tells the rest of the people to go to hell and change their names and leave.
  21. I guess you guys will have to wait for Magusfang to finish and post the next chapter. As for me I am waiting for the next chapter of Northstar. I am finished with Girls in the Grass as I don` t like the way the series is going.
  22. I agree with you Angeldust, except when May stated to Suzi and Marge that she would basically make Max spend time with her because she is his mother turned me off entirely. It wouldn't have bothered me at all if May was the one to die. She has turned into a total slut who thinks only of herself. Well she wouldn't have to worry about ordering Max to spend time with her now. The only thing I worry about is Magus going to get Marge into the mix with Rick. I also worry about Emma, Amy and Alice, how are they going to handle Max`s departure. Oh as others have said earlier it was a good series but in my opinion it started to go down hill when Suzi and Rick got together. I am waiting for the next installment of Northstar, hopefully it will be coming soon.
  23. Yeah most of it was good but what was in this chapter soured everything for me. I know its your story and I wish you luck but this chapter finished this story for me. I will check Northstar from time to time look for updates. Good luck and goodbye.
  24. Well I don`t know what to say but yech. I won`t say any more until others have a chance to read it and comment.
  25. Angeldust I just read your story and I must say it is one of the best stories I have read. I love sword and sorcery stories and this is excellent. I have been reading these type of stories since I found out about them in the early 70`s. I hope you decide to someday continue the story, if you do please let me know as I really would like to read more.
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