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Status Updates posted by faechild

  1. No mood for writing lately. Probably cuz I'm moving and FINALLY going back to work >.< Only been three years since my last job....

    1. Cuzosu


      Ugh, I sympathize.... My bf and I are trying to go for long haul trucking. Can you imagine how little time we'll have for ANYTHING?

  2. So, knowing BDSM is amazing, and eye opening. I am My Masters Little Kitty Girl. I survived SubSpace and SubDrop. Wanna know more about those terms? Message me! My door is always open to educating others.

  3. I like the name Tessa today. That may change tomorrow if I don't concrete it. I have decided I no longer like my OCs name. So now it is Tessa Kira

  4. I will stop staring blankly at the wall when I'm trying to write.

    1. Cuzosu


      That's a good resolution.

    2. Cuzosu


      I've had similar problems, so I'm not just being rude, though in hindsight it seemed like I was. (Sorry.)

    3. faechild


      Weirdly, I only just noticed these comments. It wasn't rude at all Cuzosu! I'm just lazy!

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