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Posts posted by spiritwolf

  1. I know there is another thread but the problem there is completely different then mine. I can get to the screen where I usually copy and paste my chapter but it won't let me into the writing box to copy and paste. It keeps telling me my story does not exist, yet it is in the archives. The story is Hallow truth by Spiritwolf71. I know it has been a couple months since I have got a chapter out but real life has been a bitch.

    I am on windows 7 using internet explorer.

    I would appreciate any help.

  2. Thank you for the advise, funny think was that info dump was not there my first time through but like I said some some one complained and mentioned that she didn't understand certain things so then the info dump was placed there to give readers a rehash of what happened in my first story. Then I changed the second draft as well based on other things that people pointed out and basically i ended up with a chapter that looked nothing like the original and had an extra thousand words I never expected to write.

    This is my second fan fic ever and I have a hard time including people that don't know whats going on. Some say I should have and some say I should so I kinda go in the middle.

    I will look into you advise and see how I can incorprate it, thanks it is appreciated.

  3. Well they are both Mass Effect sorry. The first one is F/F but I don't have any smut in them (As much as one reviewer wanted) and I just finished reworking the first chapter of the second story but I still dont think anyone likes it. Plus I decided today I really hate when someone gives you a bit of criticism and then you go and re work it alot and then you tell them and they say nothing. I think this chapter is very quickly putting me in the depressed stage

  4. I got pretty good reviews on the first story I wrote bith here and the other place I placed it , however with the first chapter of my second story I was told that it's choppy. I have since gone back and re wrote a lot of it but I dont know if maybe I have a crappy writing style and no ones telling me or If it was just a fluke for the first chapter of my second story... If anyone wants to peek

    http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600087744 is the first story (But it's long)

    http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600087875 is my problem child

  5. I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to answer to this, but I and I think most other beginners will want to post their chapters straight away. It's practical because I've gotten some good feedback and advice on how to make it better.

    Of course, the real reason is that my attention span is on the short side. Knowing that there are people who are reading and enjoying my story online gives me the motivation to keep writing it, I would never have the patience to write out the entire thing without receiving any recognition (and hence, satisfaction) from it.

    This goes for me as well, although I have to admit reviews are few and far between here, which pretty much makes me savour everyone of them I get. But I post them as I write them, it forces me to stay on track and if I get feedback I can use it. Until first first fan fic here, I had never finished a story, of course I also hadn't written in over 20 years but hey it was fun.

  6. Mine told me my story was good but that my telling it was not soi much then I never heard from them again

    Soifon, I am sure your a great beta, but its been over a month and it's kinda harsh when someone throws stuff like that out then doesn't bother to beta to let you know exactly what you meant

  7. 1) Bookmarks, I hate using my personal book marks with a hundred stories that I want to read, would be better if we could eith have a favorite list or an internal book mark, I imagine a favorite list is easier.

    2) The thingy you have to fill out to do a review the two words you have to type, no wonder no one does reviews cause what a pain in the ass trying to find two words you can actually read. Either getting rid of it fully or getting one with words that are understandable.

  8. I get a lot of hits and a lot of rates but little reviews. I am not the best with self esteem but reviews are something that spurs one on. It's to bad people dont take the time to write them. I also review what I read.

  9. Author: Spiritwolf71 (Kelley)

    Title: Turnabout

    Summary:Shepard has destroyed the Reapers and disappeared. Most have gone back to some sort of normal life, but Liara just can't let go.

    Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism much appreciated. I love and learn from reviews

    Fandom: Mass Effect

    Pairing:(f)Shepard/ Liara T'Soni

    Warnings: WIP Bi

    Solo story or chaptered story: Chapter

    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600087744

    I hope you enjoy it. I have had a lot of fun writing it. It's my first try at anything like this.

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