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  1. Hi! I'm looking for old BBC Sherlock fic. All I can remember about that fic: - Necromancer!John Watson … kind of… - It was long oneshot. - When John touches someone who is dead, someone else near dies and person John touches comes back to life. - Near end of the fic Sherlock dies, but John bring him back to life. - Lestrade saw what John did and it's revealed that Lestrade has same "gift" bring people back to life that John have.
  2. I'm not sure, but first one could be... "Sex Changes Everything" by BlackKitsune0925 : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9163063/1/Sex-Changes-Everything
  3. Yes, that is it. Thanks!
  4. Hey! I am looking for Harry Potter/X-men crossover fic. All I remember that fic: - Harry Potter/X-men crossover. - Harry/Gambit slash - X-men leave Gambit to antarctica. - Harry find Gambit and take him his home. - Harry live in antarctica. - There was Ginny, Ron, Dumbledore and light side bashing. - There was also x-men bashing - especially Scott and Rogue. - Harry was good friends with Neville and his wife Luna. - I think there was scene where Harry and Gambit go help goblins because Ron and Draco are trapped inside pyramid.
  5. Kitty series By phoenixmaiden13, but there Harry's children only transform cats in the last story.
  6. Washu

    Mewtwo fic

    Hi! I'm looking for Pokemon fics where Ash catch Mewtwo or where Mewtwo let himself be catched By Ash. Only fic I already know is Gotta catch them all By Blue autumn sky.
  7. Washu


    No, I think there was 6-8 chapters...
  8. Washu


    I can't remember but I think it was Harry/Voldemort pairing or Harry sees Voldemort as his father figure. I think I remember more details first fic: - Remus was Sirius mate. - Tonks tried get Remus herself and helped kill Sirius, that is why Harry sacrifice her in ritual.
  9. Washu


    I have read it. But still not that fic I am looking for. Thanks anyway Still looking for first fic...
  10. Washu

    Two Fics

    Still trying find those fics - especially fic 1.
  11. If you are still looking for I can recommend few: Slave fics where Harry is master: Yay! Slavery! by loverofeevee - Harry X Almost all men characters Enslaved by Itsonmymind1 - Harry X Lucius X Draco X Severus Others where Harry is just Top or Dominant three or more person: The snakes amongst the lions by AiShadow - Harry X Lucius X Severus X Voldemort And fics where Harry is Top or Dominant one or two person: Sex changes everything by BlackKitsune0925 - Harry X Voldemort Picture perfet Lion by Kitty mama - Harry X Colin Hungry like a Wolf by AgentFiyeroSummers - Alpha!Harry X OC Alphas by Extraho - Harry X Fenrir Herigh by KitKat825 - Harry X Severus
  12. Washu

    Two Fics

    Hey! I am looking for two old fanfics :3 There all I remember them. 1. - Severus rescue Harry from Dursleys. - Lucius, Severus and Remus try to help and heal Harry. - I think Severus and Lucius were together. - Remus fall in love Severus' male friend who is vampire. - I think fic was Dumblebore bashing, but I am not sure. 2. - Harry is sorted in Slytherin. - Severitus. - Harry's best friend is Draco. - I think fic started scene where 2 or 3 school year is just begin and Draco try to get Harry tell Severus that he is his father because Dursleys abuse Harry, so he could get away them. - I remember that in some chapter later Harry end up Severus' care because he passed out because blood loss or injuries, Severus find Harry's diary and find out that Harry is his son.
  13. Washu


    It is not that fic, but thank you for trying to help :3 Still looking for first fic.
  14. Hey! I am looking for fic I read very long ago. All I remember that fic: - Dark!Harry - Harry has brother who people belive is boy-who-lived. - Voldemort take Harry somehow and make him his heir and son. -There were scene where light side find out that Voldemort's son is Harry and they try argue him join back to light. - I think Harry also bind Remus and/or Sirius himself as some kind slave,pet or servant - not sure... - I am not sure if there were any pairings.
  15. Sound little bit Fall of a Phoenix by DaggersBloodPain... In the second chapter Harry have to duel first Voldemort's outer circle, then inner circle and finally Voldemort himself. He win all death eaters and become very hight ranked follower... But that story don't contain Hermoine/Severus only Harry/Severus
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