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Posts posted by Shapooda

  1. Hi!

    It's not a button that you're missing. What it does require is that you go in and edit the story details. Tags are part of the Summary Field, and are added initially after you choose them from the dropdown menu when you first publish. Adding tags is slightly different once the story is published.

    To edit the tags, just access your Control Panel in your archive profile, going to the appropriate subdomain in the list on the left, and selecting 'Edit' from the options. Then choose the story in question from the dropdown menu on the left, and 'Edit Details' from the dropdown menu on the right. From there, you would choose the Summary Field and add the tags there. You need to type them in by hand, since there is no dropdown for those once you've posted the story. If they won't fit because the field only permits 240 characters, you can add the tags at the top of your first chapter, and mark it "Warnings" or "Additional Tags."

    ahh okay, thanks! I was doing that for awhile and wasn't sure if there was another way to get it done.

  2. When you first post a story you get the option to add tags like D/s, bdsm, etc. and as my story progressed I found that I was lacking some, but I can't find an option to add them, and now it seems they've disappeared almost entirely. Is there a button I'm missing, or is this not possible?


  3. Author: Shapooda

    Title: Bound by Blood

    Summary: Skaa is an unusual Hellion, an oddity, and Drust has to have him. Skaa's entire life is shadowed in a dark secret that his heritage will force him to face, a destiny he can't survive alone. Part II [Chapter 14+]: Madness is a darkness that changes you. Can Skaa overcome his darkness? While fighting for Skaa, will Drust's shadows deepen into darkness?

    Feedback: Constructive criticism is always appreciated, or just drop in and say what you think C:

    Fandom: original

    Pairing: M/M

    Warnings: Abuse,Anal,AFFO,M/M,Slave,Tent,Violence,WIP

    Solo story or chaptered story: Recently posted chapters 15-18. Chapter 19 is previewed on my site. [New chapters posted frequently]

    URL: http://original.adul...hp?no=600104690

    Some arts by me. More on my site if you give a shit lol [All far more graphic than this, so be warned]


    I have a huge crush on my own character, Skaa. Ever since fifth grade actually. Kind of sad, but good for you, because I'm always encouraged to write more about him. If you like it, don't be scared I won't finish it. If I've liked this character for this long, there's plenty of hope that I'll finish it. Part I has way more slashy than Part II, and if you happen to like Drust, Part II will have more on him than Part I.

    I've always loved fiction that deals with madness and seeing my brother deal with addiction gave me a decent outlook on it. Addiction doesn't always mean drugs, but it's always fairly similar. As for madness, I think that comes in different forms too. I've seen people do some pretty ugly things, and I have no idea why. As such, be prepared to see a lot of that in my fiction.

    Thanks for looking/reading! Even if you don't read it C;

  4. I'll write about just about anything, but on that note, I usually don't end up writing heavy torture or deeply disturbing stuff, and absoltuely no scat. I also don't write F/F. But hetero is in play.

    http://original.adul...hp?no=600104690 Bound in Blood is the specific story I need help with. I wouldn't call it plot heavy, but it does have one. Fantasy, original universe (think Skyrim, the sky's the limit with the characters here) Not really too seme Uke things happening, but some dom/sub and a bit of rape, so if that's a turn-off to you...This wouldn't be any heavy duty work; we all have lives, and I'm in the middle of my thesis, but writing does help relieve stress for me, so I happen to write at least a little bit each week. So don't feel like you'll be pressured to keep up. This is for fun right?

    Well, let me know if you're interested. Send me a link to your writing and maybe a bit about what you like to write about. You can reply to the post or messege and I'm not quite sure how emails work on here yet. But that's open too.

    Thanks C:

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