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Next chapter: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054582&chapter=25 A/S chapter will be next.
Ok. It's probably going to be Integra getting tentacled. The story will be similar: impregnation, birth, some body modification, possibly all-the-way-through.
I actually have a few tentacle stores in various shades of progress. Anything, or anyone, you'd like to see?
Startng with SoS: Originally the story was just going to be one and done. And then a lot of people liked it and wanted to see more. I wasn't really sure if anyone would like it as most Hellsing erotica tended towards pairings with very specific kinks and not 'everyone' and everything. Because of this I had a number of half-written stories that I didn't think I ever be able to publish. And these were ultimately where the genesis of the story began. At the very beginning there was a story called Revenge by DarkestVampire, in it Seras is fucked by the two thugs who killed her family. It starts out with her resisting and then she slowly gives in. At the close of the story she actively wants it with the teaser that she may be pregnant. I thought it was good but it was never continued. I wrote out some chapters where I continued the idea, but since this is basically plagiarism I never intended on publishing them. For a while that was that. The first chapter was a combination of a few ideas I had floating around. One was a story where every full moon Seras got very horny and was sent out to fuck whomever she wanted. Didn't go terrible far. Another was a story where Seras was forced into taking a day off and wanders into Jan's nightclub. There she is given a drink that lowers her inhibitions and the whole club gangbangs her. I liked the idea and felt like doing something more exploitative. Thus the first chapter of Slutification of Seras was written. I wanted the story to be over-the-top so it wouldn't come off as creepy or insulting. Seras 'being turned into a fire hydrant' literally spraying out over a gallon of fluid was the image I wanted to be shown first so my readers wouldn't get the wrong idea. The nick-names were something I picked up from an image board and are both somewhat silly and dirty for the once pure Seras to declare herself. I kept the mechanical theme for Seras throughout, setting up the idea of having a theme for the chapters. It was actually fairly restrained compared to later revisions. As I still wasn't sure if the community would like it. This shaped how the series would go. The original ending was that Jan got Seras to tell them all about Hellsing and then tossing her aside. With no idea as to how the fandom would take it I wrote the end to be Jan merely throwing her out. Later, when I came back to redo the chapter, I'd already kept the idea that while Seras, and anyone slut-trained, was a complete nympho she wasn't stupid and wouldn't endanger anyone she liked. Moving on, the response was positive and I began thinking of how to expand it. And my earlier story based off Revenge came to mind. A lot of the early chapters were pulled from the bits already written up. I wrote up Mentoring to buy some time and to give A/S fans something to read. It was something written on the fly but I'm still happy with it. The chapter demonstrates that Seras isn't as skilled in sex as she thinks she is and it gives her something to work towards. It also sets up some conflict in the first stage of the story. The next chapter, Sociology, was inserted into the story as a means of establishing one of Seras's powers. This was borne out of a problem I thought of when writing SoI. That being: wouldn't Jan kill Integra? I thought for a while decided that no one would care, it's porn after all, then realized I would care. I solved it by giving Seras mind control powers. If she turns Jan into a tame vampire without him knowing, he won't hurt Integra and she'll let him live as he's 'safe'. So they can have further adventures together. I'd planned on introducing these powers in Basic Art. When writing it down, it just felt too convenient. So I put Sociology in front. She's using these powers on humans to get what she wants. In Art she's been shown using them and it feels better this way. Sociology itself is very short and despite me wanted to fix it nothing comes to mind. It's probably my least favorite part of the series. In some ways it feels like a weaker version of the gangbang in Bachelors. Since then I've written better orgies so there's that. To take a momentary break from the chapter this is a good time to talk about pacing. Pacing is something that is hard to identify went it goes right and very easy to see when it goes wrong, (someone tell Lilith). Pacing is setting the action out so nothing feels rushed or takes too long to get to. It also means ensuring that there are high and low points in the story's action. If everything is constantly getting more making a satisfying conclusion more difficult. To bring this point to the story, if Seras was constantly getting gangbanged would Master's of Sluttery really feel special? It wouldn't because she's already done those things over and over. By keeping Sociology weak to allows the other chapters to shine. Basic Art is when the story behind having some form of plot. After Sociology Alucard gets mad that Seras is having sex with other men and cats a spell on Seras making her horny and her cunt hurt. The spell will stay until Seras begs Alucard to take it off or she cums without having anything in or on her pussy. So she mind controls the two she's hunting into creaming over her and she cums that way. It shows her powers expanding and gives a break in the action with something slower and designed to appeal to a bukkake fetish. It also serves to put the actions of the characters against the other, creating some drama. Having Alucard 'win' means Seras doesn't go out and do anymore men or women. Seras isn't strong enough to simply beat Alucard so she just has to take it. The way I resolve it shows creativity from Seras and allows the 'fight' to continue. The next chapter was the only one I've honestly felt like deleting. Interracial themed porn has this ugly streak of racist coding and slant to it. I wanted to move away from this but ran into the problem of what exactly do I do? Two black guys drilling Seras isn't different from two white guys doing it. With that in mind I bounced around trying to find a way to write the chapter in a way that I was happy with. In the end I used 'power' as the center of the chapter. I feel it worked out quite well. I'm still happy with the phrase, 'turned Seras into an Oreo'. In some ways this is one of my favorite chapters. In Sociology is that it displays Seras's thoughts on other women. To her they're people to get around or otherwise get in the way. This is where Women's Studies comes in. Her first lesbian experience Seras learns that she can include others in her fun. I wanted to write a story where Seras goes out and gets seduced by an Asian woman. A bit stereotypical but the twist to this story being that her seducer is only interested in banging her, rather than the cliched lesbian sisterhood angle. It was easily adapted and put in here. I like the language I used in it and haven't felt it necessary to go back and change anything. The chapter concludes with Seras laying down thinking how much better it'd be if Integra was a slut like her, the foreshadowing to Integra's slutification. The Masters chapter is a recap chapter. Everything done so far combined into one set. Seras is joined by a newly slutified housewife and the two have a massive gangbang. This chapter is intended solely as a 'this is how far she's come'. Her finish at the end is here to demonstrate this. Abbey's on the ground while Seras is still going. Combing everything Seras has done into one chapter. Abbey the housewife was not really intended for much, but she did have one important thing in the series, the nick names. Originally both Seras and Integra used the same nick names to describe themselves, cum-dumpster and cock-sleeve. Abbey did as well and I thought it would both be difficult to tell who is who and it wouldn't make sense for them to think of themselves in the same fashion. So Abbey became a fuck-toy and sperm-worshipper and Integra had a minor rewrite. The head of Hellsing is now a cock-slave and cum-guzzler. The terms are still similar to Seras's and reinforce Integra's identity as well. Cum-guzzler is a play off her job, she hunts things that drink of people's essence and now Integra drinks men's seed. The cock-slave is an inversion on her role with Alucard. She is his master, but now finds herself a slave to other men (but mostly their cocks). Abbey also became fairly popular as well. She was designed as an anti-Seras. Abbey is a mother while Seras started the story a virgin. The focus is on her ass instead of breasts, brown hair in lieu of blonde. Abbey has proven very popular, more than I'd first thought. A large number of people have asked for Abbey to feature in future chapters and have her own series. I have made the decision to write a Slutification of Abbey, co-starring her kids. At the end of Masters Jan approaches Seras and her plan is set motion. The end of Integra's prudishness begins. Mentoring the Mentor is where Seras demonstrates all she's learned over the last couple of chapters in a rematch against Alucard. Though the conclusion was likely obvious, I flat out stated an a blog entry that Integra would be slutified, to anyone that hadn't read it probably wouldn't know where I was going. The conflict is simple, Seras wins and Interga gets slut-trained, or she loses Integra stays herself and Seras becomes Alucard's sex-toy. It forces some conflict from the readers. Some would like Alucard to make Seras his sex-slave while others want Integra to join Seras in slutdom. I feel I could have done better with this chapter and the hit counts show it. Any suggestions for it and incredibly welcome. Applied Mechanics introduces some doubt into the narrative. Seras starts off thinking how wonderful it will be after Integra's turned into a slut and then she realized that Integra won't necessarily tell her what happened. So we have some time where Seras is wandering around and realize that her plans have crumbled. My original plan was to keep the audience in the dark for a few chapters. Then I decided that was too mean and just announced Integra's slutification. The newly christened Sir Slut worked over our favorite vampire with sex toys and makes her recount her adventures. It marks the second lesbian chapter, but overall I'm still happier with the language used to describe Integra's training from Seras fantasizing The after chapters serve as a means to get Seras away from Integra while Integra gets herself pregnant. Sociology 501 is what I feel the first Sociology should have been. I'm much happier with this story and how it plays out. We have some body writing and degradation, two things I haven't done yet. Befitting her 'Master's in Sluttery' Seras moves on to harder fetishes. I like the mix of serious and silly throughout the work. It stands as one of the chapters I like the most. Animal Husbandry is nothing but a bestiality chapter. I had some problems getting a 'theme' into the work. Eventually I settled on racing for the horse and meat for the bull. The 'porked by pork' line was something I'd wanted to do for a while. It feels very mishmash and while I like how it turned out at some point I'd like to go back and add another animal in. Open to suggestions on this. Milk Production brings Seras back and starts the series moving in a more plot focused direction. I half wanted to write another chapter with Seras 'away', but couldn't think of anything. There's less sex, comparatively, and more about people interacting with each other. I tease Integra's impregnation a bit and move on to another fetish, lactation. With Seras's very large breasts her being milked has come up a few times throughout Hellsing's porn directory. It also has Integra being taken advantage of as well. It isn't a fetish I much care for and really can't gauge how well it goes for those that do like it, but I think it hits all the major points. With the last chapter before the degradation arc, Family Psych, we have Abbey back. In the interim I decided that she also had a teenaged son to complete the orgy. Abbey and Seras catch up and Seras floats the idea of slut-training her kids. Abbey happily agrees and moves the son, Robert, away to let Seras have a clean shot at slut-training the daughter, Sarah. Originally Sarah was Sally but I didn't like how 'soft' the name was and changed it to Sarah. I never managed to come up with a theme to the story but is seems to have worked out quite nicely. We end the chapter with Abbey's family engaged in an orgy and Seras off to her next assignment. Also Spidu drew a picture for this chapter: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Spidu/300521/Seras-and-siblings SoI next.
Preview of the next chapter: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Chris_Stork/12670/Scraps-Incomplete-Verses/54351/Chapter-9/SoS---Seras---Pip Out of curiosity is anyone interested in hearing me talk about the story?
I've got about half of the next chapter in Seras's done. It's Pip/Seras focused. Any requests for language, positions or anything else?
Minor update: A short chapter featuring Integra and Seras's kids here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Chris_Stork/8974/The-Slutification-of-Integra/53588/Chapter-11/The-Future-Integras-Kids Is anyone interested in seeing more? If not no big deal. I can just do something else.
I have thought of it and I do have plans for some Millennium members to fuck Seras. Just not soon. Hans will have her much later when I do a pregnancy themed arc in the story. Zorin and Alhambra are coming the arc right after this one concludes. Luke is a side character I haven't yet decided what to do with. Rip is in the same spot Luke is in. Major and Doc won't be in simply because they don't have much of any personality to write. Schro is -spoilers redacted-. Seras will be having fun with Yumie and Heinkel eventually, she will slut-train them next arc. I'm about halfwayish through the next chapter, a Seras/Pip one. I'm going to be making a call back to that promise Seras made to herself way back in chapter two. Does anyone have any kind of suggestions or things they'd like to see soon?
I haven't forgotten, for the last year I've been working fifty-sixty hour weeks. That really takes a toll on you. I just haven't had the time or energy to write much. Now it's different and I hope to write more this year. The next couple of chapters will have Seras/Pip, Seras/Alucard, and a few gangbang chapters. I'm open to suggestions on what people would like to see in future chapters. If any one has any thing they want in I'm more than willing to hear it.
A few things: One- Until two days ago there wasn't any more chapters. Two- I have to manually edit in all the line breaks and formatting here. It's time consuming. Three- I've generally gotten the impression that the story isn't well-liked on AFF. One review and the last six responses here are all mine. I'll put the next chapter up soon.
http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054582&chapter=23 And the last chapter is done. I hope everyone has enjoyed these parts with Integra, though the focus will now return to Seras. I do have some Clue-like what-ifs planned for Integra based off different ideas I had. The first will feature her children as an introduction to them. These will be posted on Hentai Foundry. Thank you for reading.
And the Integra/Hans chapter is out: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Chris_Stork/8974/The-Slutification-of-Integra/44540/Chapter-9/Animal-Husbandry-201. Let the voting commence. Any thoughts/feelings on the chapter?
A first draft of the Integra/Hans chapter: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Chris_Stork/12670/Scraps-Incomplete-Verses/43925/Chapter-8/SoI--Hans-chapter Currently I'm planning on expanding the parts with the horse and Integra giving Hans a blowjob. Does anyone have any suggestions for what they'd like to see?
Next chapter out: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054582&chapter=21 As we are down to one more chapter before the end, a few things: Once the Hans chapter is posted that will be it for requests. If you'd like to see someone with Integra it unfortunately will have to wait. Voting will go one for about two weeks after the Hans chapter is up and it will be locked, I will tally the votes and get the last chapter out. I'm thinking about posting some what ifs and non-canon entries to SoI. It'd go on HF as AFF doesn't handle that sort of thing well. Does anyone have an opinion on it?
Rough draft of the next chapter is up: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Chris_Stork/12670/Scraps-Incomplete-Verses/40571/Chapter-7/SoS--Opera-201 Any thoughts?