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  1. I do not mind. It would be nice to read someone else's take on the idea. On a side note, chap 2 will come out soon, I've just been busy with my courses and nanowrimo.
  2. Me Again~ I've reposted the story and also added in a few notes about what is in the story to the first chapter so people have even more warnings. If what happened last time happens again I'm going to follow the advice I was given by the wonderful admins. Here is the link for the story: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098648
  3. I'm sorry Guest_InAMood but after some reviews I received after posting my story that have got me really upset I will be taking down my story. I will have to think of another way to write the story. I hope you do not mind.
  4. Thank you for telling me. I will make sure to do so in the future. Here is the link for the story: http: //hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098639
  5. Thank you I will do my very best though I might not be very fast. I have just uploaded the first chapter, the story is called 'Naughty Harry'. I put lots of tags/warnings on it to be on the safe side.
  6. Is it okay for me to have a go? Do you have a set word count/chapter count that you are looking for?
  7. Hi, sorry it took me so long to post this but I couldn't post a single thing on the site until the wonderful Mod's had a look at it for me. I posted what I've written, I hope you like it. I'm not sure about continuing it. I hope you like it, sorry about the wait and thank you Lissa, hope you enjoy it. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096537
  8. Alright, I'm taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo this month so it'll be up some time at the end or start of next month depending on what happens with Camp NaNoWriMo Lissa, I'm so happy you like my stories! With luck I hope you like my Sirius/Harry Daddykink fic too, hope I don't let anyone down. I'll write lots and get it posted as soon as I can ;3
  9. Hi, I'm writting something very similar to this, in fact the only difference is how Sirius started treating Harry as a baby, basically Askaban and being forced to stay in number 12 has made Sirius a bit insane so when Harry comes from the MoM with the news that Sirius is free and Sirius and Harry can live together Sirius decides to take it upon himself to invent a new tradition about how Godfather's treat their Godson's. Sirius starts to treat Harry as a baby, dressing him up in nappies and baby clothes but Sirius also pleasures Harry sexually. I've not posted it yet but if your interested in it let me know. Sorry it's not identical to what you want for this challenge, I found it after starting to write my Sirius/Harry Daddykink fic.
  10. Sorry for making you wait so long but I've now got a completed or almost complete outline and I've posted the first four chapters to the fic and I'm currently writing the fifth chapter. The fic is called the Weasley's slut, sorry about the poor title. Hope you like the fic, the link for the fic is: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095718
  11. Hi, I'd like to say I'd have a go at this challenge, not sure how fast I'll have it done and there will be a few differences here and there from your ideas but I'd still like to have a go at this.
  12. How about he see's some old films of Vernon's or maybe he walks in on a couple or a few people going at it which peeps his intreast? You could also have a book that falls out of a classmates bag which Harry picks up and reads gaining his intreast.
  13. I think that I'm somehow doing this challenge in someway with the HarryistheWeasleysSlut Challenge but I'd me more then happy to help you by beta'ing and/or by swapping ideas.
  14. Hi, now I have a log on the forums I can put this down. I'm doing your challenge and I'm combining it with your other challenge where you want a slutHarry fic. I'm not sure when it'll be up but I'm working on an outline for it now, the fic should be a Multi-Chapter length fic. If you'd like to see the outline I'm making let me know and I'll send it to you. Yamiyugi23.
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