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  1. https://archiveofourown.org/works/493427 Lycanthrope factory by Starlight_Massacre on Ao3
  2. I can't remember where I read it, possibly on Roughtrade, maybe on Ao3. A squib woman adopts Harry and wants to open a restaurant but the only place she can get is in Knockturn alley and she ends up with loads of businesses in the end completely transforming the look of the place. I remember that Lucius Malfoy helps her with some sort of legislation change in return for getting a permanent table at the restaurant.
  3. Thank you so much! It was in my favourites but I have thousands so that doesn't really help when you can't remember much of the story.
  4. I'm looking for a fic I read AGES ago, for some reason some werewolves end up living near privet drive, Harry (I think thanks to the horcrux, possibly necromancer powers) is incredibly attractive to dark creatures and they consider him a lord, ,maybe? More wolves and vampires, nags etc start moving in. I can't remember if it was FanFiction.net or Ao3.org. Harry is a little kid, not Hogwarts age.
  5. All I can remember about this story is that someone on the Hogwarts express (maybe Pansy) terrifies the 1st years into thinking that they would have to face a dementor during the sorting. Harry ends up making stuffed toys into patronus guardians for them all. Harry ends up sort of acting like a prefect as all the 1st years adore him and go to him for help.
  6. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! It turns out that it was already on my faves list but I have so many that if the name doesn't give me a bit hint it's really hard to find stories again.
  7. I'm trying to find a story where, after dying Voldemort is sent back into his younger selfs body and decides to make the most of it. I remember that at one point he remembers that a huge deal was made about a quidditch match being 0-0 and that nobody that had placed a bet won any money and decides to place a bet himself and wins BIG, but it causes a riot at the quidditch pitch as everyone else is angry. He also reluctantly helps one of his classmates' younger brothers with his spellwork. Probably on ff.net or ao3.org Hope someone knows this story?
  8. I'm looking for a fic that I read years ago, Harry finds out about a school that is on a ship that sails around the world during term and is determined to get in (I think this takes place after 4th or 5th year) he goes to Switzerland to take some exams he needs to get in. I think he petitions with the ICW to make sure that he isn't forced to go back to Hogwarts or the UK. One thing for sure is that it isn't the typical, Harry gets a letter inviting him to the school or that he just applies and gets in straight away, he has to put in a LOT of effect to get in. Most likely on ao3.org or FanFiction.net
  9. Looking for a fic (most likely Ao3) where Loki is banished(?) by Odin by being sent to a deserted planet and must somehow get back and recover his powers to be pardoned and somehow manages to drag Tony there. Loki decided to not to accept the punishment and builds a home and enjoy life there in the tropical (?) forest. I don't remember if it ended up being slash or just friendship but it was a fun story.
  10. Hola, no puedo pasar el link, está prohibido por esta página web. Si buscas el nombre de la historia con el nombre del autor encuentras el link por Google. Suerte.
  11. I'm looking for a story that I can only vaguely remember but the one thing that I can say is that Harry flees either the wizarding world or maybe just the UK, and at one point ends up in Australia where he gets on a train to avoid Snape, the Order are desperately trying to track him down.
  12. Descent into Darkness by Athy (used to be Athey and before that Aya Macchiato) there's a sequel as well, she took them down but gave everyone like 3 months to make copies and download the fic beforehand which is why I don't mind giving you this link. It's a great story.
  13. Hi, I'm looking for a story I read (most likely ff.net or Ao3.org) where Penny is basically given a "buck up and do better at your job and improve yourself instead of complaining about not being an actress" speech from a customer at the cheesecake factory and this leads to her making some life changes including learning another language (I think german) which leads to a part in a TV series and slowly but surely she starts getting parts. Also any other stories where Penny takes her acting career a lot more seriously would be nice.
  14. I'm looking for a story I read (probably on Ao3) which is a Lucius sand Hermione pairing, where after the war she gets pregnant with his child and agrees to be his mistress and he buys/gives her an apartment to stay in, he still lives with Narcissa at the manor and I think Draco ends up with Luna. Hermione's parents and friends know about the arrangement.
  15. I'm looking for a fic that I read quite a long time ago. It's a post 5-13 story, and Justin and Brian are living in Britin and I'm pretty sure that they end up with custody of Gus and end up with another child later on. Another thing is that they end up helping out Brian's sister Claire by looking after her sons and Justin redecorated 2 bedrooms for them. I think they end up putting the boys in a private school with Gus. I cant remember anything else but it was a long story.
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