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Everything posted by Law4426

  1. Glad to know that everythings working out right Magus, sucks that the internet will take a while to roll out for you though Keep up the good work Magus
  2. Magus may be busy with other things, like work etc, i just hope Magus is ok, its been a while since anyone has heard from him lets hope for the best
  3. I like the cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 63 of GITG, lets hope none of the girls really die, fingers crossed Also, Magus, hope you get well, I know being stuck in a hospital kinda sucks
  4. hey Magus, its been a while since i was on the forum Nice work on GITG, keep it up Just wondering, with GITG nearly over, you gonna continue the series?
  5. hey, sorrry, didn't read that post, I kinda figured out he was on holiday Im not on the forums all the time, i've been kinda sick lately
  6. Hey Magus, u still around? Haven't seen u post on GITG for a while
  7. Hey magus, good job on the previous chapters U still around? It's been like a week since u released ur last chapter of GITG
  8. Welcome back Magus, will be waiting for ur next chapter in GITG
  9. Lets hope magus is alright
  10. You can do it Magus, just take it easy, Can't wait fr the next chapter
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