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Status Replies posted by Ajwf

  1. Writing, writing, research and more writing...

    1. Ajwf


      Could be like me: Research, research, think about writing, more research.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Day three of writing the second chapter to my original story...not sure what's making it take so long...the length of the chapter, or the vdieos I'm watching.

    1. Ajwf


      Try skipping it yet?

  3. What a dismally, cloudy, rainy day here in Britain. Makes me want to be one of my cats; curl up and sleep the whole day out.

    1. Ajwf


      None at all. Just hot, hot weather. It's giving me a tan much faster than any normal human should burn. I got skin cancer and sun poisoning from the sun last year, and my shoulders callused all up, so I'm probably going to have to attribute that to not burning right away... in the shade.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. What a dismally, cloudy, rainy day here in Britain. Makes me want to be one of my cats; curl up and sleep the whole day out.

    1. Ajwf


      I will trade you for some 90 degree weather, very little breeze... And no rain in the forecast...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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