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Eris Night

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    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Creative Hiatus!!!
    AMMIC is on hold until further notice so that I can finish the story completely before risking posting a single chapter and missing an important portion of the plot. 26 has been a bit difficult because the Valiant are proving to be much more devious than even i imagined! So bear with me and you will be rewarded with an epic conclusion!!!
  2. Like
    Eris Night reacted to Sage of Discord in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    So the lesson here is no more hot cocoa during writing. Hot cocoa before and hot cocoa after, but not during.
  3. Like
    Eris Night reacted to HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Hey there,
    I could never hate you, hon! lol Thanks for the answers and while I do understand your thinking, I still think she has a lot of apologizing to do. :-) I hope he doesn't find out about her manipulations and that things are actually easier for them now. And, I hope they hurry up and get married before this stupid law screws things up for them. When is Harry going to catch a break in the case? I know, I know, you won't tell me. ha ha ha Looking forward to more, as always. :-) Take care, HG4eva
  4. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    HarryGinny4eva 8/25/13
    I'm finding the majority of my readers enjoy the longer chapters as long as I break up the narrative frequently. I am also relieved that they are finally engaged, that was a long time in the making haha. ALOT of work went into that and I'm super excited that they are both in a place where they can be themselves because now things are about to get awesome!
    Harry and Luna are adorable. Their little scene made me happy, I felt as though I didn't fail Harry haha. So I'll let them enjoy their happiness for as long as possible in this crazy world.
    Arthur and Molly wouldn't miss their weddings for the world and are and will always remain the best kind of people:)
    Lol oh boy as for Hermione, I suppose this is the part where I defend her actions lol
    Well as always your points are valid and spot on.
    The only clarifications that I can make with her decision making is that she didn't want to just turn down Ron quickly or carelessly because their relationship is in a very fragile place but because she knew that she wouldn't be able to hide it from him that the one she was most likely going to accept was Draco.
    She's in love with Draco and so she knew who she wanted to accept but needed to figure out a way to detach herself from Ron in the most gentle way possible. Now remember, Hermione in this work is brilliant, but she's been known to much things up when it comes to guys.
    I wouldn't say she was flaunting Ron, he just kept coming over in his attempts to woo her and she was equally stuck because she didn't want to tell him not to come because he's her best friend and that would have been an argument.
    Remember her first response to his proposal was basically no, I want to be friends and that was even before Draco asked her to marry him. But Ron was being persistent and Hermione was at a complete loss for as to deal with him.
    Hermione knows Ron's temper all too well and spending more time with him was a good thing and kinda necessary because even at his "I'm wooing you, I want you to marry me" best, Ron was still subpar compared to the respectful Draco who gave her everything that she wanted and very clearly put her needs first.
    Spending more time with Ron only solidified that he was not a good match for her and it only eliminates any future "What ifs" and points her firmly in Draco's direction.
    So while yes, she wasn't very considerate of Draco's feelings, it's only because she was so darn concerned with Ron's.
    About Halfway through the month and then completely on the Wednesday before their lunch date, Hermione was complete sure that she wanted to accept Draco. So yes at that point she was pretending that she was still considering him in Draco's eyes.
    To be fair (and I'm way more partial to Draco in this) but our favorite blonde has a HORRIBLE track record this story! Yea he's been better as of late because he focused on Hermione but she didn't know that for sure. Usually every time he didn't get his way or she upset him with some form of unintentional rejection, Draco is back to bringing women home and acting like he doesnt care.
    Seeing him remain steadfast during that time solidified her faith and love for him. Ron is the safer choice in that she knows exactly what she wanted and if Draco would have resumed his womanizing during that time, Hermione probably would have accepted Ron on principal. So the long wait for her saying yes cleared up EVERYTHING between them.
    Yes they still have to talk but Draco showed her just how serious he is and for Hermione that means everything.
    Like Hermione said, "marriage is forever" and people really shouldn't rush a choice like that.
    Granted, yes you have every right to be pissed lol, but Hermione hasn't made ANYTHING easy so far. So it was unlikely she would just say yes without her brain getting in the way. Good news is that things should go much more smoothly from now on.
    Don't hate me lol
    But yes lol, I was wondering if anyone remembered that not only did Draco cure cancer but Ron thought Hermione was trying to make it up to him for missing his birthday in March of that year. I kept saying that absolutely everything is written for a reason lol, I've had this whole Hermione accepts Draco this way scenario planned for about 20 or more chapters haha:)
    And yes sorry... Blaise has to go lol... I can't say more because of Spoilers but yea haha. I've got more in store for him.
    I'm working on 24 after review replies:) Thank you for your honest review! It's ok to hate Hermione now but just think! She's fully come into herself and things should be fun from now on!
    Until next time:)
  5. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Morning Snow 8/25/13
    AHHH My Author Friend Paramour!
    I'm glad you liked it!! The cancer thing has been 20 chapters in the making lol. I knew for a while now that this is how I wanted her to accept him. The early chapter clues were of course Draco having cured cancer and was Hermione missing Ron's birthday because her mother was sick.
    I victory dance whenever one of my plot points gets completed lol. You should see my word documents, my notes document has a TON of little things I have to finish up lol and so i'm like spending today re-reading the entire work and then continuing because everything is about to fall into place.
    My current goal is 30 chapters with an epilogue lol. I don't want to go past that but I also don't want to rush the action lol, so wish me luck haha.
    Super excited about your review and waiting patiently for Daylight:)
  6. Like
    Eris Night reacted to Sage of Discord in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Eris, I've just finished Chapter 23, and let me say this as elegantly and succintly as I can.
    *clears throat*

  7. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    HarryGinny4eva 8/22/13
    OMG lol, it's reviews like yours that make me want to spend all my time writing lol! It's incredibly funny and such an honor for you to be huddled in your bathroom when you have guests over reading my chapter lol! And I'm so incredibly happy you came back and took the time to tell me lol!
    That is the funniest thing ever and I probably would have done the same haha! No shame:) Fanfiction is awesome!
    The oath has steadily been coming more into play as Harry and Draco actually acknowledge the effect of it and stop brushing everything off as "quirks". Truth be told its all been happening for a while, our characters just have actually paid attention to it now:)
    I really like it as well but Draco being taken down a notch was necessary and Harry needed a little boost lol:) Draco facing his fear will force him to stop this nonchalant attitude that he's been sporting when dealing with Hermione.
    We ALL can clearly see that he's in love with her, they both know it but it's quite literally his own character flaws and insecurities holding them back. At least with Harry being there with a bit of Draco's own flair, he's able to talk to Draco in a way that's effective.
    Which all lead to our lovely Malfoy's impromptu proposal:) If Draco had just gotten with Hermione before this then he might not have realized just how much he cared and probably would have screwed it up. But with seeing her almost die and now the possibility of Ron taking her away. He's all in:) So the Valiant have done something good at least!
    As for Hermione... well as we can see she's progressing into an incredibly strong and self assured woman. Draco helped her with it by showing her how incredibly lovely she was and so we'll just have to wait and see how she reacts to his proposal:)
    Of course I already know lol but I don't want to spoil it. However you already know nothing has ever come easy for this pair which has ultimately made their moments all the more special!
    Good news is that this is a Dramione lol:)
    Until next time!
  8. Like
    Eris Night reacted to Draconis in Breaking Out, Breaking Down - review thread   
    thanks Eris! I'm loving yours as well! I'm always looking for updates!
    draconian dream: I'm working on the third chapter! Well my co writer/ beta is. I'm lucky to have such a great friend and writer! the third chapter has me stumped sui she's stepping in to help! it'll be up soon I promise!
  9. Like
    Eris Night reacted to Draconis in Breaking Out, Breaking Down - review thread   
    Eris! I'm so glad you like it!
    Draco is a bit easy for me to portray since I've read sooooo much Dramione it's ridiculous lol.
    As for Hermione, she's interesting in this story because we're going to see how the war really affected her on a much deeper level. I have experience in this field being a veteran, and being married to one as well. I feel like a lot of people don't understand the consequences of war for an adult, much less children. So it'll be fun to see reactions from the readers.
  10. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Attention All!!
    I'm BACK!!! The AMMIC summer course Hiatus is over and I am officially 100% back on board with writing!
    Thank you for your patience while I do my best to graduate in the fall haha:)
    I'll be working on the story for the rest of today and all day tomorrow so look for a late night update on Monday or by Tuesday afternoon latest:)
  11. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    HarryGinny4eva 8/6/13
    I know right! Daylight is such a good story lol! I'm always harrassing the author for more lol but she's amazing and I love her characterizations!
    Can I just say that at 11080 words it needed to end sometime lol, but after posting I always read the chapter just to judge the flow and I was even frustrated haha. I was like gotta write chapter 21 and get things moving!
    Honestly I'm especially proud of the kitchen scene! The words were basically writing themselves and I'm like that weird invested writer that talks to herself so, I'm like dying when Draco is like "your mouth isn't where I wanted to kiss". So sexy haha! That scene was like a gimme. Our characters are so fed up with the barriers between them that they just go for it. Hermione is tired of being quite so innocent as well. But who knows what would have happened? :} maybe Draco would have wanted to take her to his room for the first time.
    They are tired of all the pretenses and just simply want each other, they no longer have patience for thinking about the consequences of their actions!
    I think they'll figure each other out sooner rather than later!
    Also you are one smart woman! I wont say more about Ron but your thoughts on him are spot on! He'll be in chapter 22! Although no more Ginny, she committed a felony and is ejected from the work so to speak.
    But there is one thing I did want to confirm. All Hell IS About To Break Loose. Let's just hope our lovers make it out safely!
    Thank you once again for reviewing!! I'm always love responding to your thoughts!
    Also!!! Because you're the only one who noticed so far but when Draco gave Hermione the waystone, he had a thought as to the fact that his parents would immediately recognize the family heirloom but he brushed that thought away because the chances of that happening were infantismal! That was like chapter 6 or 7 lol! I've been planning that for a while now! There are just so many details that I include that are missed haha, for example the whiskey and the crows
  12. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    This all explains alot and clears up everything for me! I love how Draco is educated past Hogwarts and actually applies his knowledge in his daily life. He's so cool<3
    and HELL YEA lol:) I'll totally be the girl Harry cheated on Ginny with! I didn't make the connection because I pronounced it different in my head but now I'm super excited lol! haha that's so awesome!!!
    I can't wait until chapter 11!
  13. Like
    Eris Night reacted to MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    Eris- When you mentioned the Luis thing, I showed it to my husband, and oh how we laughed. You know Luis is based off my husband, and he just thought Hermione was confused at his attire, but men never understand their own sexiness when they are all sweaty. The UST is killing me too! I want them together already! But alas, it will be near the end of this coming chapter, I should think. I'm running behind schedule as of late and haven't really written the next chapter. Hopefully I will post tomorrow. I certainly hope this will be a happy ending too. Maybe Harry will leave with a better understanding of the real world and not the one created for him by the public. You'll have to wait to find out!

    Guest- Thanks so much for your review! I am such a curious person, I always want to know what people are thinking! Plus, reading reviews helps me re-examine the characters and their motivations through the eyes of others. I will often read through reviews when I'm stuck and suddenly I know what is going to happen next. It's weird. Thanks again!
  14. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    I repeat woman. You are evil! Very evil! I just finished 9 and reviewed it haha:) Keep up the amazing work!
  15. Like
    Eris Night reacted to MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    Eris- certainly hope Draco is too hot to handle! Hermione is very honest with her attraction to Draco, to herself and to him, but she's still not fully prepared to screw him on an emotional level. I'm going to post Ch. 9 today, and (sadly) no sexytimes yet. Some loose ends have to be wrapped up and she comes to the realization that maybe she isn't as ready to fall into bed with him as she thought. A one night stand is one thing, but he has been bluntly honest with his interest in more than that from her. Muahahaha, I am so evil, I know. Such flirting and of course the antagonist has to ruin it. In Ch. 10, we will see what he reveals in his trial about his motivations. A threesome might be fun.... hmmm......... lol no, not in this story. Anyway, later today, you can breathe again! I hope you're having a good day!
  16. Like
    Eris Night reacted to Eris Night in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    A Match Made In Convenience Exclusive!!
    Here's a look into this work's timeline so far. I've got an entire word document devoted to the notes and trivial details of the fic in order to keep everything organised. Just so that you guys aren't lost here is my very own chapter by chapter timeline!
    This fic runs on the 2002 calendar and this guide is to help you along just in case the timing of events throws you for a loop. At the end of Chapter 18 we are officially on Thursday September 19th! In between updates, I would recommend revisiting old chapters and picking up on any clues you might have missed.
    SPOILER: Halloween is coming up guys... ;} And even though you don't know what that means, the hints are all laid out in previous chapters!
    Chapter 1
    Wednesday June 12th 2002
    Harry and Draco Duel Hermione’s return to England,
    Chapter 2
    Wednesday June 19th, 2002
    Lunch out, Draco meeting with family, Hermione Stays at leaky cauldron
    Chapter 3
    Wednesday June 19th, 2002
    Hermione Stays at leaky cauldron,
    Thursday June 20th, 2002
    News article about Ron, Blaise plays trick on Draco, Hermione makes up with Weasleys
    Chapter 4
    Thursday June 20th, 2002
    Harry explains about Grimmauld place, Hermione spends the night, Draco acknowledges that he wants Hermione
    Chapter 5
    Friday June 21st, 2002
    Draco makes breakfast, Hermione comes in kitchen scantily clad, Hermione gets job. Hermione helps Mrs. Weasley make dinner.
    Chapter 6
    Friday, July 5th, 2002
    Hermione Agrees to live with them Harry and Draco decide on wandless duel, Draco Celibacy
    Chapter 7
    Sunday July 7th, 2002
    Malfoy avoids Hermione harry helps her alter her room Ron yells at her, Ginny wants to move in.
    Chapter 8
    Monday July 8th, 2002
    News article, Draco gives Hermione way stone pendent. Hermione meets Astoria at work
    Chapter 9
    Thursday July 11th, 2002
    Draco catches Hermione in his room
    Chapter 10
    Thursday July 11th, 2002
    Time loop kiss, Draco realizes the depth of his feelings for Hermione.
    Chapter 11
    Friday July 12th, 2002
    Harry tells Hermione about his dark past, Hermione decides to give Malfoy a chance
    Chapter 12
    Friday July 12th
    Hermione and Malfoy come to a truce Luna comes for dinner Harry think she’s beautiful, Ginny shows up
    Chapter 13
    Friday July 12th
    Dinner ends and Draco and Hermione have a good goodnight scene.
    Saturday July 13th, 2002
    Draco sees Hermione with Ron and gets discouraged,
    Wednesday, July 31st
    Malfoy has spent his weeks womanizing
    Ginny has the fiasco of a birthday with Harry, he’s incredibly upset.
    Chapter 14
    Saturday August 3rd,
    Ginny curses Harry, Hermione and Ron break up
    Tuesday August 6th
    Harry comes home and apologizes to Hermione
    Chapter 15
    Sunday August 11th, 2002
    Hermione learns about the thunderstorms,
    Monday August 12th, 2002
    Draco switches secretaries, Harry interrogates Amos, Hermione has a nightmare of when she was struck by lightning and go to Draco’s room for super sexy comfort.
    Chapter 16
    Monday August 12th, 2002
    Night of smutty Awesomeness.
    Tuesday August 13th,2002
    Draco's feelings are hurt, Hermione is avoiding him
    Chapter 17
    Monday August 19th, 2002
    Hermione has been avoiding Draco; Draco tries to be with someone else
    Chapter 18
    Tuesday August 20th, 2002
    Morning after Celeste, Harry confronts Draco, invites him to Hermione’s birthday bash
    Friday August 23rd, 2002
    Hermione goes on date with Adrian, Draco becomes reclusive
    Thursday September 19th, 2002
    Hermione’s birthday dinner, Draco gives her gift, Harry and Luna get together, Draco comes to Hermione and rekindle friendship.
  17. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    A Match Made In Convenience Exclusive!!
    Here's a look into this work's timeline so far. I've got an entire word document devoted to the notes and trivial details of the fic in order to keep everything organised. Just so that you guys aren't lost here is my very own chapter by chapter timeline!
    This fic runs on the 2002 calendar and this guide is to help you along just in case the timing of events throws you for a loop. At the end of Chapter 18 we are officially on Thursday September 19th! In between updates, I would recommend revisiting old chapters and picking up on any clues you might have missed.
    SPOILER: Halloween is coming up guys... ;} And even though you don't know what that means, the hints are all laid out in previous chapters!
    Chapter 1
    Wednesday June 12th 2002
    Harry and Draco Duel Hermione’s return to England,
    Chapter 2
    Wednesday June 19th, 2002
    Lunch out, Draco meeting with family, Hermione Stays at leaky cauldron
    Chapter 3
    Wednesday June 19th, 2002
    Hermione Stays at leaky cauldron,
    Thursday June 20th, 2002
    News article about Ron, Blaise plays trick on Draco, Hermione makes up with Weasleys
    Chapter 4
    Thursday June 20th, 2002
    Harry explains about Grimmauld place, Hermione spends the night, Draco acknowledges that he wants Hermione
    Chapter 5
    Friday June 21st, 2002
    Draco makes breakfast, Hermione comes in kitchen scantily clad, Hermione gets job. Hermione helps Mrs. Weasley make dinner.
    Chapter 6
    Friday, July 5th, 2002
    Hermione Agrees to live with them Harry and Draco decide on wandless duel, Draco Celibacy
    Chapter 7
    Sunday July 7th, 2002
    Malfoy avoids Hermione harry helps her alter her room Ron yells at her, Ginny wants to move in.
    Chapter 8
    Monday July 8th, 2002
    News article, Draco gives Hermione way stone pendent. Hermione meets Astoria at work
    Chapter 9
    Thursday July 11th, 2002
    Draco catches Hermione in his room
    Chapter 10
    Thursday July 11th, 2002
    Time loop kiss, Draco realizes the depth of his feelings for Hermione.
    Chapter 11
    Friday July 12th, 2002
    Harry tells Hermione about his dark past, Hermione decides to give Malfoy a chance
    Chapter 12
    Friday July 12th
    Hermione and Malfoy come to a truce Luna comes for dinner Harry think she’s beautiful, Ginny shows up
    Chapter 13
    Friday July 12th
    Dinner ends and Draco and Hermione have a good goodnight scene.
    Saturday July 13th, 2002
    Draco sees Hermione with Ron and gets discouraged,
    Wednesday, July 31st
    Malfoy has spent his weeks womanizing
    Ginny has the fiasco of a birthday with Harry, he’s incredibly upset.
    Chapter 14
    Saturday August 3rd,
    Ginny curses Harry, Hermione and Ron break up
    Tuesday August 6th
    Harry comes home and apologizes to Hermione
    Chapter 15
    Sunday August 11th, 2002
    Hermione learns about the thunderstorms,
    Monday August 12th, 2002
    Draco switches secretaries, Harry interrogates Amos, Hermione has a nightmare of when she was struck by lightning and go to Draco’s room for super sexy comfort.
    Chapter 16
    Monday August 12th, 2002
    Night of smutty Awesomeness.
    Tuesday August 13th,2002
    Draco's feelings are hurt, Hermione is avoiding him
    Chapter 17
    Monday August 19th, 2002
    Hermione has been avoiding Draco; Draco tries to be with someone else
    Chapter 18
    Tuesday August 20th, 2002
    Morning after Celeste, Harry confronts Draco, invites him to Hermione’s birthday bash
    Friday August 23rd, 2002
    Hermione goes on date with Adrian, Draco becomes reclusive
    Thursday September 19th, 2002
    Hermione’s birthday dinner, Draco gives her gift, Harry and Luna get together, Draco comes to Hermione and rekindle friendship.
  18. Like
    Eris Night reacted to MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    lemonade- That is so incredibly weird! Cicadas are so creepy looking and I hate the noise they make, until I get used to it, lol.
    Eris- Both replies in one! Could you imagine, sex slave Hermione. Goodness that would be hilarious. Beware the Spoilers, you don't want to go messing with paradoxes lol!
    Victoria- Aw, thanks! I like it so much too!
    sheedy- It sure did start off strange, didn't it? I actually fell in love with it from the start, since I had been writing little drabs here n there of late before starting this story. I had writer's block before, but now, none. Thanks for reading and giving it a chance!
    Trelweny- You were the only person to have caught that little tidbit (and told me about it, haha). It came up in Ch.6, as I'm sure you read. I had already written that chapter and was working on Ch. 7, when I got the e-mail with your review. I honestly was a little crestfallen that someone had figured it out (I LOVE it when a writer catches me by surprise) or maybe you are just super sleuth-y! I like the second option!
    lemonade- The answers are in... Ch.6, I think. Hopefully you have read it already! Good word, I had to look up Twitterpated because I had no idea what it meant. You taught me a new word! Thanks! No cicadas, I hope!
  19. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    That's totally understandable!! Good luck with everything and I cannot wait for you next two awesome installments!
  20. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Chapter Sixteen Spoiler Alert!!

    Here is a special spoiler from our Chapter 16 entitled "Thunder Thunder In The Night":

    Hermione had failed to mention to her chivalrous roommate that just being near someone during a thunderstorm helped her tremendously. Granted she still flinched every time it thundered, but that was just an involuntary action on her part.
    Hermione was, if not anything else, a logical woman. She knew her fear of thunder and lightning was completely irrational. But just as long as she could repeat her mantra and be near someone that made her feel safe, Hermione could keep herself calm enough to sleep through the night.
    In hindsight getting struck by lightning had been the most painful experiences of her life, but it had jump started her magical core and that was something she was eternally grateful for.
    Not to mention, it made her feel devilishly naughty to take advantage of this once in a lifetime situation.
    Malfoy was trying his best to cater to her needs; he was being the model of a perfect gentleman. He shifted every so often in order to hide his erection and the fact that Hermione had been able to inspire such a reaction from him made her feel incredibly sexy.
    Turns out Malfoy hadn't been in the midst of wooing another woman as she had earlier suspected and that alone put her in a playful mood. They had been dancing around each other all week and for once in her life she wanted to do something completely un-Hermione like.
    She wanted to seduce him.
  21. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Morning Snow 7/14/13
    Back to back reviews! Lol but ohh yes! Things are gonna heat up lol! I'm excited haha, it puts me in a right state just writing about it though lol.
    I will repeat again! How cool is it that you figured out the riddle lol!
    But yes the eagle was in chapter 5 and Hermione's thunder issue was mentioned as a comment one of the mornings Hermione oogled Draco at breakfast!
    Unfortunately, Thursday must be the day lol, I wont have alot of time to do chapter 17 until wednesday and i like to have the next chapter completely finished before posting the next one:) Hopefully you will think it was worth the wait!

    Anon 7/14/13
    I'm so glad you like it so far!! And I know, cliffhangers are evil aren't they!!

    Colao 7/14/13
    I think so too, i keep thinking of all these scenarios to put them in and i can't even handle it. It's like they are on a level that only the two of them can understand and so he can genuinely evoke real emotion from her and she him.
  22. Like
    Eris Night reacted to MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    Eris- I'm glad the Anthony thing didn't put you off liking him. Haha, I gave you more of a description to make up for it! And some flirtin with Draco too!
    The money thing with Draco is a little bit different, Draco just explained it simply. He'll have a conversation later with.... someone (It's a secret who!) about it more in depth.
    But yes, sarcastic Draco is one we all want, I think. He's trying to get along with her and she keeps accusing him of saying things he didn't intend. It happens again in Ch.4 which you'll see on Wednesday, hopefully.
    Ok, but an answer to your question (in jest) is something you will just have to wait for little lady That's a spoiler! I can't tell you what happens!! Muahahahahah!!!!
  23. Like
    Eris Night reacted to MorningSnow in Daylight- Review replies 'n Discussion thread   
    HG4eva, Some of your comments lead me to spoilers! Ch. 3 will answer some of your questions! I will tell you that canon Draco (post-Hogwarts) is out the window. Primrose mentions in Ch. 1 that he turned to the light, 'everyone knows that'. But Hermione didn't, since she stayed away from the papers as much as possible. She was dealing with some avoidance issues.
    Is she in danger? Well, how much fun would the story be if I told you that?
    You mention Draco playing of the 'tragically misunderstood' persona and I'm not quite sure that's what he's doing yet. I do want to point out that even Hermione says to herself that she has only heard Primrose's opinion of him. In Ch. 3, Hermione will be talking to him for a few minutes for the first time- and alone- so his personality is going to be analyzed by our beloved heroine. Thanks for your reviews! I like your comments!
    Anin- I do know that Lincoln wasn't the first US president. Hermione got her wars mixed up and she was corrected. Civil war was the war Lincoln had to deal with, I've double checked. Thanks for pointing it out though!
    Eris!! - Oh, you have such a surprise coming when it comes to Anthony hehehe Just gonna have to wait for Ch. 3!
    Rose is becoming a very fun character in my mind, and Luis is a lot of fun. Yep, I like my OC's quite a lot in the short time I've known them lol. I wish this place existed too, You've told me you have never been to Texas, so let me tell you, that random building in the middle of nowhere from before the War for Independence between the Mexican and Texan armies is common. They're all historical landmarks and owned by the state. But they are so weird to see! Imagine the Alamo (Which is all anyone really knows about Texas) in the middle of a field, but with white paint instead of bare limestone and you get the picture for what I imagine the school to look like.
    Yes in the story I have both Lucius and Narcissa sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss. She will probably not come up, but in my head she did so much other stuff before she saved Harry in the forest that she deserved no less. But, maybe I'll have Draco explain it for you... in a set of Healers robes lmao!
  24. Like
    Eris Night got a reaction from MorningSnow in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Morning Snow 7/14/13
    Lol, Hermione was livid. Thank god she's the member of the trio that has the best self-control! But yes Ron is a fool haha. He'll regret it later though:) Hermione would have settled with him had he been a bit more patient.
    The best way i can explain my idea for the Wizards Oath, is that when wizards get married it ties them together just the same way. In fact a wizards marriage bond is for life and is pretty much the equivalent of a wizards oath to love and to cherish and all that. So in the event that Harry had no one, Draco's bond with him especially one that makes him loyal to harry allows him to act in his best interest. It's almost as if the magic can recognize that Draco is Harry's guardian angel in his time of need.
    But forget all that!!! You are the only one who got one of the most important moments that i included! Draco has been ashamed of his involvement in the wizarding war. He hates the dark mark and the portion of his life it represents. So when he showed Hermione without a second thought, it was a really telling moment. Draco feels strongly toward her and he trusts her.
    In the beginning Harry noted that Malfoy unconsciously shifted his left arm out of the way whenever someone reminded him of the darker times.
    There are tons of little clues and moments that people miss when reading, I am continuously tying them into the story as we go along!
    But i'll keep this ball rolling! Smut coming soon!
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    Eris Night got a reaction from HarryGinny4eva in A Match Made In Convenience: Review Replies and Discussion   
    Chapter Fourteen Spoiler Alert!!
    This entire process has been so Darn Wonderful so far!! I absolutely love the honest reviews and the amazing feedback I'm receiving We're going to start getting into the fun portions of the story and so as a special thank you for the Hits, Ratings and Reviews:
    Here is a special spoiler from our Chapter 14 entitled "Love Makes You Crazy":
    He kissed her on the forehead and pushed the hair back from her face. “I don’t think I've ever told you this, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. I love you Hermione Granger, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Hermione felt her chest swell with emotion. This was the man she had come to adore and cherish. This was the man that she trusted with her life and never doubted. She knew him like she knew her own heartbeat and he, her. This was her champion and deepest confidant and she was so happy to have him back.
    Hermione reached up and lightly touched the lightning shaped scar that had made him a legend. “And I you, Harry Potter. The boy who thankfully lived; now and forever.”
    Harry gave her a megawatt smile and turned to leave. He had just touched the door knob when a question popped into her head. “What are you going to do to her? Ginny I mean.” Harry’s shoulders drooped but when he turned back to her, she was stunned by the fierce anger she saw peering out from behind his deep emerald gaze. Such a quick change in emotion from the happy Harry that had just turned away from her. “Nothing. I’m not going to do a damn thing. I never want to see her again” and then he left the room.
    Hermione watched the spot where he had been for a moment before going back to her bed and laying down. She found herself thinking about the events of the last few days and how she could not believe what Ginny had actually done to Harry. Hermione was at a complete loss for words and could not possibly fathom the girl’s motives. It was just one of those things, one of those moments where desperation could lead you astray.
    Hermione rolled on her side and looked out the window to the bright 1912 sun. She closed her eyes slowly, blocking out the light and sighed.
    Love makes you crazy.
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