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  1. I seriously thought I was all alone on this one. Thanks for speaking up, Hopebringer Jem.
  2. Actually, one more thing. Anyone who would give me permission to transfer their work to my ebook, it would be greatly appreciated. I will review it properly. Chances are 98% will get both good and bad aspects, if it's absolute trash, i wont lie, same if it is completely awesome. If it is completely awesome, I will even direct my more literary friends to it. I promise not to distribute it in any way, torrents, hard file transfer, or by printing it, etc. You have my word.
  3. I don't know about you guys, but staring at tiny font for hours on end on a LCD or CRT hurts my eyes. I do understand where everyone is coming from, and if you have no philosophical obligation to your art, or the people that consume it, that's fine. I'm still going to play devil's advocate though, simply for the sake of argument. I'd say people plagiarize for a few reasons. Firstly, to get recognition for something that they think is awesome, but are too lazy to imitate properly. It's actually sort of flattering when you think about it. Secondly, to be assholes. I'm sure there are plenty people out there who plagiarize simply for the sake of pissing hard working people off, because they can. And thirdly, and i think the least common(just an educated guess), is those who think they can profit from it by material gain. I think you guys are depending on that lazy streak that makes up most plagiarists(the semi-flattering kind) to defeat them. But that is only some of them. And yes, on this website I'm sure you've caught plenty of trolls. I'm sure this community is targeted by the scum of the internet, and I will not mention where they like to hang out in their spare time. Ive yet to find a single person that has ripped off my work, ever. But then again, I'm not paranoid about it and constantly combing the internet to find virtual thiefs, either. Luckily, you guys have mods that do that though. (I think?) And perhaps the nature of this site and the content may make you a little more protective of your work. Makes sense to me. I wouldn't want every Tom, Dick and Jane at the office to know I write the filthiest thing they have probably ever read in their vanilla lives. I'm going to shut up now. Lol.
  4. I've used DA for entirely too long. (The way the site is structured is pretty poor, and i think it's really turned into a cesspool in the past three years or so) But I've never come across any duplicated works. There is so much content on most sites (and on the internet in general) the chances of you catching someone red headed is pretty nill I would think. As far as the ability to download, I'd say if they are poor at coding, then that could be the issue, but most likely I assume the site owners feel if you can read/see/listen to it, it can be duplicated easily (Or they are hardcore "free-informationists"). The reason why I share my art? To complete the artistic cycle. It is your obligation as an artist to share what you created. You draw from all sorts of sources, media, culture, friends, etc.(has anyone ever inspired you?) I think to keep all art to yourself is pretty selfish(particularly if you consider yourself a(n) "insert term for what you do") . To refine and polish something is fine, but you have to share it with the world, because that is where you draw your inspiration from. Who knows, you may inspire someone else. That has always outweighed the constant threat of plagiarism(for me anyways). Nothing is safe really, at least on the internet anyways.
  5. Now I could see why you wouldn't want the option at all as well, because if the security of your account (or the entire website) was compromised, then someone else could make your work available for download, even if you didn't want it to be. Oh well, I guess if I want to read in the comfort of my bed on an unlit screen, I'm just going to have to pull an old fashioned ctrl+c ctrl+v.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I'd be pissed if someone stole my work as well. Perhaps I didn't explain myself clearly. IF the author chooses so (just like in the case of letting others add chapters) then you MAY make it available for download. I'm not saying every single piece of work will be available for download overnight.
  7. I find it strange that you guys are so worried about plagiarism. Being a visual artist and musician for many years, the thought of someone ripping off my work has never really occurred to me. Perhaps It's just a writer thing.
  8. I highly appreciate your input. But would you be against it being an option, even if you didn't use it yourself? Actually never mind, I just re-read your statement " I just don't see the point of a fiction archive making it easy for people to steal, not when that archive hosts original works."
  9. I'm not sure if this option is already available, or if this is already a topic (I went through a few pages of suggestions) but it would be nice to be able to download a .txt of some of the larger stories, so I can put them on my ebook. I mean i could just copy paste it myself, but that would be rather tedious. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to integrate into the site especially if someone uploads in .txt format. Anyone else think this is a good idea, bad idea?
  10. Very cool! Thanks!
  11. Alright, everyone disregard my first message. I believe I added the option to where other people can add chapters in the "edit details" section. WillowDarkling, will this suffice as far as people adding to the story in the style I would like?
  12. Yeah I think one story may have already been pulled. Thanks for the advice.
  13. I am completely and entirely new here. I joined this site because another site which will not be named had my first fanfic I had ever REALLY written flagged for removal. But anyways, I'm eager to see what people can do with this very short story I have started. Ideally, I'd like one person to write another chapter, and pass it on. Feel free to be creative as you like. Clean it up, kill someone off, do a cross over, whatever. Its the only fic i have posted, so feel free to copy paste it. All i ask is that you list all people who have contributed in it before you, and do not edit their content what-so-ever. Have fun!
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