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Posts posted by Cardinal


    Author: Cardinal
    Title: Run to Me
    Summary: Severus Snape agrees to a Mating Bond to protect Harry Potter, only, what happens when Snape needs protecting?
    Feedback: Sure!
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Pairing: Snape/Harry
    Warnings: Rape, Incest, Minor2, Master/Slave, M/M, Violence, and so on.
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered
    URL: https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600100455

    Review Reply thread:


    This story was originally posted in 2005 for The Silver Snitch, an old and derelict Harry Potter slash fanfic site. I’m now rewriting and finally FINISHING it for AFF. I hope you all enjoy!

  2. coverart-1.jpg

    Author: Cardinal
    Title: Number 312
    Summary: Goku is captured and taken aboard a slave ship. Fortunately, or perhaps not so fortunately, King Vegeta takes an immediate interest in the new slave and makes him his own. King Vegeta likes to break his slaves, and he looks forward to the conquest presented by the tall Saiyan from Earth.
    Feedback: Would be much appreciated :)
    Fandom: Dragonball Z

    Warnings (for entire fic): Anal, Bondage, Rape, Violence, Xeno
    Pairing: Goku/Vegeta
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered
    URL: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023991

    I wrote this story years ago and once had it published on AFF. I am rewriting it as I go, and I hope it is as well received this go round as it was originally! :)

  3. So, I'm sure I'm not the only writer here with this sob story :help: ---- TheSilverSnitch is gone (I'm behind, I know), I can't find my back up files (I *swear* I saved all of these), and I'm still moping about my long lost fanfictions that I wrote and loved so dearly. So, I am looking for a few of them. If anyone might have come across them at some point, or saved them for your own personal reading, I would OWE YOU FOR LIFE, haha.

    Here's what I'm lookin for:

    Severus/Harry pairing::

    "Rescue Me" and "Rescue Me II" written by Cardinal -- pieces of Rescue Me are here at AFF, but not the complete work.

    "Rescue Me"-- Harry is raped by Vernon Dursley, rescued by Severus Snape and the two mate/bond on Dumbledore's instructions to procure more security for them against Voldemort.

    "Rescue Me II"-- the sequel, wherein, I cannot remember a DANG THING (or I would just rewrite it). So even if you just remember READING this and can tell me the highlights, haha, that would be awesome!

    "A Soul's Requem" by Cardinal

    Severus sucked on the delectable neck of Harry Potter, former Golden Boy of Hogwarts. After the defeat of Voldemort what use had the wizarding world for the Boy Who Lived? Who cared now if he lived, or how? He'd served his purpose and the media and crowds had happily let him fade into the background as they experienced true freedom for the first time in many years. The Potions Master, however, had never held more interest in Harry.

    Draco/Harry pairing:

    Summary: What would the world be like without Lord Voldemort? Find out here the story of a marriage of convenience, that turns into a budding romance.
    ----------Basically on this one, Harry's entire family is alive, there was never a Voldemort, he was raised in the Wizarding World, and the Potters were a semi-prestigeous family. The Malfoys are lookin for a suitable husband for Draco, and of course, Harry is picked ;) Marriage and general chaos ensues.
    Voldemort/Harry pairing:
    "Before I Was Evil" by Cardinal
    This fic use to be up on AFF, but was taken down, so I was wondering if anyone might have saved a copy? In it Harry was captured by Voldemort, made his "pet", Voldemort/Tom Riddle shows a somewhat different side of himself, possibly even treats Harry better than the "good side." For whatever reason all I have saved of this fic is Chapter 7, haha.
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