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Posts posted by Ajwf

  1. So, the first vamp just kind of... was a vampire always?

    After a bit of searching, I came across Strigoi for option three. Since I mainly think of Romania when I think of vampires.

    In Romanian mythology, strigoi (English: poltergeist)[1] are the troubled souls of the dead rising from the grave. Some strigoi can be living people with certain magical properties. Some of the properties of the strigoi include: the ability to transform into an animal, invisibility, and the propensity to drain the vitality of victims via blood loss. Strigoi are also known as immortal vampires.

    As for the other, I kind of think you had the correct wording in your original post: "Turned". It's a broad enough term to excite someone into wonder and three words like Strigoi would probably confuse someone to hell and back. So my idea may be bad simply in complexity.

  2. Are you American? I wonder if it's easier to type 'gray' rather that 'grey' as it's what you're used to. I tend to touch-type, so writing 'grey' is more natural for me as I don't have to think about what I'm typing . . . personally 'grey' looked better aesthetically to me anyway :)

    In response specifically to the OP . . .

    I'd agree with everyone else to pick either American or British English and stick with it. I personally don't object to American English in a Harry Potter fanfiction, because as long as the fiction is written well then that should be all that matters, and no one type of English should be more 'correct' than any other. I only object when American authors set the story with aspects of American culture. I find it fine if Harry picks up a pair of 'pants' instead of 'trousers', because most people are aware of American English and know what is meant . . . but when an author writes about P&J sandwiches and garbage disposals and mail boxes . . . suddenly it's as if they haven't put in the effort to even try and learn about the fandom or culture they're writing about, and it's so jarring as a British person to read, and alienating too.

    To the first part: Yes, but I'm more of a lover of the British style of writing anyways. The reason I prefer gray to grey is because of the way I type. My left hand's ring finger is.... (there's a musical term for this!) Damn. I was going to give a term and leave it at that. Suffice to say that when my fingers are positioned on the keyboard, my left pinky and ring finger do not fit correctly and cannot reach the upper row of keys. So, when typing grey, you would generally use your pointer on 'g', middle on 'r' and ring on 'e', then finish it with your pointer on 'y'. Except that my ring cannot hit that key without extra timing issues, which is just more of a hassle because who wants to waste two seconds hitting an 'e' over the 'a' right below it where my ring finger rests?

    To the second: I'm more traditional with that. I enjoy the ability for an author to keep the writing in English more than it's American English (or American slang) counterpart.

    If they really want to use the HP universe, have Harry Potter and write American, set the story through an American wizard's eyes. I believe that's an acceptable use of an OC, when you are unable to match the original author's writing, so using an OC with different thoughts, wordings, phrases would be a good supplement.

  3. I have to say this: It works.

    Seeing as I haven't read anything here (well, I have, but not as much as I probably should), I draw upon a lot of the writings on FF.net. And it was a very common tactic. Most of the time, they were correct in assuming that they weren't the best, (but wait, shouldn't that be everyone on a FF site anyways? Granted, a few people here are published, but the majority are not) but they got the reviews they looked for because of such tactics.

    Now, I always wrote something at the end. Mostly, if i made some strange reference, I'd explain it briefly. (Mandatory input of how I believe it's acceptable, even though I use it and am biased).

    But, it's like Twilight to me: A lot of people dislike it, but the writer (Mrs. Meyers) can laugh all the way to the bank as she got a lot of money. (Money being an equivalent to reviews on a much different level)

  4. A character like the writer is NOT a MS. A character like the writer but with only upsides is a MS.

    I agree that MS characters are quite enjoyable in some situations. But, you guys forget part of the definition of MS (Perfect without reason). A lot of characters are perfect, but have methods to their madness clearly explained. MS are good for satires.

    But near-perfect characters are great for villains. No one likes weak antagonists, they don't push the protagonist.

  5. I just found this link this morning and thought it was fairly unique. A lot of time, when you run across a supporting character, you don't exactly know what to make them... This is a *Basic personality randomizer. Also, only deals with young adults for some reason... Don't ask me why.


    It does have some issues, as it is completely random. On one of my tries, I got a girl who was a 'jock' but also very humble. While it'd be interesting to try to put those two traits together, and maybe even possible, wasn't going to try.

    Also, someone in the shoutbox showed us this one a couple of days back. I bookmarked it. It's an article with pixar writer Emma Coats on the "22 rules of Storytelling". I thought it was really cool.

    This link is kinda a writer's block remover of sorts. It wasn't terribly detailed, but the vagueness is probably better when you're in the middle of your book.


    That's all I got.

  6. Agreed. Even one good review can really brighten someone's day. But most importantly, I just want to know I'm writing for somebody, who's actually taking the time to read each individual chapter. That's what really makes me happy. Say whatever you want, but the fact that you're still reading means you like something about my story.

  7. And if you ever become a respected author someday, do try to keep this sort of thing in mind. I can't tell you how many authors I've seen who become so full of themselves in their maturity that they don't even consider the possibility that they too can make mistakes and write painful Mary Sues.

    Lol... Too true.

  8. Sometimes a chapter needs to be that long. There might not be a good place to break off, or you want to finish that dramatic scene in one shot without a cliffie.

    There's no hard and fast rule. James Patterson writes short chapters and his books are formulaic and forgettable, aside from the distasteful fact that he review whores in public. George RR Martin writes long chapters and I can't put his books down. If an author can hold my attention for 10,000 words straight, that's brilliant.

    Have never checked to be sure, but I believe Patterson has multiple people writing for him. He roles books out at a freaking incredible pace, one that would be superhuman alone. I personally enjoyed the Maximum Ride series of his.

  9. Well, it's all how you describe it. Shiny brown hair to greasy brown hair makes a bit of a difference.

    Also, in a hospital, if no one is visiting her, might she become anti-social? Coupled with paranoia, others might look at her as being insane or jumpy. A good character already in Ravenclaw is Luna Lovegood, might be a good person to use as someone who accepts her or reacquaints her with everyone if Honey does become anti-social. Both are kind of looney characters, although Luna is personally my favorite character in the series.

  10. I'm particullarly fond of these two... Little backstory... The genre was adventure... And trust me when I say I'm not a romance novelist. I kept both since I couldn't figure out how to delete them, and now they're worth a couple of snickers. The part that got me mad was he reviewed under the anonymous setting...

    error.pngd_50.jpg Death2Takari 8/1/11 . chapter 1

    I wonder if this is going to be one of those typical Davis bashing Takaris where the two brats of the team think they're the most powerful and are totally pathetic and sappy all through it. It's certainly seeming like it at the moment. There's already been Davis bashing and that bit about that slut Kari being the most powerful is a load of bull! If anything she's the weakest of the lot of them! She's always hiding behind someone! Shes pathetic!

    I'll probably read one or two more chapters but if the Davis bashing carries on then I'm going to stop. Also, Gatomon's the one to be disgusted with. She shouldn't even dare to show disgust since she worked for an evil Digimon.

    Also I do wish people would remember that Kari never ended up with either of the guys which was good as she didn't deserve them. Plus Davis, while people like you badmouth him, wrongly I might add, he was the one that totally came through when MaloMyotismon got the Digidestined all caught up in the Dreamworld! People seem to forget that even their precious ickle TK and Kari got caught! Those two aren't perfect!

    Chapter 3, same story....

    This chapter was the final straw. Bad enough Takari and Davis bashing, but you've put bloody Sorato in it! That pairing is disgusting. But also, if you're going to stick to the pairings in the actual anime, then you shouldn't have bloody Takari! Since they DIDN'T HAPPEN! Damn you stupid idiots for putting these two pairings in! I was going to carry on, but when I saw the sick Sorato part I flipped! Screw you. I'm always up for a GOOD Takari, but I DETEST Sorato! So screw you! I REFUSE to read anymore of this garbage! Unless of course you message me and tell me that Tai gets her instead of that ugly blonde! Get a grip and stop using Sorato AND Takari. Unfortunately for you silly fans, only ONE of those disgusting pairings happened! If Taiora had happened and there weren't so many of you people badmouthing Davis, then I might like Takari still, but people like YOU have made me HATE them!

  11. Name: Toshi Morino (I used Japanese names only for the reason of not having a Sam standing next to a Shikamaru... Would be strange to have terribly different names)

    Naruto Fandom

    Height/Weight: 5'4", 130 pounds (That's a little stocky, if you don't know... I'm 5'5", 140, so I used a reference to something I knew)


    Part of an elite organization in a village called the "Storm Cloud", he was among 4 other members who specialized in one individual change of nature. The idea was drawn up by mastermind Sojio, who believed in a little known myth of the hunters, who came before ninja. (They would turn out to be a decedent of samurai legend). He got this idea from stumbling upon a shrine in his expedition with ancient scrolls describing the purpose of the hunters, and their strengths. With all the traditions described in the scrolls, he became obsessed with trying to recreate these people. The issue was, each possessed an ocular based jutsu that wasn't apart of any bloodlines in the ninja world, thus samurai. He went to find Orochimaru, who at the time was still short-funded, and for a hefty price, attempted to summon long-dead spirits into babies. This was as he was developing his reanimation jutsu. After hundreds of attempts from children stole around the thunder's territory, he was finally able to produce 4 babies with the different elements bound into them.

    Orochimaru refused to create the last child unless Sojio would pay double what he did for the other four. It took him 4 years to finally create the funds and satisfy Orochimaru. The last one was Toshi, and so he was raised having the others as five older brothers.

    Sojio attempted to father the five, but he also was the leader of his village, and he was still a little crazy. He was paranoid and feared everyone around him would sell him out to the actual Cloud, or would try to take away his position. No one was allowed to leave the Storm Cloud village. Because of his fear, he tortured. One the kids would turn seven, until their 15th birthday, he would torture them everyday. (Pulling an idea from George Orwell), eventually the hunters saw it as necessary and found they'd come to accept this punishment. It would kill off emotion and pain better than anbu training and make perfect slaves for Sojio's own control. As a reward, at their 15th birthday, they'd be introduced to the community's Spring Pool, a coverup for a whorehouse that only ninja have access to.

    Toshi went through the same process, but was younger than the others and so was unable to join their squad, a squad of four plus a leader. Instead, he was entered into a basic academy where he'd be hidden away as the last hunter. Sojio decided to follow the third Hokage's example, and tried to coach the team that Toshi would enter into. Toshi felt it to be the greatest honor of his life, but unfortunately, the other two on the team were introduced to the torturing of Genins, which had long become an acceptable practice to keep ninja loyal to the Storm Cloud. They go on missions with Toshi, but never complete anything, since he refuses to let them kill. He doesn't feel bad for them but doesn't want them to deal with the missions that the storm cloud completes, the Storm's Wraith missions, which generally involve assassinating turn tails or bringing them back so they can be tortured and then killed.

    Eventually, the two with Toshi plan to escape. It takes a while for them to talk Toshi into it (2.5 years), as even for as smart as he is, he can't see the Storm Cloud as a criminal organization. But, they do eventually leave... You get the idea of what probably happens next.

    Unique features:

    Toshi is a simple figure, short and not physically strong by any measure. He has ragged brown hair that he trims as short as possible, but it's rarely seen under his cloak. He feels that his best feature is his stormy grey-blue eyes, since he enjoys having an attribute that he could relate to the village. His face is unscathed by any torturing, and he feels that "Sojio's kindness always prevailed while he taught me a lesson". He assumes this to be the reason he has no scars on his face. Under his cloak, he carries multiple headbans, it was once his way of taking trophies. For every target he killed, he'd take their headban and tie it around his arm. He only carried 10 out of the storm village.

    Toshi would wear his cloak in a volcano, even as heavy as it is. Given to him by Sojio for his graduation into the ninja academy, it is grey with a light camouflaged pattern on it, allowing him to almost disappear if he stands still. It is chakra infused to avoid detection, picking up the same frequency as objects around him. Everything he owns from Sojio, he still treasures, even though at times he talks bad of him. He feels split on whether he should return and beg forgiveness or accept his new life.

    Toshi grows out his beard because he tries to model another role model who isn't mentioned much in the story. He refers to the guy occasionally as the "Old Man". He keeps a journal given to him by this man which he writes in constantly. It's a special journal with the ability to allow Toshi to talk and have his memories stored.

    Toshi's a book worm. Not much to it, he insisted on stealing books and sealing them in scrolls as they left so he could learn or simply waste time reading.

    Out of habit, Toshi constantly pulls his hood forward to attempt to cover any emotions, including humor. He tries to continue his Storm Cloud demeanor, even though he's a traitor. Sometimes, he gets extremely angry at his two partners for making him a traitor.

    Relation to other Cannon characters:

    Hinata: Toshi allowed his group to go to the Village hidden in the leaves for two reasons: The Chuunin exams and to topple the village. He figured that if he could crash the village himself, he'd be able to regain Sojio's trust. But, upon deciding to buy property to use as a base, one of his squad mates gets in trouble. Being brought to the attention of Tsunade that they owned property in her village, she states that all ninja who have land in her village would be required to fulfill missions for her. The mission she entitles Toshi, Kiba and Shizune to was a rescue mission for Hinata, Sai and Shino. Tsunade has no choice, being short on spare members for the Chuunin exams. It wasn't her year to take them, but the Thunder was having "bandit problems" (or issues with the Storm Cloud meddling).

    When he sees what's been done to Hinata, Toshi finally has a change of heart. It is a shock to see what he had been doing to people for years, and, aided by Kiba's complete rage at how she had been treated, he officially turns his back on the storm cloud. Unfortunately, it is discovered that he was apart of the group that abducted her. His four older brothers rat him to Shizune, who eventually would tell Tsunade.

    Weaknesses, Bad Habits

    Toshi is completely indecisive for a long time when it comes to the Storm Village. Although bright, he can never allow himself to completely love the Storm village or turn his back to his home. He goes so far as to completely disguise himself among his friends and lie to them about his true feelings.

    Toshi would be considered a support on any squad. He was always insulted for not even possessing the basic ability to throw a kunai knife straight, let alone hit a target. Try as he might, the only weapon Toshi can feasibly use is his bow and a dagger he would eventually steal.

    Toshi is paranoid. Someone is always onto his plot. Years of being with Sojio rubbed off on him, he can't stand others and worries that if he slips up, he'll be ratted instantly and killed. For this reason, he always muttered to himself, and so he now is trying to forcefully stop this habit. This generally involves pinching his tongue.

    For the longest time, Toshi worries that Shikamaru knows something about him. He things Shikamaru is way too smart for his own good. On his first day, Shikamaru beats Toshi at chess, Toshi's best game, three times in a row. His plotting against Shikamaru almost causes him to get caught, as Shikamaru never suspected anything of Toshi.

    Toshi spaces out. Unfortunately, this generally happens when he's writing in his journal. He worries that someone will see what he's writing. Not only does he feel it's private information, Toshi feels the information in his journal could get him killed.

    Toshi doesn't sleep well. Due to paranoia and being a light sleeper, he wakes on every creak in the current area he's in. This results in him not being as good a desicion maker if he has a particullarly bad night of sleep.

    Toshi's anger is really violent with those around him. Occasionally, Toshi will end up yelling at the girl in his squad for something stupid and completely destroy her emotional security for a while.

    Toshi fears himself, he fears what he can become, would become and could become. Eventually, the stress becomes too much, and he completely secludes himself from those around him. He sometimes can become a tyrant in his squad, but genereally leaves when that happens.

    Toshi thinks he sees ghosts.

    Strengths, skills

    Toshi is incredibly smart if he has time to think. He's not impulsive when he's rational. He is very good with the bow he carries, and is crafty, having made the bow himself. The bow was designed with tricks that he implemented.

    Toshi is a good cook, he has cooked for every mission he's been on and all the time they were away. He hunts for food, so rarely does his squad have a meatless meal.

    I can see some issues, mainly the fact that his ideas are generally downtrodden, but I've always wanted to build a character based on paranoia. Power and insecurity seemed the best way to do so.

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