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Posts posted by clairavance

  1. I luv memes!

    1. How about a brief introduction of yourself?
    'kay, I'm 28 going on 13, I'm married to my sweetheart, I'm a tomboy, I've got 3 kids I'm training to become pro-gamers and I really, really, love Dante.

    2. Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?
    My favourite author killed off probably the hottest villain in the literature world. It didn't suit me well, so I wrote about a hundred different endings >:3 Hence, fanfiction was born. I had no idea I was actually writing fanfiction back then, though. I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that.

    3. I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
    The Forbidden Game and Devil May Cry, with heavy themes of action, romance *grimace*, and horror.

    4. Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore?
    Er... I prefer writing the pairings that are legit in said fandom. Not too many of those out there, y'know. Too many fan-pairings. I'm also confined to TFG and DMC so...wait, I'm confusing myself. What's the question? I don't get it. :help: I write Julian and Dante a lot so I guess I do tend to write the same characters often? I'm such a dork, never mind, next question.

    5. What is your more popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so?
    My song inspired two-part fanfic called I Hate Everything About You and (the sequel) Why Do I Love You.

    And I have no idea why they like it. I certainly don't. I started it with the mindset of creating an OC, the way I think one should write an OC if they were to trample through the fanfic, who is not just another copy of some hot curvy girl in skin tight leather who can kick booty (success!), and then making her as dislikeable as possible (failed), and then killing her dead with fire and bullets and all my pent up fangirl rage. Because I can't go around killing everybody else's OC getting their grubby claws all over Dante, now can I? It's my hate fic, I don't put half as much effort into it as I do into my oneshots, and still people like it. :bash: AND I DUNNO WHY!!!!

    6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written you're most proud of?
    Heeeeheeheeheee....Two Little Boys.

    7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
    I find it...natural. Most difficult would be writing romance (and sex scenes). ...yeah.

    8. Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.
    He's hot - despite the snorkel he's got in the middle of his face, but his abs make up for that. He's one of the most endearing characters I've come across considering his tragic history. He's also one of the laziest, wittiest and biggest jerks. His lame jokes and tough-guy exterior is, according to the creator, a facade to hide his true feelings. He's insecure and claims not to be, even though it's pretty obvious that he is. He's the bad-ass good guy. He's like, the ultimate hot rod bachelor.

    9. Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can't stand or are just sick of?
    I kind of touched on this already, but to emphasise, OC's who are short of sleazy feminists (like Lady) who manage, without much effort, to get Dante to fall in love with them.

    10. Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or any other ones?
    Nope. As I said, I'm going to kill off my authentic OC. No one can haz Dante. NO ONE!

    11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it?
    The Forbidden Game :) I have a couple of works in progress that I still need to tend to.

    12. Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them you love to write.
    Nero x Kyrie. They're just sooooooo cute. And it's legit.

    13. What would you call your writing "style"?
    SSSSSSSmokin'. :thumbsup:

    14. Do you read other people's fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
    Of course! I pick out my favourites from the slush pile and often end up going back to reread them. If you get Dante in-character, you're in my favourite's like *snap*. He's actually really hard to write. I commend the writers who pull it off.

    15. Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
    :blush: ...pass!

    16. Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
    Nope. I wouldn't be putting my work out there if I didn't want some crit. I have suffered from a bloated ego, long ago when people started favouriting and following and reviewing my work. Nobody really ever told me that I suck at writing, or need to improve (because I was and still am improving my writing every chance I get) but I often had fall-outs with other writers who attacked me and said I'm a self-proclaimed guru (which I wasn't and never claimed to be) but I think... maybe my confidence in my writing was a bit too 'in your face'? I dunno. One day I received a review pertaining to an old story, and I wanted to respond appropriately (I've got a bad memory) so I went to reread the fanfic in question.

    Not even halfway through I was like :WTF: and I remember thinking 'people actually READ this crap? And review it? And LIKE it?' which resulted in my removing the fic in question in total humiliation. I thought it was terrible. And then I got flamed by the readers for taking it down, big time. That's when I made a deal with myself to never reread work I've posted up. So ego? Non-existent. I love writing and I won't ever give it up, but I don't believe I'm as good as people say I am.

    17. When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room? Repairing toaster ovens?
    I have playlists for each of my fics. It helps get me back into the right mindset.

    18. What inspires you?
    Dante :drool2: and Julian :drool:

    19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?
    Fan-tastic? Hehehe. I met some amazing writers and made life-long friends through fanfiction, so it's all good.

    As a writer? Well, I kinda suck at summaries.

    20. Tag some friends, because they'll have you for it.

    ....I haz no friendz

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