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  1. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    They were already part of the story, I'm just fleshing them out in the flashback. But the trick is to just let the main storyline sit idle while you build the characters, if you try and tell the story and build the characters, something always suffers, there's only so much you can pack into a sentence; also I found that if I try and advance the story and develope the characters, readers tend to ignore the character developement and focus on the story, so I seperate the two, give them their own chapters.
  2. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    OK, Chapter 8 of Northstar up, no cliffhanger this time...not really
  3. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Thanks guys, as for Emma, never fear. Those who are Emma fans will like the path I think I'm gonna take. I say think because I never really know what is going to happen until I start writing...These people are living their lives in my head and I just write what I see. Saying that it strikes me that my last comment smacks of a little mental instability...oh well, sanity is boring anyway.
  4. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Just got Chapter 7 of Northstar up, It starts to get fun from here
  5. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Chapter 5 GITG up aannndddd FIRE!
    Direct hit! Yea hah, we have a cliffhanger!
  6. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    NOSEX?!?!?!?! That's it, I'm outta here!
    Oh alright, I'll stay...where's the beer?
  7. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from BigMan7307 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Not his style, but I think we need to do something besides the sorry forgiven exchange. Something conveluted that ends with a...say it with me campers...that's right - a cliffhanger!
  8. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in thought of the day   
    In case you're wondering why you should never laugh at a live dragon!
    I'm thinking this is definitive proof of dragons too!

    I mean this is proof of bigfoot right? Has to be accurate, look at his widdle weeny!
  9. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yeah, I never wanted to get Suzy and Max together, it was a teazer in the last book, I kept hinting that they would, even getting them together in the Virtual world, but it ran it;s course so I shut it down.
    Suzy will be visiting with the women in the future I think, but I haven't decided on if Rick will go with her; seems kinda wrong since May and Marge are sort of honorary members of Max's harem.
  10. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Chapter four is up, some twists, but it might be a little predictive.
    oh and it ends on a cliffhanger...hehe
  11. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    GITG four is nearly finished, just need to transition into another flashback, just trying to figure out what Suzy and Max have to do to makeup
  12. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Oops, she doesn't die, but her brain tumor is revealed. As for Amy being the surrogate, that comes in a few chapters later. The next couple of chapters deal with how everyone actually becomes part of the family. Even though you know Suzy, Vella, and Zoey, you haven't met them yet!
  13. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yep, a guy.
    In case anyone wonders, it was in either chapter three or four that Amanda has a brain tumor and dies, that's why she's only in the flashbacks. As for Nick sleeping with everyone, as the story progresses you see how he evolves from just being with Amanda, then Amanda and Anna, to just about everyone. As for being married and having sex with multiple partners, some people see sex as an expression of love and caring, like a really good hug. There's a difference between those you love and those you are in love with.
    Just my opinion...I'm sure it's not for everyone.
  14. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Castle   
    God I love that show! Really pissed me off when Firefly went down too.
    So back to the thread, Gotta figure out how to get Castle into it...he is the tittle character after all
  15. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Boy in The Grass reviews and comments   
    So finally got chapter three of Girls In The Grass out and I think it's a pretty nice twist, bet no one saw that coming; just wait till you see how I tie that wobbly little string back into the story!
  16. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yeah temp ban until 11 July. Kinda messed up since I followed the rules, I also like how they pull your story and ban you all at once, no warning no chance to edit or defend yourself, all in the finest traditions of the KGB or the Stazi (notice how I didn't say Gestapo, that's right, I took the high road !)
  17. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Might have to pop over and see, not that it matters; I'm not posting there anymore, I followed the rules to the letter and still got nuked.
  18. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Rescue25 in thought of the day   
    Assholes on Parade by Timbuk 3
    It’s an asshole celebration and they’re all out on the street
    See them on the sidewalk, oh hear those shufflin’ feet
    As twenty thousand assholes do an asshole promenade
    Step aside good people it’s the assholes on parade
    We got the assholes for freedom, the assholes for fun
    The assholes for Jesus and the assholes for guns
    The assholes for justice, the assholes for crime
    And the assholes for assholes, the assholes of all time
    Assholes makin money, they’re makin all the rules
    Takin all our jobs and they’re fillin up our schools
    Assholes in the water, assholes in the sky
    Sign that says help wanted only assholes need apply
    Oh teacher won’t you tell me,
    Have I really made the grade
    Am I the head of the class
    Or just another asshole on parade
    Assholes give the orders and assholes row the boat
    Assholes get elected ‘cause assholes get to vote
    I once heard it said that old asshole never die
    They just lay in bed and multiply
    Assholes in the morning, assholes every night
    Assholes to the left and assholes to the right
    As twenty thousand assholes do an asshole promenade
    Step aside good people, it’s the assholes on parade
  19. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from bookworm51485 in thought of the day   
    No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying
  20. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in This useless site   
    I was kinda going for that but worried that it sounded condesending instead of funny, but said the hell with it and used it.
  21. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    God, I hope not! Pretty sure though, they usually don't pass up an opportunity to razz the hell out of me. No they're being pretty sympathetic, so as long as they don't read this post, I should be golden.
  22. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in This useless site   
    Sorry, mead and sake don't go with Coke...ok DG, cough it up....don't make me breakout my ninja kitty!

  23. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in This useless site   
    So, who has the rum?
  24. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in This useless site   
    U guys are weird, I think it like it
  25. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in This useless site   
    Ok, I read this post like four times, and other than a headache (Followed by a small seizure) I didn't get much out of it. Did this person steal someone else's work and try to pass it off as their own, or just cut and paste a commercial story? Or was it so poorly written it got bumped?
    Oh, is it true you're all leaving? I just got here and I get lonely easily!
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