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Posts posted by sickelf

  1. I wasn't sure which forum to put this in, so here it goes. I created a storytelling game for creating adult fan fiction in any genre. The game is called Fanfic. I've posted a free PDF on my website with all the rules. To play, you need 3-5 imaginative players, a pack of player cards, notecards, and some coins.


    From the introduction:

    Fanfic is a game for collaboratively creating erotic “fan fiction,” naughty fan-created stories inspired by existing works of fiction, and it aims to do it badly. You will explore the deepest sexual desires of characters from your favorite books, television shows, movies and video games. Fanfic strives to emulate everything that is quirky and ultimately endearing about fan fiction: bodice ripping; stilted dialogue; awkward turns of phrase; and improbable coupling. What better way to learn to do it right than to do it oh-so-wrong?

    Feel free to share the game with anyone you like. My only request is if you play the game, please send feedback to feedback@fanficgame.com with your thoughts and questions. You can purchase printed copies for $5 with amazing cover art by Wendy Morethorpe (http://mwaters.deviantart.com/gallery/) by emailing orders@fanficgame.com.

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