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Posts posted by BloodValkyrie

  1. Actually, if any of the others suspect that hanky panky is happening, I check the database and a few other places they don't have access to. :)

    Cool! Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it! :yahoo:

    Most of the time, we can tell if we find ourselves reading the same chapter over and over during weekly sweeps. That usually signals more than typo-tweaking. That's when we ask DG to check. :)

    Is there a way to make it so that simple editing doesn't bump the story? Or, is that sort of impossible? Just curious.

  2. If you are doing it for a legitimate reason, like editing for typos, you're fine. I've had to edit for typos and other things. This is a legit need to do that thing. It's when you do it with the full intent to bump the story to keep it on the front page or move it up, you get in trouble.

    Thanks for the advice, but how do the mods and admin know if I do it for a legitimate reason? I read fast, and sometimes I'm like, "Oh, I just edited this chapter, but I found something else ... omg re-edit!" Are they able to see how I edited?

    I just wanted to chime in and thank you for reading the ToS. As important as it is to know the rules of a site, so many people never bother. Not only did you read them, you actually care about being in compliance, which is awesome!

    So... Thank you! :hug:

    Well, I tried to read, but I didn't read very well, and I saw this rule pointed out in another forum and I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a spammer!" lol "I'm so guilty!"

  3. I recently realized (because I must not have read the ToS well enough and I admit I am stupid) that there is a limit to editing a fic in a certain amount of time. Recently, I don't even know when, maybe a day or so ago, I was reading through my fic and when I'd see a typo that bothered me, I'd just go an edit it real quick. I don't even know how to prove that I did this. I'm a major noob in general. I just know that I did it. I didn't even realize that editing bumped stories up. (And, failure that I am, I didn't even get all my typos) I feel bad now.

    Link to my fic, in case it helps:


    So ... yeah ... am I in trouble?

  4. Thank you very much. This was helpful. I changed my fanfiction's category. :)

    How we determine where a crossover goes, is which of the fandoms it takes place in primarily. As it looks like yours takes place in the Beetlejuice 'verse, that is where it goes. Not Misc Crossovers. The miscellaneous categories are for when there is no other place to put 'em.

    I clean up the misc categories at least once a week, by moving the stories to either a pre-existing category, or creating a new one where one does not exist.

    Unless the particular category has 75 or more stories, there are no subcategories made for it.

  5. Thanks for the help. How can something become an official crossover, then?


    Where it is right now, in Movies-Misc > Crossovers is actually not correct. This is a catch-all category for fandoms that have no category of their own. When deciding where a crossover fiction goes, we tend to look at the main setting of the story.

    From looking at it, is it going to be set in the general universe of Bram Stoker's Dracula? If yes, then it really does belong in Movies > 1 through F > Dracula.

    If it's set in the general universe of Beetlejuice, then it goes in Movies > 1 through F > Beetlejuice.

    The good news is that you can move it easily yourself, and all of your associated data moves with it. :)

  6. Hi!

    Moderators don't have the ability to move stories from one category to another, but if you can give me the link for your story, I can take a look and see if I can figure out what happened. Our tech admin was moving stories in the Transformers category today as part of the archive clean-up project, so if your story was there, I can explain why it has been placed where it was. If not, I might be able to help figure out what happened. :)

    Thank you. Here is the link.


    I appreciate your help.

  7. Hello there. I'm new, and I hope I am posting in the right forum.

    I recently posted a fanfiction under the category for Movie Crossovers. Originally I accidentally put it under a different category that I thought was incorrect. Well, today I noticed that my fanfiction was back in that incorrect category for some reason (and I'm pretty sure I didn't change it), so I changed it back to crossovers. I'm wondering, is it possible that a mod or admin changed it for me, and could I be in a bit of trouble? I'm pretty sure my fanfiction counts as a crossover between films, because it deals with one character from one film entering the universe of another character from another film, but I am very much a noobie and I might have done something wrong here.

    Thank you all for your time.


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