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I have exactly the same problem but my account is old. Like a couple of years old. I can get access to my forums account but not my account on the main AFF website. When I try to recover the password for this account, I get an error saying that the password link is invaid. Its a live(hotmail) account. Can I recover it somehow?
Okay, so I had an super busy week doing all kinds of stuff. I've been extraordinarily busy as I'm making preparations for my first year at Uni next year as well as choosing a new house as I'm moving soon. I've also managed to have developed a few issues with my family as well as a slight addiction to call of duty although I blame the latter on the fact that I haven't played in a long time, it'll wear off soon enough. As a result, I haven't been near a computer in a long time. I was also busy over the weekend before the last one so I didn't get much work done on anything. To top it all of, when I did come back to my computer, I found that I was in violation of the ToS for the Kinky Konoha story and because I hadn't been able to meet the 7 day deadline, the story was made invisible so you see before I even started writing, there was so much work to do, the first of which was to reclaim my story. And for those of you that don't know, my violation of the ToS was that I had exceeded a 600 word limit on the A.N. which I totally respect. I did remove the excess words and created this thread for it and then got my story back. Just as one was safe, the other one was under fire for something completely different. I saved that as well but then you can just about imagine the amount work I had to do just to stay afloat. Glad to say that I managed to sort out all my problems or they resolved themselves, either way it's all sorted and since then I managed to write scraps of the latest chapter here and there. Just today (depends on when you read it) I had a job interview and got a job, as if I already wasn't busy enough but could do with the extra funds. So yeah, that's the reason for the enormous delay and sort of an explanation for any delay that follows. Now with that rant over, let me know what you think.
Okay, some general updates. The story is back online but I haven't yet written the latest chapter for it. I got like 5-6 pages done and the last chapter was 21 pages. This maybe longer as it does have more stuff in it. Other than that, I was really banking on you saying yes but if you don't wanna be a beta that's fine, still not sure I need one although I did mention it several times before.
A.N. for fifth chapter. This really is becoming a popular fic with all the number of hits it has as well as the positive ratings and reviews I've been getting, speaking of which, I wasn't joking about all the things I said in the last chapter. I really want people to engage in this story in some form or another, you don't have to leave a constructive review or anything, you just have to get involved slightly. On a more positive note, I can now confirm that the problem that people had with the speech marks has now been completely eradicated, thats the first good thing, the second is that the Tsunade chapter was by far the more popular chapter and I think it was the most favoured as well when compared to the other two but to be fair, it was much longer than the others and it wasn't all sex. The last great piece of news is that I have finally gotten round to writing the other story as well and I can now confirm the name. It's called 'All Mine!' and you should check it out. Just like this story, it's just a bud yet but someday it'll become a tree full of lemons if you get what that's hinting at. Other than that, the three characters that have just been done now are done for now which means that they won't be seen for a while but will definitely return again. You will have to give the other characters a chance with Naruto as well. Anyways, moving on, I'm not sure if anyone guessed who the character with purple hair was but let me tell you, it won't be the person who you are probably expecting it to be, she's revealed in this chapter anyways. Now for more general notes to the readers. Firstly, while it may be called 'Kinky Konoha' and I asked for suggestions, not every kink might be included as I don't want to go overboard and I feel as if there should be limit to this thing. Obviously, I will include the more popular kinks and what not but I won't include anything weird or freaky as most people would see it as a turn off. I mean there are some kinks out there that don't even require two people, just one doing weird stuff and trust me, you don't want me to go there but the more popular ones will definitely be included. Secondly, I will ask again of what you think of gender bender characters in the story, a simple yes or no would be sufficient enough in the review section for me to count although all anon reviews will be discarded as it could allow some people to vote twice. The characters that I'm planning to put in are Sasuke, Neji, Kakashi, Itachi and even Jiraiya, all female of course. If you want some of the characters but not all of them, you could mention that as well, just write down the names of the people who you think should be in the story. Sorry it took so long to update, I've been so busy recently that writing was just not a priority but I'm back now. Hoping to hack the next couple of chapters with ease. Part of the reason for the delay could be chalked down to the fact that it was end of college, all of my friends and a lot of Black Ops 2 as well as sleeping, especially the last two. Review Corner Boyarina- Thanks, I guess your referring to the Tsunade chapter, I think people enjoyed that particular chapter the most. Lobo_Sangriento- Thanks and when I was writing her character, I thought it was pretty accurate myself although there are some slight differences such as her relationship with Sakura, Shizune and Naruto but I guess you can't hit every nail on the head. I also had a feeling that the spy thing would work well as Tsunade is the village leader and she had to suspect him as well as increasing the mystery, something that I take is working. I don't actually know many hentai or games with this kind of stuff in it although I know exactly what you mean with the feeling of something on the horizon that could be good or bad. I will definitely add more kinks, there has to be something different in each chapter otherwise it's the same mindless sex with various women, something that could be done as easy as find and replace and I don't want to make it boring for anyone. I try to relate each kink to their respective character like you said although I thought that Shizune's kink of being a tease fit her pretty good, she seems to be one of those people who's quiet on the outside and in reality may turn out to be a total closet pervert. All the other kinks you mentioned, I will try and squeeze those kinks in somewhere down and line. TheJusticeFriends!- without a shadow of a doubt my best reviewer, not to make everyone else feel bad but I like the critique that TheJusticeFriends! uses. Thank goodness you have a name, so much more easier to refer to. Thanks for both the positive comments and the constructive feedback, I have charted this all out and this train isn't stopping although it may need to take a detour every now and then. I know exactly how you feel about people not completing stories, I used to read a lot too. About 3 years ago I started reading fanfiction in general and the problem I had was that a lot of the stories weren't well written in terms of grammar, they didn't have a good story and it was just more of a case of mindless sex which made reading it very boring and when I did cherry pick the good ones, the author would stop writing it and often not stating a reason as to why. This meant that there was very little to read that suited my taste. Back then it was just reading but if you asked me to write a story 2 years ago, I would've said no, 1 year ago I would've said maybe, 6 months ago I would've said and I'll try my hand at it depending on the topic and content and 2 weeks ago, this story came out. I just became fed up and I don't know why people stop writing, it's not that difficult but I guess they would have their reasons. Anyways, that why I won't quit because there are too many people who have been down that path and I ain't gonna follow in their footsteps and it's not just harem stories, its a plague suffered by all kinds of genres. As for the timing, well the thing is, I had two major exams last week and I promised my friend that I would get something to him soon. The Tsunade chapter was mostly written when I had the first exam and I started writing the other story as well. As you can imagine, it didn't take long to complete although what I will say is that I'm a very fast typer and as I have the plot laid out, it's more of a case of just non-stop writing rather than stopping to think about what to write so it speeds up the process. As for the writing speed, I can write up to 8 pages in an hour if I sit down and concentrate so you can just about imagine the speed by which I type as well as how easy it is to write chapters. I do write these things in the night at about 10:30, that's when I start which may be the reason why I'm not at my peak. At that time, most people head to bed so the fact that I can do high quality of creative writing as well as complex words is quite amazing although, sometimes there may be grammatical mistakes or I might repeat myself or something as a result of staying up that late so you can't really blame me. Thanks for the third story or second challenge, whichever way you look at it and is by the same person who I wrote the Naru/Saku story. Thanks for the encouragement on the other stories and it's good to know that you like my stories and way of writing. Until recently, the manga didn't make Tsunade emotional at all except when she meets Naruto for the first time. In my story, I tired to make Tsunade more strict and firm than she is in the manga as well as giving her personality that little bit of an edge by allowing her to get angry or annoyed easily. You were and weren't correct in your assumptions of character development. I can definitely do it but when I'm writing, I tend not to for some reason, need to work on that. The female Orochimaru, well I need to add all the other sannin into the story and never seen female Orochimaru. I don't think Naruto is the love em and leave em guy although that maybe the case for some of the females in this story. I meant that when I said that I want feedback, already you responded to the female Orochimaru thing. I don't like the way people just use character profiles from other stories or just from general trend and then stick to that, shows lack of creativity. This chapter was also a lot more talking and a little less sex which I amy have mentioned, kinda changed it up from me just writing about sex. The sex may have been rushed because originally I wasn't planning on making it very long, it was supposed to be a quickie in an office and once again I got carried away with it. I'm not sure if there was anything really wrong with my spelling, I check as I'm typing (a bit of touch typing where you can type without looking at the keys) and the computer word processor also runs checks for me. I tend to check my own work 3-4 times as well but didn't do it with the last chapter as it was over 25 pages long and I was writing it in the night and didn't want to go over it again. I also need a beta now as it's just more work on me but more of that later. On the level, I think that the chapter was alright in terms of grammar, there wasn't any mistake or none that I or the computer could pick out but yeah there was a lot in my head and maybe some of the stuff I wrote either didn't make sense or I wrote too quickly and the computer autocorrected to something that shouldn't have been there. The ideas in my mind were too many and my hands a blur, and those dot things shouldn't have been confusing but were repetitive as were some other parts of the story. I did rush it but not the whole chapter, just some parts in it, should've have been recognisable and no I don't take anything offensively, as a matter of fact, the readers opinions are important to me. Your review always reminds that theres room for improvement. But you yourself should check the spelling as well as the length of each paragraph. As I mentioned before the updates are coming out quickly because I'm a fast typer along with all the previous reasons and now that I got time on my hands, I can update even faster. I'm not really trying to appease anyone, I just update and people read if they want to or don't if they don't want to. I care about the grammar and general state of the story so I would spend a lot of time but a beta wouldn't hurt. Some parts of my story are hard to explain as I would have an idea and then when I write it, it makes sense to me but not to another person which is what I think you are trying to tell me in which case I'm really grateful. I think you may have a point there but I'm not sure if it's just you as your the only one who bothers reading the A.N.s and leaving reviews. I thought I covered in my story that the sex is part due to desperation and part due to just having a few feelings with Naruto, it doesn't mean that they're in love but that they have some sort of connection. I think that is my fault as I didn't make it clear although Sakura and Shizune are supposed to fancy him to some extent while Tsunade is starting to like him as well. I know I said this wasn't a PWP but that doesn't mean that all sex will be removed until I can find out a way to make the relationship stick. Besides, Tsunade has a complex relationship with everyone and she would consider her needs before considering her relation with Sakura and Shizune, another point that I tried to poorly clarify in the story. Yeah, Sakura and Shizune really like Naruto so to make it more erotic, I made it appear as if they were watching him the whole time. Yeah I'll explain, Sakura, Shizune and Tsunade all have sexual tension at some level and while they are able to control it, it wouldn't last forever even though in Tsunade's case she forced it upon herself. Now imagine if they learnt about sex in medical school and never had it other than once or twice or never in Sakura's never and just were really curious and desperate but the males in the village were scarce with some being married. And then imagine a hot guy turns up in the village, having no memory or anyone to claim him, he's practically open territory so of course things are done with this person to relieve the stress and try out sex. I thought that was obvious enough and as for gender bending, it's more of a suggestion than an actual plot which is why I asked. I can easily work my story around that to suit you and anyone else who agrees with you. The only problem is, I don't know at this stage as your the only one who has given an opinion on the matter and I need a few more people but what for what it's worth, if no one else responds soon or before I get to that chapter then I'll go with your opinion and skip the gender bender characters but I do have a few questions. You don't like gender bender characters at all cause there are quite a few in my story including Sasuke, Neji, Kakashi, Itachi and even Jiraiya. You don't like any of them? Thanks for the reviews, I didn't take anything offensively but rather I took in what you said and it makes sense as it's revealing flaws in my own story. As a matter of fact, I have a proposition for you. I need a beta reader cause I can't be bothered to go over the chapters again and again considering their length and there may be flaws in it that I can't spot or like you mentioned, something may not make sense to you in which case it could not make sense to a lot of other people. So my proposition is that you become my beta reader, it'll save me a lot of work and with a sharp eye and clear mind such as yourself, I could greatly improve my writing. It's up to you, if you do accept my offer, then just reply to this thread with your answer. Don't know if you want the position but if you don't a no would be fine as well as I may ask other people for the position or maybe just create a thread on the forums. You get the general idea. One last general note, I tried to add a little bit of light comedy or humour in the last chapter but I don't know if people picked up on that. Oh Well.
The problem, it seems, is that I have managed to violate a ToS that AFF have set in place by making my A.N.s repeatedly exceed a limit of 600 words and I wasn't really home over the weekend and no way that I could access my inbox. I had a 7 day period in which to adjust the A.N.s but as you can imagine, didn't get it done on time. As a result the story was made invisible, ironically just as I came home and started to bang out the next chapter with the reply to your review which I still have saved. The problem is that I don't have a story to post on anymore but don't worry, I got everything you were trying to say to me. Anyways, I have just contacted AFF ToS team and told them that I corrected the errors. As a result the story should be back soon with all the reviews and everything in it... hopefully. I'm suffering too as a result of the story not being there but I guess we'll have to wait to see the verdict. On a more positive note, this is better for A.N.s cause I can post updates here as soon as someone reviews my story rather than waiting for some time until the next chapter comes out. Don't worry, I'll get lots of work done on the story and BTW, the thread for the story your looking for is here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/50035-kinky-konoha-an-review-page/ I've posted a bit of a rant as well as the review reply there so you may wanna head over just to check it out and I think you should read it the most as your review was the longest.
A.N. for the first chapter (Home Coming: Part 1). So this is the story that I was working on which I accepted in the form of a request from a friend that I met in the forum and this isn't the only story that I accepted. I got one more story lined up as well, the plot is ready and I just need to get round to writing it however that might be problematic as I also have to work on this and Kinky Konoha. That reminds me, for those of you who love Kinky Konoha, you might also like this story. There's no harem but there is a lot of Naru/Saku and various kinks involved in it. It is a yandere Sakura fic. For those of you who don't know what yandere is, it simply means that Sakura has an unhealthy obsession over Naruto and refuses to let him be at peace with any other girl or even by himself, a bit like Hinata but more assertive. Great news for Naru/Saku lovers and because it was written by me.... I digress. Still, enjoy the story. A.N. at the bottom. A.N.: Well that's it for the first chapter and just like my other story, I got the storyline for this story all plotted out as well, it just makes it easier to write and the process of writing it is much faster. Anyways, how did you find it, any good? I didn't want to add any sex to the first chapter as I felt that I needed to lay the foundations of the story, sort of like what's happened already and what's most likely going to happen in the future, just to properly explain what's happened in the story so far. Next time, a look in the past through Sakura's eyes and I'm still not sure if I'm gonna add sex to it, most likely not but after the next chapter, there will be hot, steamy and generally heavy sex filled chapters. This story was originally an excellent idea by my friend Maxxx7491 and he let me take it on as a story on his behalf. So thanks to Maxxx for the idea as well as being the beta reader for the story. Other than that, let us know what you think of the story so far by posting a review and we'll be sure to keep an eye out on the review box. Any ideas or suggestions please let us know... as long as they're half decent, and all flames will be quenched by the superiorness of this story. Superiorness is apparently a word. Anyways, you get the idea and because me and Sparky are working on this together, we will discuss anything and everything relating to this story together so your review will definitely be picked up by either one. Sorry if the performance of this chapter wasn't that good as I only get time to write this in the night, when most people hit the beds so you can imagine me staying up, alone in the dark, writing this. Sometimes, I become so tired, I write whatever just to finish the chapter. I'm not sure it was the case when writing this but I felt extra tired and was barely able to keep my eyes open long enough although I did get Maxxx7491 to look over it.
Okay, so recently, one of my stories was made invisible as it was in breach of AFF's ToS of having A.N.s which were over a limit of 600 words and I fear that this story might also be in breach of that ToS as I have a habit of writing A.N.s before the story so I'm moving them all to protect the stories. This will include review replies and what not.
Okay, so that's all the A.N.s so far and while some of the stuff may not make sense outside the chapters they belong to, I'll work on fixing them later as my main priority is keeping the story alive. Expect further updates soon. You know, now that my A.N.s are separated from the story, it's easy to see why the story was put in that situation in the first place. They just seem to be getting longer and longer.
A.N. for the forth chapter (Hospital Conundrum). A.N.: Okay, so after a really successful third chapter, I have to get readers up-to-date once again. I accepted another challenge on top of one and I don't know if anyone has found out yet about the other challenge that I have taken on. This means that I will be extra busy and with all the work, socialising and everything, I will be even more stretched for time now. There is some good news, the reason why I have been so tight for time is that I have exams coming up and I need to revise for them, not to mention all the stuff I need to to and things that need to be in place for Uni next year. The good news is that I got all the work stuff done and I only have two exams left which should be over by the end of this week which means that I won't have college anymore which means that I can work on this more. Another positive note, no one has recently suffered that problem with the missing or messed up speech marks. Hopefully it stays that way but I can't confirm whether it's the site or your browser but can confirm that it isn't the story. Review Corner: Anon- I would prefer if anyone reviewing used a name, even if it wasn't their original name or something different as Anon is hard to refer to. Thanks for the review, possibly the first properly constructive one. As I said in replies to previous reviews, there is a storyline and not just PWP, the story is really good and worth waiting for so I don't want to ruin too much about the outcome of the characters. Rest assured that it is a mixture of some of the girls sticking with him and a one time thing but I reveal more later as the story progresses. As for character development as well as plot development, it's all in my head. This isn't the last time that he will see Sakura or Shizune, they will return later to the story and their relationship will be further developed, although I knew that love part was sort of cheesy. Naruto has yet to step outside the hospital so obviously there will be more explaining as well. The problem is that I integrated everything into the main story which means that if I let too much go, it will ruin later surprises. I'm not discouraged by lack of reviews, in fact it's encouraging. It means that more people like my story and are straining to find something wrong with it such as yourself. This is reflected by the number of hits, close to 10000, that this story has received as well as the ratings and as you said in just three chapters in 1 ½ weeks. I just want readers to be more engaged with my story as sometimes I have some whacky ideas that I'm not sure people like so I want to try and get people's opinion on them first, sort of like a beta. So if people participate they're kinda helping me develop the story they like and if people don't well then it's their loss. And don't worry about me stopping this story, not gonna happen considering that people like it so much that they wouldn't like me to end, my own undying passion and the fact that I have an excellent story lined up. Yes, I have plotted it all but am always open to suggestions from the public, that's what reviewing is all about. This is a harem story but as you might have realised it's different from most other stories hence the name. Naruto will have a harem but it will not contain every girl in the entire Narutoverse, that really would be insane although he will sleep with a lot of them. Sakura will be returning as well as Shizune but not at the moment, I have to introduce other characters and progress the story. Thanks for the compliments as well as the review, so nice to have a constructive review for once. Wdefe- No not all the girls are gonna have the same body sizes, that really would be boring but if you read carefully, you'll find out that Sakura and Shizune have different bodies as well as body sizes, as well as all the other characters that I write about. Sure they will have some similarities but if they are too similar it would be boring. Thanks to the two above and anyone else who reviewed so far. If you want to add a suggestion or like to see some sort of kink or generally improve the story in anyway such as grammar and whatnot then please don't hesitate to leave your response to the story in the form of a review. Like I said, I don't really need reviews, they are for you to express yourself like the two above... although I'm sure that there is very little that I can improve on. Just joking, nothing can ever be perfect but I'm trying to aim for it. As for anything else that you would like to suggest, characters or any kinks, I can work my story around that too but it only works if you tell me in advance. Other than any compliments that you leave will also be appreciated and it does kinda provide motivation for those days that I don't feel like doing anything, I got the story in my head and my imagination makes it come to life but you guys need me to write it down and post it for you. Nah once again, I'm getting full of myself but I'm just joking. A.N. at the bottom. WOW! That was the longest chapter up-to-date and was a killer writing. I know that I said at the start that I didn't want to go too heavy on the sex but while writing, my creativity got out of hand just like the last two chapters making this intensely long. I hope your not tired or bored by now although I am. Over 17,500 words long and can't be bothered to check the page count, just know that this chapter is half the length of the last chapter added to itself. Painstakingly long. This is the last chapter in which Naruto is in the hospital although a fair warning for anyone who read the end and think they know who might be next time, let me just tell you, it's not who you think it is. The characters Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura will also be on rest for a while as I introduce new characters and the story progresses. Writing it was so difficult in fact that I don't want to type for a very long time now. I may as well stop now as I don't have anymore to say. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, writing it was a pain and expect further updates... slower further updates. P.S. Any thoughts on any of the other characters, what about a female Orochimaru?
A.N. for the third chapter (The Other Nurse: Part 2). So Shizune isn't as innocent as she would normally be infact she is quite the opposite but then so are most of the characters in this story. This is the second part of this chapter and the last time that you will see Shizune for a very long time, at least in an intimate way. This chapter concludes the relationship between these two characters as well as introducing some new ones at the end. Hope you enjoyed the last chapter and if you did, you'll love this one. If you didn't like the last chapter, still have a go at this one as you might still like this one, it's all straight sex this time with a bit more of the mystery unraveled. Anyways this is important so I suggest that if you haven't read any of the A.N.s before you should read at least this section as there is a lot I need to say. Mainly of which right now is that I shall be changing the title of this story from 'Just an Accident' to another title. I don't know if people have gotten used to the title, I certainly have but before it was named 'Just An Accident', it was called something else and now that I think about it, that title was better for a story like this. So I'm going to reinstate it and that's that. This does mean that people will have to either add this story to their favourites or search for the new title that I will reveal in the next chapter. For now, the title will stay. Secondly, what do you think of gender bender characters, especially the weird ones as I do have some twists in the story and to make all of the pieces fit some of the normal male characters will be female just to make the story fit. This does include the first gender bender character to be Orochimaru or a female Orochimaru. I know, maybe it is kinda of weird but I'm ask you readers what you think. If you don't like the idea so much I could work my way around her but it means more work for me. You do have to tell me in advance though as I don't want to stop half way and rewrite it. One last question before you leave. How are you finding this story, are the chapters too long, is there too much to read or anything else that needs fixing up, let me know. The reason why I'm asking this is because currently the length of this story is nearing 50 pages on word and measuring at 27,592 words, an average of 9000 words per chapter which is really long considering there are are only 3 chapters. That is a lot of work to be putting into a chapter and I feel as if it maybe putting people off of reading it as well as taking a lot of energy from me. Funnily enough, even after all that, I sometimes believe that the story is not in enough detail. Leave your comments in the review section. Review corner Sdfsd- Thanks. Holymarine- Thanks. Kidneys- Thanks. Lobo_Sangriento- Thanks and yeah, while it's a pretty hard to reach place, it doesn't mean that there is absolutely no way in, otherwise the people that would go insane. It's supposed to be a combination of a town that has been abandoned slightly, by-passed and then made highly inaccessible. As for the story, well there is a plot as you know, but I don't wanna ruin too much of the story. Kotkas24- I'm working on these chapters as fast as I can considering the amount of time I have and the length of each chapter, I really need to make them shorter... or get more time but I'll take your review as a compliment so thanks. The plot is gonna get thicker in the next few chapters while Naruto will still have a lot of sex but like I said before, don't wanna give too much away. Anon- yeah thanks for the heads up but the problem, hopefully, should be fixed by now. For everyone else refer to the A.N. At the top of the very first chapter. Weirdly enough, I thought that the second chapter was better written than the first and despite what people might say was better in terms of sexual content as well and yet less people reviewed. Seriously... Read and Review (R&R)... or at lest rate it, give it some positive pluses. +++++... please that's a halo above it's head before anyone asks. A.N. at the bottom. Okay, since I first started writing this chapter to the time I finished it which is now, a lot of things have come up and I just need to get all my readers up to speed. First off, this story is easily becoming one of the most popular stories on this site and after just a week and consisting of only two chapters. On the 6th of June it had over 3400 hits and average rating of +++++. This is a really popular straight fic and while it may seem like a big claim, only time will tell but I have big hopes for this story. You can contribute as well by leaving a positive rating or reviewing it or something along those lines. Also, I've taken on a challenge for a friend recently which means that I will be writing two stories at the same time (not literally). It does mean that updates might be slower as I need to start work on something else other than this story but you will have another story to read in the meantime and, hopefully, it'll be to your liking just as this one was. However it does mean that I will be stressed for time as well as overworked but I don't know yet, we'll have to see as we go along. I do have a lot of questions I want to ask my readers but I'll ask them in the next chapter as for now I just want to relax after a chapter this long. It is over 10000 words almost 11000 long which is longer than some of the coursework that my friends handed in this year to some of their teachers. On word it is about 20-21 pages all of which is text so yeah, this chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written for a story up-to-date and that's disregarding the contents so you can just about imagine how relieved I am. Uh, sorry for the ending if someone found it too cheesy or corny but I wanted to give them their own moment where they just had love between them, get the characters bonding for later. Obviously, I had to incorporate a little sex into it and it was my first time writing something like that. P.S. Once again, my I just remind people to review, I worked hard on this chapter and so far I think it's amazing but I didn't proof read it, too long. Any mistakes you find, positive/negative reviews all welcome... well, maybe not flames. Sorry to all of you who were waiting for the new chapter, I'm almost done, just putting some finishing touches on it. It's rather gotten out of hand and it's way too long than what I was originally expecting. In it's own right, it's as long as most essays are, maybe even longer but I don't want my readers to be salivating just yet. You'll have to wait a little longer.
A.N. for the second chapter (The Other Nurse: Part 1). So this is the second chapter in this story and a different character will be paired with Naruto this time although it will still follow the storyline that was set out. Something that I forgot to mention last time was that the whole story I have planned out and what has to happen in each chapter. This just makes it easier for me to write as I don't have to pause and think about what to write next. I just need to add new ideas sometimes as the come along and easier for you the reader as you have to wait for a shorter period of time. This also means that I never stop working on a story, if I hit a writer's block which does happen sometimes, I start work on the next chapter and so it inspires me to finish the chapter I was already on. Also AFF is a bit weird in the way you upload stories and the fact that each enter is about 10 cm difference between each line so if you were the few unlucky people who read my story when there were big gaps in the paragraphs, sorry about that. Rest assured the problem is now fixed and since I now have the hang of uploading stories, I will make sure that there are less problems from now on. BTW, hope you enjoyed the last chapter though not many people reviewed it but that's okay. Lastly, this chapter is way too long, or was too long. I had most of it done and was looking back upon it. It was over 15 pages long and no where near the end, this chapter is 13 pages in itself on open office and on word it is 16 pages consisting of 9000 words. The completed thing would've been too long to read not to mention write so I'm breaking it up into 2 chapters, this one is part one and the next one is part two of the same chapter. I don't want to ruin too much so I put the full reason for it at the end of this chapter. Read through it and tell me what you think… and then read the A.N. at the end. Also remember to review the story. Review Corner Guest- Thanks and rest assured that there will be many more females in this story. John Doe- Thanks man and there are many more chapters to come, I just can't write them fast enough in my life with all the stuff that's going on right now not to mention all the stuff that I do need to do before the summer. Story now officially has a plot integrated into it, a mystery that needs to be solved but it may not be evident in all the chapters. LOL, yeah this is a harem fic for anyone that didn't know, summary has been updated though couldn't do it the first time due to lack of space, must've mentioned that before. Sdfsd- Thanks for being the first person to alert me to this problem and it's been sorted now so you shouldn't have anymore problems like that now. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, keep them coming in. You may have read from the official AFF board that reviews are a positive thing, even if you criticise the story and are a way of saying thank you. Remember, only the bad writers respond negatively to reviews. Anyways, that's my rant over, on with the story.
A.N. for the first chapter (Awakening). Okay, so this is my first story on this site and I wanted to write about my favourite character in the Naruto series, Naruto himself, being paired with many different women in various situations. Of course, all or most chapters will contain sexual content so in that aspect and seeing as how there are so many stories of this kind on this site, I decided to mix things up by giving this one a sort of a plot. Don't know if it'll work, don't know if people will like it. The only way to find out is by trying. Bear in mind that this is not in the actual Naruto universe, I was thinking of making it in line with the actual series but that would've created a lot more work explaining some things and later ideas would have to be adapted to the storyline which could ruin a good idea. Lastly, due to an increase in complains about the speech marks in the story being messed up, I did my research and talked to the friendly tech support on AFF and I think we identified the problem and found a solution so I reposted all of the current chapters back on without the problem and deleted the old ones. The new chapters should be smooth and the current problem that people were facing should be eradicated by now however if the problems still persist then please do not hesitate to leave a comment about it in the review section and I will be sure to check it and get back to you. As a short term solution you can restart your internet browser and open the page again and the speech marks should be there. Remember, only the problem has been fixed so nothing else has changed. Thanks to everyone who alerted me to this problem in the first place and and even bigger thanks to the friendly tech support on AFF, anyways on with the story.
Alright, so your not supposed to have A.N.s which exceed a word limit of 600 words, a heads up for other people who are writing and do include A.N.s. Anyways, this is part of ToS that AFF provides and as a result of not following it, my story will be invisible for a while until I get it sorted. It should be back if your reading this. Anyways, this page is for A.N.s that I was gonna originally put on the story but instead put it here along with all future A.N.s. You might as well read future posts in case I have something important to say or something like this happens in the future. Also, reviews that I leave replies to or just generally want to make some notes on will also be included here. I've taken the liberty of moving the first few A.N.s completely off of my chapters and posted them here. This does mean that the top and bottom will be nearly empty. I'll put a link that'll lead to this page. Thanks for reading this and sorry for the inconvenience if you miss the story as it is temporarily not available.
Okay, don't worry about it anymore, I got it all fixed so it's all working now. Everything should be fine from here on in. Thanks for the help: @pittwitch @DemonGoddess061 @RogueMudblood You guys really got some things sorted for me.
The problem isn't in the word processor, I checked the alignment and paragraph settings many times. It's not even when I'm typing on this site, it's when the actual story copied and pasted onto this site that the problem occurs and the editing software doesn't give an option for paragraph spacing. You can't tell that the problem is there until you open the story and then you see the large spacing but if I start typing on this site then the problem doesn't occur. It happens when I import my story via copy paste but I may try another method and see if that works.