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Posts posted by justpucky

  1. Well, if you take a cannon Harry (at least at the beginning) he's sverely neglected... The dursley's are afraid of his "freakyness" contaminating them so they never touch him. When he gets to hogwarts Have someone in Griffyndor touch him casually (hand on the back of the neck or something) and Harry's so touch deprived he'll do anything for skin contact. You can have some people be casual and proper, but others take advantage of the innocent boy. At some point in the story Harry decided he likes and needs the contact, and eventually decided he really likes the pleasure and he'll trade for anything. as long as it involves skin on skin contact.

  2. I've read the discontinued story on ff.net. When you're reposting chapter 18, close to the beginning when they'er reviewing the steps to make the family tree, it refers to the Maternal line (mothers), but then mentions the Fraternal line, which is not the fathers line, but brothers. Paternal would be the fathers line. If you could correct that when you post... it's a small thing but annoys me.

    I can't wait for you to reach beyond chap 25 and I can read the new portion of the story!

  3. Hehehehehehe Well keep me updated!

    It's of course a strange couple to bgin with, but aren't those stories the best? They really start to learn to love, respect and get to know one another. And you've got to agree if there's anyone that must marry Albus Dumbledore, Hermoine would be his most perfect match no?? (or do you prefer Albus with dear Luna?) ;)

    What do all of you think?

    I think Ms. Rowling did us all a favor when she made Albus prefer his own sex. (there are multiple references to a intimate relationship - or at least infatuation- with Gellert )

  4. That pairing squicks me personally, but from the perspective of a marriage law story it makes sense. Albus is very powerful, and very old. If he didn't have children, the wizarding world would definately want him to have offspring. Many of the purebloods wouldn't want their children married to a muggleborn, but to keep the muggleborn and their ofspring in the wizarding world, they need to tie individuals like Hermoine to magical's who are wholey invested in the wizarding world. I can see those two being assigned together in a marriage law drawing.

    *wanders off to read the inspriation piece :pcwhack:

  5. After I read the following story at ff.net 7364133 Story name: Partial Match.

    The idea percolated with the concept in fan fiction regarding the genetic "Black Madness" This Challenge is the result of the stew. I don't beleive that I could write a dark enough story to do the concept justice.

    PotterVerse Characteristics: (given facts)

    It is the blood of magical creature who crossed with human that give us the ability to weild a wand.

    Ancient and Noble family lines are of creature origin, the children of these lines have a CHANCE of a creature inheritance at 16.

    Common magicals are children with two magical parents, or come from minor family lines where the blood is too diluted to manifest a creature inheritance.

    A Half blood child between an A &N Line and a common magical line, still have the chance of inheritance.

    A half blood child between an A & N line and a muggle or muggle born will not receive a creature inheritance - there are too many contaminates in the blood.

    Family magics exists - magic that is in the blood and only mastered by those in the line.


    Black family magic - defensive wards, darker magic, once the ward is breached they can maim or kill the tresspasser.

    Black family line - Incubi / succubi - Hasn't been a full inheritance in generations, but they do still "feed" on sexual magic. If a black has more than one partner they can't "process" the consumed magic and it leads to an imbalance commonly referred to as "Black Madness".

    Potter family magic - Protective wards, light magic, once the ward is breached they contain the tresspasser passively.

    Potter family line - Aleron (some light oriented winged creature)- details are at the authors descretion, but this creature is not compatable with the demon in the black line.

    James Potter is the sone of Charlus Potter and Dorea Black. The marriage was a result of the desire to merge the family magics and combine the best of the ward characteristics. It took over 20 years to conceive and carry to live birth due to the non-compatible nature of the magic and creature inheritances. Resulting in a spoiled rotton child.

    Everybody sees the Potter looks and Potter name, they forgot about the black heritage. When he recieved the Fairy's and Flowers (birds and bees) lecture before embarking on the Hogwarts express, his parents didn't think the Black chastity lecture was necessary. He had the Potter affiliation with air.

    Sirius Black, a full blooded black, did receive the black chastity lecture, but had been rebelling against his parents for so long that he didn't listen to the details. He assumed (wrongly) that it was part of their pureblood supremacy and added to the betrothal price.

    These two boys, cousins, spiraled into madess together as puberty hit and they began playing around with the other commons and muggle borns. The more promiscuous they became the less stabil they acted, their pranks becoming more and more visious. Since they were part of a close group of friends the madess wasn't as noticable as it would have been with one student standing alone. People chose not to see the darkness becuase "A Potter is light."

    Challenge option 1: a MWPP era story of the descent into madness.

    Challenge option 2: A Hogwarts era story post penseive incident in OOTP, as Harry looks for answer's regarding the conflict between Snapes view of his father, and everything he's been told by others.


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