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    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Oops, didn't see that 'not the trigger' part...oh well, be back later, I have to go buy a new TV....
  2. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I tend to use similar names because I have no imagination....
    Actually, I just use names I like
    Anyway GITG 17 is up, lots of bang bang shoot em up in this one, sorry, no sex
    But it does have six year olds with machine guns, that's gotta be a plus
  3. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
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    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
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    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
    So, going to the range next week...any takers
  6. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
    A little situational awareness is never a bad thing!
  7. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Rescue25 in thought of the day   
    9 Most Dangerous Words Used By A Woman
    1) Fine
    This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right, and you need to shut up.
    2) Five Minutes
    If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. “Five minutes” is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
    3) Nothing
    This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with “nothing” usually end in “fine.”
    4) Go Ahead.
    This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
    5) Loud Sigh
    This is actually not a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing there and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of “Nothing.”)

    6) That’s OK.
    This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. “That’s OK” means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
    7) Thanks
    A woman is thanking you. Do not question or faint, just say, “You’re welcome.” (I want to add in a clause here: This is true, unless she says “Thanks a lot.” Now, that is PURE sarcasm, and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say, “You’re welcome” in this scenario because that will bring on a “Whatever.”)
    8 ) Whatever
    This is a woman’s way of saying “F– YOU!”

    9) Don’t worry about it. I got it.
    Another dangerous statement, this means there is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, “What’s wrong?” For the woman’s response, refer to #3.
  8. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
    World Cup Quote (That's right, I folded - don't judge me!)
    "We lost because we didn't win."
    -Renaldo (Brazilian Linker, evidently he only has one name, like Madonna)
    I think that about covers it. Another one I liked.
    "Football is a simple game, 22 men chase a little ball around a field for three hours and in the end, the Germans win!"
    Collin Brent (English Defender)
  9. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Kurahieiritr in thought of the day   
    “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  10. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from KragonTsal in Magusfang's Corner   
    So I got two things to say:
    #1: I want to give a shout out to jennatalia for pointing out a mistake I made
    Max took a deep breathe to collect himself before continuing, "We'll ride the spiders in and hit the complex just before daybreak, the flyers and stealth drones will proceed us by five minutes: Amy and Nadi, you'll position yourselves here as over-watch; Alice and Amy will be here and make their way to the garage to steal the snow cats
    Did you by any chance mean Becca and Nadi take the over watch position?
    She(?) is correct and I have fixed it in my saved copy and I'll edit the posted copy when I get a chance. I really appreciate when people point out things like this, it's hard for authors to catch these kind of mistakes because we know what we wanted to write and that's what we see when we give the chapter a quick read over. So I really do appreciate the help, and don't worry about my feelings, I'm married so you can't hurt me
    #2 I got a PM about a plot twist I used, specifically having May and Rick get together. I did that because I think I'm gonna have May be more of a mother to Max and sort of step back from being another lover. The author of the PM then finished the note by saying they didn't know why they had bothered because I never listen to those sort of comments any way. Well that's not true, there have been many plot twist that either came about because of reader comments or were abandoned. Remember when the tied Becca up and every one got together, I had initially planned a free for all but when I hinted at it the response was so universally negative I made it a bet between Amy and Emma and it never became a true orgy. And when hungry ins was upset because I hinted the mothers would both get with rick; well my plan was for Rick to have his own Haden, sort of an older version of Max. But Hindu was right I had large and max's relationship too set at that point for her to jump ship. I had May do it for a specific reason, mainly I think she is going to be more of a mother to him and not just another girl in his bed which is sorta what has happened. So don't hesitate to point out it twists you do t like because if I'm on the fence about something I let the readers comments decide which way I'll go. Now don't get too crazy, it is a sci fi story and I'm keeping Alice as is, I happen to think a lesbian robot is just too cool. So I'd like to thank everyone for there comment, because even when you don't like what I've done with the story it does help me plan out or even abandon of lines. I really think a lot of the comments that some people would say are negative have actually helped make the story as fun as it is.
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    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    not sure how much writing I'll get done today!
    Yeah that's me, note the knobby knees and bird legs!
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    magusfang got a reaction from Hundybuns in Magusfang's Corner   
    Well happy birthday
  13. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Thanx, I'd tell you how old I was but you would never believe me. Just add about 200 to any number and that's how old I feel, especially on these dam rainy days.
  14. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Don't worry, I already have 3000 words of the next chapter written; there is going to be alot of twists in the next few chapters. Some you'll like and some, I'm sure, some of you, at least, will hate. As for May, don't condemn her so fast at least not until it gets all twisty and crazy in the next few chapters. If you're still upset then, well all I can say is sorry and thanx for supporting the stories for so long. It was starting to get to mushy, time to shake some shit up!
  15. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from BigMan7307 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I'm back. Sorry about going AWOL, but was off the grid for awhile. Will post soon, thanx for all the concern, I am ok and actually back to work
  16. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Such a dreamer!
  17. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    I have fourteen nearly finished, hopefully I'll post before this weekend since we're going to the beach for a week and I'm not sure how much writing I'll be allowed to do.
  18. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I have fourteen nearly finished, hopefully I'll post before this weekend since we're going to the beach for a week and I'm not sure how much writing I'll be allowed to do.
  19. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from BigMan7307 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Writing the next chapter now, and like the movie tittle: there will be blood!
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    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Of course
  21. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Writing the next chapter now, and like the movie tittle: there will be blood!
  22. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Thanx, good to be back
  23. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    I can disappear again, we'll go 50/50... Um, maybe I should have PM'd that huh?
  24. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I can disappear again, we'll go 50/50... Um, maybe I should have PM'd that huh?
  25. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Flexy68 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I'm back. Sorry about going AWOL, but was off the grid for awhile. Will post soon, thanx for all the concern, I am ok and actually back to work
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