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Fire_Demon reacted to a post in a topic: Draco/Harry fic where Draco has a dragon tattoo
Fire_Demon reacted to a post in a topic: Draco/Harry fic where Draco has a dragon tattoo
Hi! Does anyone know this drarry fic I'm looking for? Weirdly I don't remember the story at all but I remember the ending... In the ending they're married and settled down and Draco has a tattoo for each year they were together and also of their chidren (I think it was an mpreg fic?) There's also Draco's dragon tattoo which is of significance throughout the story And a constellation on his wrist And a big tree in a field of daffodils and lilies... Does anyone know it please?:3
Hey Lisa!! How are you!Long time no see,huh? Yeah Hairloom was awesome!And at the end I was like:"Wut.What just happend why I still don't get what's going on":)) And The History Of Southbrook Academy is pretty good,too!All the creepy elements in place! Yeah...Nevada was Johnny's nephew and his ex was Jamey I think and we all now what happened in the end*hint spoiler hint hint* and I learned a lot more Spanish swearing than I would like to admit from that story....-.- I don't remember the main guy's name either lol.I even remember the club he was at in the beginning of the story but not the MAIN guy's name. I checked Blue_GhostGhost's profile and couldn't find the story.Do you think she has taken it down?
There was this story about this kid who wanted to be a filmmaker and and he accepts to be a distraction for someone named Johnny Hollywood who was a drug lord and had a kid named Nevada?I remember the whole story I just don't remember the name so I can't find it... Also!Any good horror slash recommendations?Something with ghosts preferably and not blood and gore!I've already read The History Of Southbrook Academy,Heirloom,A Touch Dead,A Ghost Of A Touch and The Most Haunted Story In History! Thank you in advance!
LisaT2525 reacted to a post in a topic: Off the Wall: Review Responses 'N Stuff
Heya chica! Just wanted to tell you that I'm slowly but surely reading the latest chapters but I've been soooo busy lately that I'm reading it agonizingly slow! I've already finished ch 12(I think...the chapter title is something about Medusa and the green eyed monster!)and I've noticed the changes and they're pretty good!God I feel soooo honored that you took my opinion into consideration! Maaan...I just found The Worst disadvantage of living in my country!I mean I love my country despite all its downsides but this is just annoying! I have this MONUMENTAL crush on one of my female classmates (I like to consider myself bisexual ).Well...not technically 'classmates' as we have no classes in common.And I'm like, 79.6% sure she has a crush on me,too!But neither of us can nor are willing to do anything about it 'cause we can't just straight walk and ask and it's sooooo frustrating!I don't suppose you have any suggestions on what to do now do you?
Hey!I just noticed something and I feel stupid for not noticing it before!Your avatar!I mean I've noticed it before but I just got the alternate meaning of it!!!It could be from Fico's point of view directed at Luke!Gooood I feel so stupid...
Hmmm....I don't get why so many people dislike Barney...I myself was always neutral about him.But I do remember wanting to be in their show and always being curious as to how they can move the jaw of the costume they were in in time with their speaking...But I did quite dislike Baby Bop...And Dora... Ha...I guess if I had to point out one class,I'd go with geometry.I know it's wrong and geometry is a lot useful in life but I'd always thought it was created by workless people who were bored out of their mind and had nothing better to do...Me for myself am not practically fond of math but that has to change I guess.The only classes that I listen to with rapt attention are any class that has to do with languages and history and the combination of them!I mean c'mon!But I have to expand my rapt attention span to physics and math too or they would give me lots of grief later... Maybe you could tell you're writing an M/M story with a bit of 'sidings'? They don't have to know everything right? Being a perfectionist can be a pain I guess.I used to be at some point but not in everything.But like for example,if I had to clean somewhere everything had to be squeaky clean or I wouldn't rest.That reminds me,I was down right OCD at some point in my life.That's worse than being a perfectionist! Man if I had known it would give you this much grief and frustration I wouldn't have mentioned it
Heh well,as you can see,I do like talking to the authors of the stories I like!I wouldn't be here otherwise now would I? Oh really now?Well that's the first time I've heard a fiction writer say something like that!!I mean I can't write ( I do get the urge to,sometimes.But I just can't form a complete plot in my mind!) and I love the sense of freedom one gets when they create a world that no form of logic can bind!That's also why I love the sea as it gives me a sense of freedom,limitless blue with no rules to bind you! Physics!Most of my work goes around physics so yeah
Yeah no!You know how we have a different time zone here?You must've uploaded your story late morning or early afternoon,right?Well it was 10 pm something here when I read it and I wanted to review right away so I started but boy I was exhausted!(A whole week of staying up late studying the waking up at bloody 5 in the morning everyday does that to you!Fortunately it's weekend now and I got my much needed sleep!)So I fell sleep halfway through my first review.It didn't help that I was already tucked away in bed!heh.It was a good thing too.I get pretty weird when I try to stay coherent when I can't keep my eyes open.I probably would've gone off trying to explain Fico's dick size in the form of calculus and thermodynamics..Too many nights,man,too many nights...And it's only been like 3 weeks....Plus I wouldn't have remembered writing it so it probably would've gone unnoticed...Hey!I didn't do that,did I????? Ohohoho you think your story is absurd?Then you probably haven't read 'Chocolate Covered Boxer Briefs'!It's so ridiculous that I couldn't stop laughing while reading it !But then again it is fiction world so you can get away with writing absurd,surreal things!But the emotional stuff?Well that's something that's mostly the same throughout all fiction worlds...I get Fico's whole denial,everything-other-than-everyday-work-is-overwhelming-to-me-so-they-couldn't-have-happened and coping mechanisms but somethings just can't be explained away like that.Like why was he so comfortable and snuggling with Luke after such a groundbreaking confession like they had already been a couple?Why was accepting Luke being bi so natural when Fico was dead certain Luke was as straight as an arrow just before that?And most of all,when did Luke become such a schmoopy incubus?!But of course that's where I have to cut myself off.I really don't know much about the coping mechanism where your mind unconsciously forces itself to forget a truly traumatizing memory,so you could be right about it and I would have to do a thorough research if I want to have some ground to argue on :/ Nope I hadn't forgotten that his friends where upstairs when the whole thing happened but after you said it was 2 pm,I thought they should really know by now!But you're right.I don't know much about high schoolers' partying and drinking habits other than the ones I read in fictions!I mean we don't do it here (well not that I'm aware of...maybe it does happen in some of the more loose public high schools,it wouldn't be impossible,but even then it should be a secret as it's not as common as it's in other countries...It does happen often but certainly not in high school...I for myself have never heard nor been to one...) so yeah I take your word for it!!! Wow I'm so glad I've been of some help!I mean most of the time my reviews are so pointless it's good to know some of my reviews actually help the writers! Read that you're reading Loser and Bad reputation?They're good but yeah I get it if Bad Reputation didn't catch your attention if you've only read the first chapter!I had to read every sentence at least thrice to make heads and tails of it and it was full of grammatical errors!But it only stays like that for the first few chapters!And when you get to know the real Charles Killian August Harper and his friends !!!!That story is hilarious and a good read!If you stick around the eye sore parts,it will be worth your while!But that is,of course,if you like silly,pointless stories!I for myself love those kinds of stories and Charlie is like one of my most favorite characters of all time!He and his friends remind me a lot of me and my own gang! Yeah,well,I get why you prefer the published stories.The polished,mistake less stories that have a sure ending,but you gotta love the sense of modesty that is with most of the online writers!They don't get stuffy because their works were published and they're in touch and in tune with their readers.You don't feel like they're so completely out of reach like most published writers tend to feel and be.You feel like they're human beings like yourself.It's just my opinion anyway!
Nah!It's just your first time!I think you have up to 4 chances before anyone abandons you!I mean there are stories here that have been written,abandoned,rewritten,abandoned and rewritten again!Sometimes more!If the story is good enough,we'll probably follow it till we shrivel up and die.Or our dad finds our Slash Stash.Whichever happened first!But maybe the latter will result in the first one?I digress. Yes!I mean how much in denial can one person be?I think Fico sees the world as only black or white.He didn't say he's gay so he must be straight no question involved. Thanks for updating!I mean after all those regular posts to not update for 4 months,everyone thought you've abandoned it!
Thanks anyway!I was kinda freaking out because my Ebook Reader committed suicide and took all my saved books with it.Then I realised I had this particular one saved on my PC so it's all good now!Thou it's still a shame no more people can read your story...
Well that's a pity.It was such an eye opening story...Can I ask who was its author?
I wonder what happened to it?I tried looking but couldn't find it... It was about this boy named Xavier and his life,about his abusive pedo dad,his brother Sacha and how he committed suicide,how he became a prostitute,his addiction problems and his husband?It was a true story his friends have composed based on his journals and their own experience with him? Does anybody know of it's whereabouts?
Censoring my update much?I wonder what's the word limit…Again,oh Defiant Knight in Shining Armor when will you come?(meaning I'm waiting for a story update)