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Posts posted by Snowangel701

  1. Thanks Snowangel! I'm glad that at least someone peeked at them!

    Of course! There is nothing better than sexy art to go with sexy fics! I'm still drooling over Lou and my favorite royal vamps! And the couples pic of Mika and Lovel is just sooooo wonderful! I loooooove couples art!

  2. anyone who knows biel's detective and where can i find it? :think:

    Where can you find the story or where can you find the detective charcater? If you meant the story, Ariie hasn't written it yet. If you meant the character himself, he's in the Seducing Lou story being a bit of a bully to my poor Lou Lou.

  3. Multiple Chapters?! Oh what a dream come true! I've been patiently waiting like a good little girl and I'm absolutely ecstatic that it was worth the wait. I'm sorry that her computer is still down. I hope she'll be able to get it repaired soon. I know how affording a brand new one can be tough. Thanks for keeping updated about the situation Ms. MichiTheThird. And thanks for being Ariie’s awesome beta.

  4. Just read chapter 5! I had been trying to get all my school work out of the way just so I could have time to read this. It was sooooo worth it! I love the new mansion for Luca's "Vampters." My god, the name Vampters still has me..."Tearing Stitches." :rofl: Was mad at Valintine for a bit. He scared poor Ameila! I am glad though that they are going to try to get along for Luca's sake. Though I am a bit curious over what that necklace was that Raven and Ellis took from Valentine. I'm so happy with this chapter! You covered so much! And you made Luca pimp slap Elric to get stuff done! Sooooo awesome!!!!!! :yahoo:

    P.S. I was delighted that you brought in Lou for a bit! I love that blue haird vampire to pieces! Can't believe that b*tch of nymph tried to get him prison time...ugh! Good thing Lou Lou is so loved!

  5. Hello! Hello! Just got through reading and reviewing chapter two and I've gotta say.....it's Fangtabulous!!!!! :flirtysmile:

    Man Raven has influnced me with his puns. Anyways I have a question almighty writer of the most one addicitvie fics I have ever read! Why is it that vampires can't mate with childe vampires? :think:

  6. HaHa! I noticed a wonderful suprise on your summaries list! For one, I love your summary for Seducing Lou and Capturing Adrian! (Love the name change by the way) :2tubs: The summary looks like a lot of fun! But it also seems like a way to bring back that annoying Nymph! He was one of Sincalir's ex-lovers right? Okay then challenge accepted :bat: ....Lou vs. Annoying Nymph! Round 2! Fight! (Theme for Mortal Kombat plays in the background.)

    I also noticed that you added in yet another new story, The Doctor's In. In the summary you said this was Marcus' story! I'm so glad that he's getting his own story! I felt terrible for him. I can't help but wonder if ,by the fics title, does this mean your pairing him with the ever fabulous and sexy Franklin Stein? Ooooh now that does sound interresting!

  7. So we are having the threesome? Awww and I was just enjoying the idea of Adrian and Cylis together. Two vamps being tormented by hot sexy incubuses. Aw well. I'm still gonna be enjoying the fic anyhow. I just feel bad for poor Lou. Now he's got two sexy nuts after him and both are going to get him. And poor Cylis. Our sexy white incubus will be all alone.

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