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Posts posted by Strahan

  1. I wasn't originally going to write any fanfics.. when I was 13 I wrote some sci-fi/fantasy mix stuff and enjoyed doing it but then I stopped and haven't considered it again for the next twenty five years lol. I found this site from someone else mentioning a certain fanfic so I read it and that made me slightly inspired, now I just got done watching an anime which I felt the ending was not done to my satisfaction so now I have a subject and I think that's enough to get me to try.

    The point of that rambling is now I find myself struggling with how to approach it, and organization is one of the issues. What I found worked good for me as I brainstormed is my phone's voice notes. Convenient as I do not need to break out my laptop to type or my pencil to write. As an idea pops in my head I hit the switch and discuss it with myself. Later on I'll transcribe those notes to the PC.

  2. Oh, yikes. Just what we need... more ways for our work to be downloaded without permission. :(

    Not to mention those authors who have removed their work from online, and have asked that the work not be circulated. I can't tell you how often we have to remind people in the Search Forum NOT to offer copies of stories.

    I would not be flattered or happy to have my original works downloaded, I assure you. I'd be very distressed, to be honest.

    I know this topic is dusty, but I wanted to put my 2c in. Redistribution of stories from the site would be pretty rude w/o permission, for sure, but the OP isn't talking about that. I'm here for the same thing. I was hoping for a simple solution to put a rather long story on my Kindle. It would be nice if the site had an option to download all chapters of a story to a text file. I'm assuming from what I'm reading in this thread that option doesn't exist.

    It would be nice for putting on e-readers, and it would not really cause a problem with redistribution as the text is available on the site anyway.

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