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Everything posted by Ughi

  1. Hi I am looking for some fics that i read but can not find them , as i forgot there name. 1. I remember having only to chapter the last time i read it. After the war Harry opens a casino and a brothel or strip club (not sure wich one , or is both) . He has Fleur as assistant and he has sex with him in his office. SHe sad she left Bill after he insulted her. Ron also visits the casino and looses all the time a lot of money . To teach him a leason and get his money back some how Harry brings Ron to his office and shows him that his daughter Rose is working for harry and he fucks her in fron of Ron and thells him he will bring Hermione in to work to pay back the money Ron owns Him. 2I read this a long time ago. Dont remamber a lot of it. I remamber that Hermione invents a new potions and convinces Harry to test it. The potion makes harry's dick grow and makes it hard , as hermione sad tthe potion is some type of stone skin. And then hermione helps harry relive some presure by sucking and i thik he fucks her. A other chapter was about giiny that she used a cream but becouse the cream expired her breast grows big , then hermione comes in the room , ands starts helping Ginni so she dosent die becouse of the weight and then it becomes lesbian shows. I think that harry also joins them and use s the cream to make his dick bi
  2. Thanks , this is the story i was looking for.
  3. Hi , I am looking for a story i read a couple of years ago. It start before harry goes on the horucx hunt. He was at the weasleys. All the guys in the house where having sex. Ron - hearmione , Bill - Flour and so on. Harry wasent allowed to have sex with ginny becouse of the protective brothers. becouse of that , i think ginny talks with the other girls to have sex with harry so he has more experience for when they will have sex. I knwo that he has sex with , luna , hermione , fleur , alice . I also remamber that Ginny's birthday came and the brothers slipted a ring on ginny's finger that only they can remove and that the ring will tell them when ginny will lose her virginity and that they can aparete to her and beat harry for it. The other girls dont like that gift and they start cursing them with diferent spellls. I think most of spells they used where for ipotance. and they told they boyfriends that they will not have sex with them and that they had sex with harry. after that harry , ron , hermione and ginny leaves for the hunt and they stop at sirry's house. They sleep in the same room and there is a thunderstorm that night and ginny has sex with harry. he tells him that the ring wont work becouse she alredy lost her virginity riding a broom or using a dildo. And she uses that thunderstom as her excuse for yealing when harry fucks her. She tells ron that she was afraid that why she was screaming. That is all i remamber from the story. Sorry about speling mistakes. Thanks
  4. I am looking for two story i read a couple of yeas ago. 1.Story I think harry goes to sleep or something happens that he gats in a paralel univers where there is a girl vesion of him.Which he technicli thinks is his sister. That girls is the one that defeted Voldermort in that univers when she was a bab( not sure if she has a scar)y. She was raised by Sirius in Diagon Alley. They meet and feels a connection betewene them . I thing they have sex. I remamber that harry also has sex with his sister best frend and one other girl.(i think is one of the patil sisters and one of the slytherin girls but i dont remamber). I also remamber that he checks the time with a spell and he gets a searis of numbers and he know that the first couple of numbers are alwas the same just the last couple of numbers shows the time. But after geting in the paralel univers he realised that one of the first numbars has change and he thinks becouse he his in a diferent univers. 2.Story Ithink the titale was Ginny;s playtime but i am not sure and the title dident help y fiend it so far. i remamber that it starts with ginny havving some fun with ron ,like sucking him and that. after that Hermione cums of and they do the same . not Sure if Ginny has sex with ron but i remamber that hermione wont. After harry come and joins the fun . I thnk that molly joins them a couple of times.I remamber that after a while that Ron gets jelous that harry gets more action them him and trys to rape ginny . after that he stays out of the house and meets luna. after that they start going naked in the house. i remamber that hermione parents visit and they get naked also. And becouse they where neked they start having sex in the living room and then hermione and harry comes in and when hermione sees that she ask harry to take her virginity. after that harry and hermione's dad change girls. I ramamber that one time Sirius comes and visits and joins the fun with ahrry and i think he sucks him at that time. That is all i remamber about the story. If someone knows the storys please tell. i will by greatfull.
  5. thanks , i know tat one , The story i am looking for he is trying to take the magic word. I think he is forced to inpregnant Narcisa so the Malfoy line continues becouse he destroyed Dracos balls. I think he marr's ginny and makes it look like Cedric raped Ginny and ask as repayment for Cho to spend her weding night with harry. I think he forces hermione but after he makes her pregnant she accepts harry and she makes people belives that she carryes Sirrius baby i think not sure about last part.
  6. hi, am I looking for a fic, it start with harry in the chamber of secrets . Something along the line that he looks in the eye of the basalik and gains power. then he fucks ginny. not sure if he makes her his slavve. After that he just gets diferent girls pregnanat. He tells them what name the baby will have and who the baby will mary. I know he has hermionn , cho and i forgot the rest of the girls. I read it a couple of year ago and i will want to read it again. Thanks
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