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  1. Hey, I’ve been looking for this one for a couple years now, too. You’ve put up basically all the details I remember. I do think the man they send to the guy has a name like Spencer. I read it on fictionpress in like 2012.
  2. I’m looking for a story about two kingdoms. One kingdom is located in a northern region and they have a deal with trolls (or something like that) where the king has a child with them and then is left alone. The main character is a prince and is from a southern kingdom. He and his family go to see this kingdom. He’s told that his sister is this king’s perspective queen and that it is a diplomatic visit. He’s close with his older brother who has a leg injury but not really with his other family. What he’s not told is that he is actually the one the king is interested in. He doesn’t figure out until well into their stay, as there is a wide language barrier and his family (excluding his brother, because he didn’t know) didn’t tell him, thinking that he would run away. His family is revealed to be racist and homophobic. In the end he accepts the king but shuns his family. The king is also angry because he didn’t know that his family had tricked him into being there. I don’t remember the names of any characters, except that I think the brother’s name was similar to Arin. If anyone can remember any other details that would be great. I just need to jog my memory.
  3. Still trying to find this one. Anyone remember more details?
  4. I got a detail confused. The guy was twelve when he had whatever accident that caused his amnesia. Eight years later he wakes up at age twenty. Does anybody remember anything about this story?
  5. I know the story you’re talking about. I believe the author had another story called Black Moon Mate that was about werewolves. I think she took her stories down.
  6. https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2966765/1/Love-Farm Love Farm by CautionTape4BlackSkies?
  7. https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2966765/1/Love-Farm Love Farm by CautionTape4BlackSkies?
  8. I finally found this story: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3003309/1/Marcos.
  9. I think it was set in South America. This guy and his family (who are rich I believe) go on a trip to South America. Once there he gets lost in the rain forest and stumbles onto some ruins. Then there's some kind of ceremony where they tie him down and chant things. Some god says that he is his reincarnated mate (who can turn into a jaguar). The god calls him a name that I can't remember but I think it's something like Ba'al or Bilial. I can't seem to remember the god's name either only that he controls the rain.
  10. This sounds very familiar. I think I probably read it around the same time. I feel like the wolf demon's name started with a K and I feel like he was in a somewhat self-isolation and he lived in a cave. I think the prey they shared was a deer demon. I can't remember the author or anything.
  11. I'm looking for an older story. It was a WIP. This kid got into an accident of some kind and wakes up twelve years (at least I think it's twelve years) later from a coma. He only has his memories from before the coma. He remember his mom remarried and he remembers that he had a little brother, who had been just a baby at the time of his accident. I think he had a nickname, "Davey", or something similar, that he called his little brother. He's very confused when he first wakes up. His mother buys him an iPod and he doesn't know how to use it. He starts doing physical therapy to get muscle mass back. He takes some tests to get his GED. Then he goes to college. Once there they pair him up with somebody so he doesn't get too overwhelmed. This somebody just happened to be his childhood bully (not a bully anymore, also remember something about blue eyes) and actually wanted to help him. I remember the main character was having a really hard time in PE so this guy helped him with running. I can't remember the title or author but I read the story something between 2010 and 2012.
  12. I think the title is Adaptation. I think it was by Ayato.
  13. This is a complete story. I think it was completed in 2011. The boy is the main character is mute. He's mute because his father told him to keep quiet while he was murdering his mother. His father has murdered several more women over the years and always makes his son help clean up afterwards. When the boy is older, still in high school, there's another boy who takes an interest in him (I have a feeling his name was something simple, like "Bo".) "Bo" keeps trying to get him to talk. His father brings home a new woman and the boy finally decides to take a stand against his father, who tries to murder her. His father tries to kill him. Afterwards there's a court thing and they try to say that the boy is crazy and an accomplice. But they get through it and the woman becomes his adoptive mother. Those are the main details I remember. Any help finding this story would be great.
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