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    Leicestershire, England, UK
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    Hello, I'm a 24 year old pure-blooded Slytherin lady, and am here to (try to) write some of my own Bellatrix Black/Lestrange fan/slash. However, I am constantly distracted by reading other people's beautifully crafted stories. My OTP is Luna/Bellatrix; but I also love the Bellamione pairing.

    TUMBLR: http://azure-rusalka.tumblr.com & http://bulgarian-elf-faery.tumblr.com

    TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/BellatrixSlut

    FANFICTION.NET: http://www.fanfiction.net/~shelleyrusalki

    I'm always seeking my real life Bellatrix!

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  1. Hello I'm on AFF.net and under the same username. I'm mainly interested in reading Harry Potter stories; and particularly any where half of the pairing is from Slytherin House. I will have a read of most stories involving Bellatrix Lestrange, and I love a little Bellamione; but my OTP is probably Luna Lovegood and Bellatrix Lestrange (or... Lunatrix, as it seems to be called). I definitely prefer the femslash/femmeslash pairings in most fics. I'm very into the Claymore anime & manga - and I could have a field day there, if I put my mind to it.... Ophelia <3 I'm also very into Game of Thrones; and anything with Ramsay Snow/Bolton definitely peaks my interest... I seem to love the sadists! I'd love to write a Ramsay Bolton/Bellatrix Lestrange crossover.. perhaps one day! Other than that, I'm into all sorts of music, walking my dog in pretty places, and I love to play dress up.
  2. I'm just trying to promote my story a little more; as I'm putting a lot of time into it.. and so knowing that I'm on the right track is always helpful! Story is classed as 'AU' because... suprise, suprise... Bellatrix did not die!! I'm trying to keep everyone as in character as I possibly can, and any OCs have direct inspiration from the books, movies, and Pottermore.. and there are some familiar characters which have been embellished. Author: ShelleyRusalki (me!) Title: The Duality of Darkness Summary: Luna Lovegood is a Trainee Healer on the fourth floor of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. She finds that she might also be in need of some healing when she is introduced to one particular patient, Bellatrix Lestrange, who had mistakenly been presumed dead only one year before. Feedback: Any (praise or critique) is appreciated! Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Bellatrix Lestrange & Luna Lovegood Warnings: It's still very much in the baby stages... but, potentially; Abuse, Angst, Bi, B-Mod, BP, CR, F/F, Fet, Fingering, H/C, MBP, OC, Oral, Other, S&M, SH, Solo, Tort, Toys, Violence, WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered.. only 6 so far, and I'm planning on it being fairly lengthy. Not TOO much has happened yet, but things will start moving along better after a few things that must happen first! URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097452 Thanks to anyone who's had a look - or who will make time to in the future! Also, I LOVE Lunatrix, so if you have any stories to link me to, ESPECIALLY fanart - as there seems to be a severe lack of it, then feel free to give me a link! I've always wondered why Lunatrix never hit it off with such a strength as Bellamione did.
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