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Everything posted by Letoria

  1. I simply copied and pasted your example over the original. I’ve saved it to my HDD to use as a template in the future. Thank you for the clarification – and the kinder, gentler tone.
  2. Author: Letoria Title: Karen and Laci Summary: Can a 30something recently out lesbian find love with her teen daughter's troubled best friend? Feedback: greatly appreciated. Fandom: Original! Pairing: FF Rating: Adult+ Warnings: Fingering Minor1 Oral WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107110
  3. I've just posted Chapter 11 of Karen and Laci. It's been hard for me to do any writing this summer. I'm about 1/3 of the way through Chapter 15, though curiously enough I've pretty much finished the rough draft of Chapter 16. That one is one of those surprise gifts the Muses sometimes give me. It comes to me essentially complete. I'll start writing, and all of a sudden, I know exactly where its going. It's like a movie unfolding in my head. Still, the writing is coming very slowly. My real life, my day job so to speak, always has priority on my time. I've spent a lot of time in my gardens, something that gives me great pleasure and serves as my own private spiritual retreat. My wife and I have consciously decided to spend time every evening where computers and TVs are turned off and it's just the two of us. That time is taken from time that would otherwise be given over to writing. I've been friends with Insomnia for many years. She visits often, perhaps three nights a week, and when she does, I use the time to write. So, progress is slow, but it is steady. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Next weekend, my wife and I are taking in a live performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony. The day after that, we're going on vacation for a week on a Canadian island in the Bay of Fundy where we'll be off the grid and by ourselves. I hope to come back renewed, refreshed, and re-energized. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys Chapter 11.
  4. I'm going to use this forum thread to keep any interested readers and fans updated when I add new installments to my ongoing erotic, romantic story of love between a 35 year old businesswoman and her estranged daughter's troubled, going-on-14 best friend Laci. Once the story here at AFF has caught up with the most current chapter on my website (link below), I'll use this to give progress updates. I've just posted Chapter 10 here on AFF. I'm currently at work writing Chapters 15 and 16 -- progress is slow because summer offers so many diversions that demand my time and attention. I hope readers interested in the F/f genre from a woman's perspective will give it a chance. While the lovemaking is explicit, it's never gratuitous -- it always occurs within the context of the overarching story. The story is in fact the driving force, the erotica secondary. I appreciate any and all comments, and if they come with an email address, I'll respond directly. If not, I'll make mention here. That said, I want to thank member Kairae for his/her very kind and supportive review. It made my day. Such reviews are my (and I suspect most authors here) royalty checks. They matter.
  5. "I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow" Soggy Bottom Boys,
  6. Is there a studio version The live set is a bit, ummm, distorted for my tender middle age ears? Might be a little too metal for my sweet heroines
  7. The dates are only points of reference, not absolute limits. Hot 'n' sexy is the prime most important thing. I tracked down the YouTube vids -- "Obsession" and "Mexican Moon" are perfect, "Cherry Pie" a bit to metal and male oriented. Thanks! They made my list.
  8. I'm really pleased with the suggestions so far. I can say I'm unfamiliar with a good many of them, so the links are so very helpful. I'm going to listen to everything and see what how the songs fit into the mood I'm trying to create. I'd like to download and save the ones that work, arrange them into some sort of meaningful order, and listen to the music as I write, thus creating a mental mood that helps me keep the right atmosphere. There really is no right or wrong era. Music is already one of the important subthemes to the story. The two characters are very well developed and fleshed out by now, and the primary limitation is whether or not a given song meshes with their personalities or tastes. For example, classical music, particularly that of Mozart and Beethoven, is central to the story. The adult character is a lifelong devotee of classical music, and she's built an extensive library over the years. In a logical progression the young one Laci is picking up a genuine interest as she's exposed to it. As such, she has very clearly defined concept of what she calls Love Music.This music she's coming to associate with long, slow, romantic lovemaking. That said, there is within the story ample reference to the adult character Karen's eclectic tastes in music, including what might be classified as popular AOR. The mood I'm trying to create is one of a sweaty, sinuous, serpentine dance that inevitably builds to a scene of raw, thumping, noisy, passionate sex as opposed to slowly building romantic lovemaking. When I say "primal", I'm mostly thinking of the relentless, thudding beat one might associate with pure lust. The two examples that most clearly show what fits that bill are "Bang-a-Gong," and "Stormtrooper in Stilettos." That said, those are only examples of what reflects the mood I'm trying to create. I'm looking for anything that fits the gradually building raw, sex-for-its-own-sake encounter, regardless of the era it comes from (within reason). Some examples of what won't work are Elvis, Engleburt Humperdink lounge music, kiddie pop, most blatantly sexual stuff popular today (primarily because its superficial, pandering garbage with no heart or soul), and genres such as rap, hip-hop, etc because readers wouldn't buy them as something the characters would listen to -- plus they're genre with which I have zero familiarity. However, in the end, this is as much for me as it is the characters. If I hear it in the background, it helps me maintain the appropriate mood as I'm writing. For that reason alone, pretty much anything anyone sees as good examples of what you think fits your own personal view of music that fits and enhances the raw sexual nature of the evening are greatly appreciated. If a given song won't work for me, oh well, it won't work and won't go on the playlist, but it will have helped expose me to something I might not have discovered on my own, and that's always a good thing.
  9. Yes! I knew Lou Reed had to be in there. Sadly, he was always on the back burner for me, and I missed out on a lot of great music because of it. "Suffragette..." naturally led to "Rebel, Rebel", a fantastic pair of songs to warm things up a bit, and how could I forget "Be My Lover"? That was a favorite among the red Solo cup set when I was in HS. The list has been started. Thank you!
  10. I need some help. I'm in the process of working on Chapter 15 of my erotic/romantic novel, "Karen and Laci." One of the main currents of the chapter revolves around the young protagonist stumbling across a music playlist on her older lover's home music system entitled, "Sexy Songs of the 70s and 80s", or some such (I'll come up with something better in time). The young lady is already feeling randy as hell, and as soon as she hears the music on the playlist, she knows it will fit perfectly with a scheme she is planning for later that evening. I need some suggestions on some of the hotter songs of the 70s and 80s. I'm wondering if any of you have favorites from that time period. I'm particularly interested in stuff with a really primal feel, e.g. "Bang-a-Gong" by T. Rex, "Stormtrooper in Stilettos" by Queen, "Pour Some Sugar on Me," by Def Leppard. I'm not interested in Disco or similar genres -- it not something that would work in the context of the story. It needs to lean more toward AOR from the era. Songs don't have to be especially well known, though at least familiar to a broad audience. It would be particularly helpful if the suggestions are available on YouTube so I can preview them if I'm unfamiliar with them. Most suggestions won't get mentioned -- some will, though -- but hearing good examples makes it a lot easier for me to set the appropriate mood when I'm writing about it. I came of age in the early/mid 80s, and the music of the crowd I hung with stretched back to the early 70s, but I'm drawing a blank when I try to think of more than a few songs (as mentioned above). No, I doubt it has anything to do with the potions of my misspent youth, just that thing known as getting older and -- perhaps -- a bit more insular. I'm looking for songs from the 70s and 80s because I'm not apt to be familiar with anything after that, and I can't do it justice (but by all means, if its sexy, suggest, suggest, please suggest! never mind the time period). I'd really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
  11. Indeed it is, and it was a delight to hear again after so many years. Right now, I'm listening to Mozart's Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos, K. 448 Performers:Paavali Jumppanen, Elaine Hou. Amazing stuff
  12. Melrick -- I saw your "Midnight Blue" by Lou Gramm, and my thought was, "I wonder if that's the same one I was listening to in nursing school when it first came out." I dug it up on YouTube. It's the same one. I hadn't even thought of it in decades. Thanks for the reminder.
  13. That seemed to take care of the problem. Thank Bronxwench -- you've once again pulled my cookies out of the fire. You rock!
  14. I'm having a hell of a time trying to change my password. It's a long story involving a new Android and one of those sites that promise to always remember your passwords for you. When I went through the "Forgotten Your Password" ritual, this site me a new password that was a string of meaningless numbers and letters. Unless I write it down somewhere, there is no way I'm going to remember it, so I immediately went to the "Edit profile" section here to change the password to something I'll remember. When I went to do it, I entered the "Current password" -- that meaningless string of numbers and letter, which I luckily wrote down -- and I got this message (see attached file.) when I tried to put in my New new password, the one I'll remember. So now I'm stuck. I've wasted an hour fiddling around with this, my fuse grows shorter, and I'm at wits end. I have well over a thousand sites I have visited and might again in the future, or do visit on a regular basis, AFF being one of the latter. Each site insists on a unique, "strong" password. So I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but I'm expected to remember over a thousand "unique, strong" passwords without writing them down, and no two should be alike. Hmmmm, let's see if that's going to happen in my lifetime. Ummmm, nope. What to do now? I'm really leery of logging out and trying to log back in because of this. So, HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Ninth Symphony Beethoven BBC Proms
  16. Since it can be weeks, even months before the real world finally allows me to put up a new installment, I get the same questions all the time. The only answer to offer is, "Patience, oe/Grasshopper, I'm working on it -- quality over quantity."
  17. Found it! Who says perseverance doesn't pay!
  18. My writing process is complex and eclectic mix of sometimes this, other times that, occasionally that thing over there. My "magnum opus", the story I spend 95% of my writing time on, is an ever changing thing. I don't have an overarching design with a very specific end in mind. The whole thing started as a challenge from my wife, We enjoyed reading good lesbian erotica together (I'd read aloud to her, a kind of adult bedtime story), but the problem was, "good" and "lesbian erotica" seemed to be mutually exclusive terms. There were just enough good writers to keep us hoping we might find another diamond in the enormous slag heap if we shoveled enough crap. Finally, she dared me to try writing an erotic story. How hard could it be? I thought. Sure, I'll give it a go. How hard can it be indeed. It all depends in how seriously you take it, and once I got started, I found myself taking it very seriously. Coming up with an idea wasn't especially difficult -- I've always had stories/fantasies run through my head in idle moments and long drives. I wrote out out Chapter 1 as a way of introducing the characters, how they knew each other, and how and why they found themselves about to become lovers. Once out of the immediate setting (briefly snowbound after a blizzard), I envisioned a series of erotic vignettes. Three Chapters in, the whole thing suddenly morphed into something I never expected. The logic of the thing demanded I go right when I expected to go left. If I went left, a few more chapters and my writing "career" would end, and I'd be able to say I lived up to my wife's challenge. If I went right, the muse Calliope made it quite clear I was getting myself into something I did not then comprehend. The sign at the right hand fork was very clear: "Warning: Here there be beastes and dragons." Going right would send me headlong into a world of mystery and wonder, teaching me harsh lessons on the Law of Unintended Consequences and other arcana. How hard can it be? I blithely said to myself. Ha! Ask a dumb question... So I went right, and hard as it's been, I've never regretted it for a moment. I found my avocation. I came into the story with no preconceived ideas of how a story "should" be written. I've pretty much made it up as I've gone along, going with whatever works for a given installment. I'm not, nor will I ever be prolific. I admire authors who can maintain a consistent level of excellence within a large oeuvre. My level of "excellence" is not for me to decide; my output is, and it will never be large. That being the case, I have the relative luxury of being able to write a story where the characters are primary, the plot secondary -- not so much secondary as subordinate. Knowing my characters in minute detail is the single most important part of my writing process. If I know them intimately (and I do) and I treat them honestly (I try my damnedest), I have a fair amount of leeway in how the plot progresses. I rarely know more than a chapter or two ahead where things are going, except in the most vague sense, but if I trust my characters, I can trust they will show me where they need to go. I don't believe real life is predestined, so in a story driven by characters, I don't feel the endpoint should be predestined. The story's progression flows naturally from the choices the characters make and how they make them. I tend to use a lot of sub-themes, some more prominent and important than others, but each crucial in its own way. I also like playing around with metaphors large and small. I try not to lock myself into anything. Generally when I end a chapter, I know what's going to happen in the next one. That said, it's not unusual for me to discover what I thought was going to happen just doesn't work, so I have to be flexible enough to throw out 5,000 words of text if it isn't correct. On more than one occasion, I tossed an entire chapter because it turned out to be all wrong, and if you think that didn't hurt! In the process of writing, I try my best to avoid repeating a word unless I have no choice. Given that the story is at least nominally erotic, describing the sexual action is naturally paramount. I always try to do so with resorting to using F*** unless I have no choice, or if it's what one of the characters cries out in the throes of orgasm. I try to avoid the C word even more studiously, though there are times when, used in the correct context, it's simply the best word available. I tend to write very descriptive -- sometimes minutely so -- and explicit descriptions of what a character is seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and hearing. I used to have the bad habit of shifting between the two characters views of the action rather than sticking with just one characters POV, unless very clearly delineated. I also have been in the habit of trying to describe what an orgasm feels like, and though I sometimes think I've an OK job, I ultimately believe it's pretty much impossible to do with any justice -- now I'm trying to find ways to break that habit without losing any passion. These are challenges, and for me, the fun of the writing process is in learning to master the various challenges I set for myself. Ultimately, to my mind, the most important part of the writing process is summed up in one word: editing. There are, for me, multiple types of editing, from reworking a paragraph during the course of writing, to working over a series of drafts, fine tuning until I'm reasonably satisfied with the end product, to the reading aloud of that end product to my wife. When she gives her editorial approval, I ship it off to two different editors, one for proofreading, the other for content, stylistic, and grammatical editing. Only when I've made my final decisions on whether to accept or decline an editors suggestions do I finally post a chapter on the various sites I use to get it out there to my small but loyal readership. I will generally do seven editing run-throughs before a chapter reaches the point I think it's ready for my wife's critical ear. She's the one editor who can and will be merciless with me, and tell me if something I've written is crap. In the end, my writing process is whatever works for a given chapter. It rarely flows out of me without effort. I use different tacks whenever needed. Part of the fun -- and writing this story is almost always great fun -- is figuring out exactly what tack works best to achieve my goals. Well now, I guess I took a relatively simple question and way over complicated it. Too late in the day to subject it to editing -- luckily it's the weekend and I don't have to be up at 5 AM to go to work. Good night!
  19. And done yet again.
  20. Oooops, sorry I was lazy and didn't do due diligence looking over the FAQs -- that's what happens at two in the morning of a night too hot to sleep. Thanks, I'll copy and paste it in the doc with the generic Disclaimer you posted for me a while back.
  21. I want to post a non-fiction essay/story in which names have been changed. No people other the three principal participants are named, and references to other people are unnamed. What are the rules in this case? I hold off posting until I get the right stuff.
  22. You are a wise woman. I remember as a kid, Dad bought a top end TV (this would be the mid to late 70s), and he still had the thing down in his work shop so he could watch baseball or hockey while he puttered up until he died in the early 2000s. When Mom died a couple of years later, it fell to my wife and I to clean and empty the house. When we got to the cellar, I tried turning it on for the hell of it, and yup, it still worked. Now we treat TVs as just another ho-hum purchase, new model every couple of years, nothing lasts. And BronxWench, I still have a good many of my old LPs, some of which I'm ashamed of (Leif Garrett?), others are still OK (Journey, Van Halen). There's a very distinct sound a stylus makes when the tone arm drops it onto vinyl that MP3s just can't replicate. Wistful sigh.
  23. I'm no audiophile, but the quality of the sound on those older stereos you patched together was so much richer, and each one seemed to have it's own idiosyncrasies and personality. My dad was an electrician, but he wasn't the type to build stereos; his thing was hand sewing shoes (I didn't get stereos, I got shoes). I came around at the tail end of the generation where building a component stereo was the only way to go if you wanted high quality stereo sound. I think digitally produced music loses something as far as personality and depth are concerned. I was never exposed to music on those old tube stereos, but I'd bet it was even more pronounced with them. It's good to see there's a thriving subculture keeping analog music alive.
  24. To me, it sounded like stories written about a WWE wrestling whatever-they're-called, ("Here he comes! Laaaaaaadies 'n' Gentlemen, give it up for Sliiiiiice!!") or part of the title of a B Slice 'n' Dice Movie. Hmmmmm. JayDee suggests it came from the slash between "Kirk/Spock", and Mugusfang thought it be for the slash between gay story tags (M/M). Could it be? Say it ain't so! Kirk and Spock getting down 'n' Dirty, enjoying the pleasure of their man parts together? Now my world is shattered!!!
  25. This is a Newbie question, and it may be on the Duh! side, but what exactly is "Slash" fiction? That's a new term for me
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