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Posts posted by Allanasha

  1. Hey I'm looking for a fic, and this is about all I remember about it:

    It's a Harry gets sent to azkaban fic, though I don't remember what for. The aurors who drag Harry in decide to, Instead of giving Harry his own cell, throw him in with Fenrir, expecting the werewolf to kill him. Fenrir, who's never liked doing what wizards want him to, or doing a wizards dirty work, doesn't.

    I don't think there was a full moon that night, but there might have been. Harry and Fenrir make some kind of deal, and when the authors return, they find a not-dead Harry and a Fenrir who isn't willing to let him go. I think he says something to the effect of "you have him to me, and I'll decide what I do with him"

    This story is not Basic Needs.

    Any help in finding this story would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Ah, right. Thanks for pointing that out. I've read things by Cordelia_kingsbridge, Passhanete, and Traxie, as well as Maddox Grey. All the rest are new though, so I'm looking forward to reading them ^_^

  3. Thanks. I've, unfortunately, read most of these authors, however there was one or two stories I hadn't yet. I'll get to those immediately.

    If there are any others, I'll happily accept recommendations

  4. Hey everyone.

    I'm looking for a good bdsm fic. Don't have any fic I'm particulary looking for, but I'd love for someone to tell me of anything they enjoyed. Can't seem to find any on my own.


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