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  1. Review reply: 3000069907 from Arraye: Please could you translate this part to normal English for me? I'm not versed enough to understand dialects, sorry. Fan sighed, “Yer cousin always did say you were a little slow, yer Mam is a member of the Kumanishi but she had to earn her mother’s name. Her mother is the youngest daughter; she married the House of Zhuán’s oldest son. She lost status when she took his name and became a member of that damned clan. Your mother grew up with the stigma of the Zhuán name. It didn’t help that her sorry ass Pap was the way he was and everybody knew it. Well and then there’s you. Chir’ren don’t pick the men that make ‘em so they shouldn’t be held accountable for what those men do.” Explanation and a bit about US culture: Fan speaks with a Southern dialect. There is a common stereotype in the USA that people from South are not intelligent and are less capable than people from other regions. Fan uses his dialect to hide his intelligence so people do underestimate him. He also uses it to put people at ease since Southerners are considered to be the friendliest group in the nation. Literal translation, Fan sighed, “Your cousin always did say you were a little slow, yer Mom is a member of the Kumanishi but she had to earn her mother’s name. Her mother is the youngest daughter; she married the House of Zhuán’s oldest son. She lost status when she took his name and became a member of that damned clan. Your mother grew up with the stigma of the Zhuán name. It didn’t help that her sorry ass Papa was the way he was and everybody knew it. Well and then there’s you. Children don’t pick the men that make ‘em so they shouldn’t be held accountable for what those men do. Simplified English translation: Fan sighed, “Your cousin always did say you were a little stupid, your mother is a member of the Kumanishi but she had to earn her the Kumanishi name. Her mother is the youngest daughter; she married the House of Zhuán’s oldest son. She lost status when she took his name and became a member of that damned clan. Your mother grew up with the stigma of the Zhuán name. It didn’t help that her worthless was the way he was and everybody knew it. Well and then there’s you. Children don't pick their fathers so they shouldn't be held accountable for what their fathers do. Ursa is the granddaugher of Avatar Roku. Her mother, Mamoru married Roku's oldest son. Roku's family were not stripped of their noble status but fell out of favor due to his dispute with Soizin. Ursa's father is also a pedophile who likes young boys. It was something everyone knew and it was another black mark on the family name. Ursa grew up with stigma of belonging to Roku's clan and her father's reputation. She had to prove herself worthy of the Kumanshi Clan before being allowed to use their name and benefit from their relationship with the Fire Lord. Chu-hua didn't like the way other nobles would look down on Ursa because of her Father's side of the family so she tends to judge people based on their actions rather than their family.
  2. Limonana - I'm sorry it took so long to reply. Katara's body is slowly healing itself but whether or not she'll be able to have children remains to be seen. Raa.maa.daa.saa.hung, you are correct. Azula did golden rain Jin's face.
  3. Hi Everyone, I thought I'd start a post to provide detailed answers for some of the questions regarding the story and extra info. Reply to review# 3000067626 by Limonana: In chapter 80 (the shower) he’s still not thinking clearly after drinking so much. Alcohol removes inhibitions and impairs judgment. Zuko is performing the same act that he has done while sober only now he isn’t listening to the voice that tells him it is wrong even though it feels good physically. At this point in the canon timeline Zuko realizes there are serious issues with the blind belief in the war and Fire Nation superiority but he’s still proud, quick tempered and has an inferiority complex. He’s humiliated because everyone was laughing at him. He’s upset Mai rejected him and Chu-hua compared him to his father. He’s frustrated because Katara still doesn’t believe what he says the crew will do to her. He’s angry she placed herself in harm’s way by disobeying him and is one of the prime sources of his humiliation. She almost sank the ship then kicked him down a flight of stairs. He knows Katara isn’t truly his concubine; only a way for his father to test him. If he can’t control her she’ll be taken away and given to the nobles. He’ll be viewed as even more of a failure since he (the burned, banished prince who only got to come home because Azula lied) was unable to control one much smaller girl. He’s not comfortable feeling any emotion other than anger so when he feels overwhelmed that’s what he falls back on. He hurts Katara because he’s hurting He tries to rationalize it by saying this is what the crew would do to you and look what you made me do since you didn’t listen. In reality all abuser's shift blame to their victim becuase they don't want to acknowledge they are capable of such horrible things or take responsiblity for their actions.
  4. Thank you MisatosPenPen. Reviews are great and I do love them (love them, love them, love them) but I'm posting this on my livejournal. I've noticed that with most of my stories i get feedback after they've been posted for a while. Good thing I'm not one of those - I'm not going to post / I'm going to delete if I don't get X number of reviews or votes I types huh?
  5. Wow, I feel so honored to actually get reviews let enough to have open a post to reply to them. MisatosPenPen - Thank you so much for being my first reviewer and consistenly providing feedback for most chapters. You make me feel like I have a personal cheerleader. I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Chevenga - thank you for being my second reviewer. I understand the wish for artistic ability (I can't draw either) but I do appreciate the desire to make fanart. I would love it! I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
  6. Thank you again for the help.
  7. Thank you for your speedy response. I had planned denote which characters were named after historical figures and include link to where I found the information for them. That made me think of another question. Do I need to put the information in every chapter which they appear or only in the first?
  8. Hello I am in search of a beta(s) for two stories. The first is in the Naruto fandom. It's male x male featuring Kakashi and Iruka and over 70,000 words so far. The title is Another Perfect Wonder. It's partially posted here http://www.fanfictio...-Perfect-Wonder and on livejournal but will be moved here. It will contain torture, abuse (including child abuse), underage rape, and male on male consensual sex (oral, anal, rimming, fingering, mutual masturbation, etc), hurt, comfort, mentions of character death, hunting and fishing in which animals will be cooked and eaten, exhibitionism, mentions of lesbianism and the boogey monster. It will not include watersports or bloodplay but there are scenes which involve urine, blood, spit and semen used to anchor jutsu. The second is the NANIWRIMO project that ate my brain. The fandom is Avatar the Last Airbender and the primary pairing is Zutara. There are several others. It's over 500,000 words so far and is still in progress. It is posted on this site http://cartoon.adult...hp?no=600093771 and is my first foray into this fandom and pairing. The warnings are listed on story page but there will be mention of male x female rape, male x male rape, female x female rape, gang rape, violence, underage rape, torture, child abuse. The characters are their canon ages for the bulk of the story. There is racist and sexist content. The Fire Nation characters refer to those of the other nation as barbarians, savages, dirt people, but no real life slurs that I am aware of are used. Women are referred to by parts of their anatomy. Another sample of the story is here http://www.nanowrimo...rk-zutara-story. These are my first two multi-chapter fics so I would like someone who can help me with continuity, flow, tone, grammar, redundancy and the avoidance thesaurus soup. I tried to make the characters and their actions believable based on the premise of the fic but there will be some OOCness. Help with characterization will appreciated. I want them to be well rounded but not have multiple personality disorder. I started Another Perfect Wonder in 2010 and Borealis November 2011. My writing process is not linear. I write scenes as the plot bunnies dictate them and connect them later (which is why they are so long and but the majority of the story remains unposted). My disjointed writing process also leads to wild tangents so all reminders to come back to this side of the wardrobe and lassos to snatch me out of the rabbit hole will be greatly appreciated. I sometimes refer to obscure things thinking the subject matter is common knowledge. Author warnings - I am hopelessly addicted to run-on sentences. I tend to use passive voice. I think faster than I type so pronouns, possessives, homonyms, and words with similar letters get mixed up. (The previous sentence was originally typed "I thing father than I type so pronouns, possessives, homonyms and works with similar letters get mixed up" but I will proofread all chapter before sending.) I am thick skinned and open to constructive criticism. I hope I haven't scared any potential betas away and provided an overview of my writing style. Thank you in advance (and for reading my fanfiction manifesto!) Jaded_Priceless
  9. Hello Mods, I am new to the site and posted my first story yesterday. The title is Borealis: A Zutara Story in the Cartoon / Avatar the Last Airbender Section. I have updated my disclaimer to read: "I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction" The work in progress so far is over 500,000 words. So far only characters from the Avatar World have been used but as I progress in posting the historical figures and references to other fandoms will come into play. Do I need to provide the full list now or will updating the disclaimer as the chapters progress suffice? Also this isn't a crossover fic but due to the length I have borrowed the first names of characters from other fandoms but not their descriptions for some of my OC's (such as a girl named Kagome that eats bugs another OC gives her and a married couple named Kisa and Hiro). Does the fandom from where I heard the name need to be listed? I can always rename the characters before posting if need be. I know author's notes can not make up a full chapter, but can a disclaimer? I'm still working on this beast and I have no idea where the plot bunnies will take me. Thank you for your patience and assistance, Jaded_Priceless
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